UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
“We’re Looking For the ‘President of Employment’” Revolution in Mexico?
18-10-2009 17:28
"The government-owned Federal Electricity Commission will be in charge of providing electricity to central Mexico. However, according to the SME’s Secretary General Martin Esparza, “An electrician isn’t made overnight. They calculated wrong and they could spark a social conflict on a grand scale if the blackouts continue.” The first such conflict appeared on Wednesday in Ocoyocoac county in the State of Mexico, where residents blocked the Mexico-Toluca freeway for three hours to protest a blackout.What was clear yesterday afternoon is that Calderon’s decree provoked feelings of unity between the SME, the working class, and civil society in general. Those hundreds of thousands in the Zocalo plaza indicate that people are fed up with Calderon’s structural adjustments. Mexican society took to the streets, where struggles are won, and were doña Lucia, the eighty-something-year-old wife of a SME retiree, told Narco News, “We’re looking for the ‘president of employment,’ but we just can’t find him.”
Translator’s notes:
1. FECAL is one of President Felipe Calderon’s nicknames, formed by combining the first two letters of his first name and the first three letters of his last name. And yes, “Fecal” means the same thing in Spanish that it does in English.
2. France’s Napoleon III declared Maximiliano de Habsburgo “emperor of Mexico” in 1864. Mexicans executed him in 1867."
Target Brimar campaign statement, Saturday 17th October 2009
17-10-2009 15:43
Arrests at peaceful anti-arms demonstration in ChaddertonThree Decommissioning Defendants Arrested at Target Brimar
17-10-2009 15:21 of US NATO War in Afghanistan: The Risks of Regional Conflagration
17-10-2009 09:20
If McChrystal gains the additional 60,000 American troops he's requested and NATO provides several thousand more, combined Western military forces in Afghanistan could number some 180,000. With control of former Soviet airbases in the nation in addition to air fields in Central Asia, Iraq, the South Caucasus, Turkey and the Black Sea nations of Bulgaria and Romania, Washington and its allies could be poised for military operations against Iran far more ambitious than any discussed or rumored before.The expansion of the South Asian war into Pakistan also allows the West to employ that nation for future attacks against Iran.
Coup-makers are looking forward to South Africa
17-10-2009 03:20
The qualification for the World Cup in South Africa is handy for the coup regime in HondurasFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Arrests Expected for Smash EDO Mayday Demonstration
16-10-2009 09:41
Support the Decommissioners Events in London, Bristol, Brighton and Manchester
16-10-2009 09:14
EDO Decommissioners Week of ActionPress Release - Smash EDO Rally Calling for Council Motion Condemning EDO
16-10-2009 08:46
Press ReleaseFor immediate release: 16/10/2009
Press Release - Smash EDO to Council: We should discuss weapons factory in our city?
Massive expansions of US-NATO “counterinsurgency” in Afghanistan
15-10-2009 22:13

While bellicose new calls for the Obama administration and NATO to exponentially deepen the “war on terrorism” are being repeated endlessly, McChrystal and his own horrific crimes have received scant notice in the corporate propaganda media.
PUBLIC MEETING -sat 17 october, 6pm, Queen mary university, room 210, Laws build
15-10-2009 22:12
These prison camps must be shut down and all internally displaced persons (IDPs) must be freed immediately.Speakers include:
peter Taaffe general secretary of the Socialist Party, has campaigned and written about the struggle of workers and the poor in Sri Lanka for many years, and has visited Tamil areas in Sri Lanka.
Janani paramsothy organiser of protests in Parliament Square
Nagarjunan (ramesh Gopalakrishnan) South asia researcher for amnesty international and well-known Tamil writer.
Senan international coordinator for Tamil Solidarity
Target Brimar Demo - Saturday Oct 17th
15-10-2009 11:08

Saturday – hope to see you all there. This is just a little recap of how
you can come along and join us, and what you can expect to find.
Reports from the Brighton-Tubas Group - The Abu-Najeh Family
15-10-2009 08:00
Six members of Brighton Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group are now in the West Bank. They have been visiting communities in the Jordan Valley and Bil'in, and have a lot of plans for the next few weeks. Read their blog at to keep up to date with what is happening.The Brighton Tubas Region Friendship and Solidarity Group is a network aiming at fostering links between community organisations in Tubas, occupied Palestine and Brighton. The Tubas Region, which includes the Northern Jordan Valley, is an area Israel wants to ethnically cleanse and annex. Israel is doing this by making life impossible for the people of the valley.
4-5 November: Trial of the Northwood Six
15-10-2009 07:52
Trial of the six activists arrested at the 'Die-in for NATO's Victims in Afghanistan' outside Britain's military nerve centre in Northwood earlier this year.From 10am, Watford Magistrates Court, The Court House, Clarendon Rd, WD17 1ST

October Surprise: Peace Prize to a War Criminal
14-10-2009 19:42

American war making continues, sanctified and legitimized under Obama's peacemaker mantle. In fact, his speeches are disingenuous and lie-filled. He disdains peace. The renamed "Global War on Terror" is now the "Overseas Contingency Operation." His ambition is global dominance. His method - imperial wars with a first-strike nuclear option.
Chavez’s Lines: ¡¡Viva El Che!!
14-10-2009 13:28
"What has Obama done to deserve this award? The jury praised as crucial feature his wish for a world without nuclear weapons, forgetting his efforts to perpetuate his battalions in Iraq and Afghanistan, and his decision to install new military bases in Colombia. For the first time, we are witnessing an award with the nominee having done nothing to deserve it: rewarding someone for a wish that is very far from becoming reality.But that is the world. Imagine someone giving a pitcher the Cy Young Award at the beginning of the season, only because he said he will win 50 games, will not lose any, will strike out 500 batters and his ERA will not exceed 0.5. Rosines[3] said: “No Way!” Meanwhile, daily engaged as were are, in the solution of a thousand problems, it is an immense joy that fills the soul to see how we move with more libertarian determination towards the consolidation of a real alternative for our peoples, although from Washington they tell us that we should be a more "constructive" country for the region. The things people say! In reality what “worries” them is the way we are moving towards a destination that puts the people of America at the epicenter of change and not in their failed "little free trade agreements” that crashed against the united valor of the people determined to be free and sovereign.
¡Viva el Che! ¡Hasta la victoria siempre! ¡Venceremos!"
Sheffield Activist Network Welcome Party for Phil Harvey
14-10-2009 10:09
We are SAN, We are everywhere.this is how immigrants are treated in Greece !! - Fotos
14-10-2009 04:36

The still-missing central fact in the Iran drama
13-10-2009 22:28
"Does that sound like the CIA actually knows whether Iran ever even discovered "that its cover had been blown," let alone that this was the reason the Iranians disclosed the facility to the IAEA? Obviously not. Time can say only that U.S. officials (unnamed, of course) "believe" that this happened — based on what? — but cannot even say how Iran might have learned of the U.S. discovery (that's "unclear"). Plainly, at least according to this account and every other that I've seen, there are no known facts to support the claim that this is what motivated Iran's IAEA disclosure. It's just something that gets asserted without any challenge or questioning."NATO WC Communique #1 One Month to Go!
13-10-2009 19:06
Hello and welcome to the first communique from the NATO Welcoming Committee. This is going to be the way the NATO Welcoming Committee communicates with the media and with people following the mobilisation against the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in November.Carnival Against the Arms Trade Court Date set
13-10-2009 14:32
Five people are on trial in Brighton Magistrates Court for several offences relating to last year's Carnival Against the Arms Trade (see -