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Western Media Fails Balata Refugee Camp...yet again | 02.03.2006 11:30 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Repression

The Israeli army re-invaded Balata Refugee camp in full force on Thursday 23/02/06, killing five camp residents and injuring scores, including two medical workers. In only a few days, the operation termed 'Northern Glory' by the Israeli Occupation Forces has resulted in seven fatalities and around 100 injured.

See for updates and photos from Balata

The Israeli army re-invaded Balata Refugee camp in full force on Thursday 23/02/06, killing five camp residents and injuring scores, including two medical workers. In only a few days, the operation termed 'Northern Glory' by the Israeli Occupation Forces has resulted in seven fatalities and around 100 injured.

Thursday's dead included:

* 19 year old Ibrahim Saadi, shot dead while throwing a stone at the heavily armoured jeeps in the Odakhiya neighbourhood. Contrary to IOF claims, Ibrahim was not throwing Molotov cocktails.
* 20 year-0ld Naim Abu Sharif, fatally shot while standing on the roof of his home. Contrary to reports in Israeli newspapers, Naim was unarmed.
* Hammoude Ishtewi, Mohammed Amar and Abu Ali Samiri, all in their mid-twenties, were tracked down and trapped before being killed. The three members of the Al-Aqsa Brigades were sheltering from the invading soldiers in a hidden alcove in Mohammed Amar's uncle's home. The IOF, acting on information that the three were concealed in the building, blew up several sections of the house before shooting them. Contrary to reports in Israeli newspapers, the Palestinian fighters did not initiate the clash, attempting instead to remain hidden.

Attacks on Medical workers:

Two UPMRC workers were seriously injured as the IOF continued to target medical workers. Jarar and Ihab were both shot at close range in an alleyway near the Abu Amar home, despite having made their presence known and being accompanied by international volunteers. Israeli forces refused
to allow medical treatment for Ihab, lying still on the ground after being shot in the head, instead arresting him. Ambulances also continued to be denied access.

The people of Balata continued to resist the invasion by taking to the streets in defiance of the curfew, tanks and bulldozers threatening them.

There has been virtually no coverage of the invasion in Western press, while the "liberal" Ha'aretz repeats IOF lies.

As the rest of the world continues with its routines, Balata mourns their dead.

Read updates from the camp and see photos at:

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