UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Support the Asnar Family - Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group Appeal
12-10-2009 22:01
URGENT: Support Ezat's right to visit his sick daughter in hospitalObama and the Nobel Prize: When War becomes Peace,When the Lie becomes the Truth
12-10-2009 20:56

At this critical juncture in our history, the Norwegian Nobel Committee's decision to award the Nobel Peace Prize to President and Commander in Chief Barack Obama constitutes an unmitigated tool of propaganda and distortion, which unreservedly supports the Pentagon's "Long War": "A War without Borders" in the true sense of the word, characterised by the Worlwide deployment of US military might.
Obama Nobel Peace Laureate (by Latuff)
12-10-2009 20:02

Palestine Today 101209
12-10-2009 19:58

Obama: Manufacturing A Savior––A Case Study In Social Engineering, Zahir Ebrahim
12-10-2009 11:56

Is the Norwegian Nobel Committee imbecilic? Or is it under the influence of some bizarre psychotropically induced “hope” that President Barack Obama might end World War IV sooner than expected? That American bombs, and American sponsored destabilizations and balkanizations, while bringing peace, might kill fewer innocent civilians and destroy fewer nations than thought earlier? What's really going on here? The Manufacturing of a 'Savior'.
AUDACITY IN NORWAY!: It's a morbid joke, right? Barack Obama? Nobel Peace Prize?
12-10-2009 02:58
The Audacity of Hype! Not since Henry Kissinger was given "the Peace Prize" in 1973 has the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize involved such a sad and tragic irony. Between now and delivering his "Peace" Prize acceptance speech, Obama will be sending drones to bomb mostly collaterally innocent people every week (in their homes, marketplaces, villages, and even wedding parties). He will be continuing to operate George 'Dubya' Bush's practically beyond-the-law, rendition-torture gulags (notoriously, Gitmo & Bagram). He will be expanding the technological advancements, types and potential "usability" of U.S. nuclear weapons (while supposedly also being awarded "for his attempts to curb nuclear proliferation"). And, he will be, upon their every request, militarily resupplying a racist apartheid state (Israel) with cumulatively billions of dollars worth of cluster, DIME and phosphorus bombs, no matter how many fleeing families upon whom that state will use those execrable terror weapons. The Nobel Peace Committee must still be high on the 'Obamalade' to make such a blatant mockery of what the Nobel prize for peace(!) should stand for. Or, should they now call it the Nobel "Peace Is War" Prize? [ --JA]World boycott campaign to Chiquita for its support of the Coup d’ Etat in Honduras
12-10-2009 02:50

Peace Prize winner Obama: We will target al Qaeda wherever they take root
11-10-2009 19:29

As the US is preparing to expand the scale of its global reign of terror, we will be constantly bombarded with such insane propaganda until the time when even the most gullible people realize what is really going on.
Troops Out of Afghanistan - national demonstration
11-10-2009 18:40
The majority of people in Britain want the troops out of Afghanistan now. They know this war is unwinnable and unjustifiable. The demonstration on Saturday 24 October will give voice to that majority who say the troops must come home now.Why Obama? By Zahir Ebrahim
11-10-2009 11:15
These prizes are anything but “empty gestures”. It is both a payoff to tickle the ego of the 'errand boy', and a propaganda seed. In the expert hands of the Mighty Wurlitzer, such a gift can convince the masses of the most ridiculous absurdities, like the War on Terror already has. The proof of these statements of fact is both empirical, and historical. Watch Barack Obama crafted into a fine new global 'savior' at the expense of the 'untermenschen'. That's why the United States President, ceremoniously presiding over the most militarized superpower in the world which has just devastated two civilizations to smithereens, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize while he rapidly accelerates his war prosecution to bring “peace” in a one-world government.
War and Peace Prizes
10-10-2009 19:19
The dismaying gift of the Nobel prize puts Barack Obama on the list of its winners who promised peace but prosecuted war.How to win the Nobel Peace Prize by Zahir Ebrahim
10-10-2009 03:05
Pardon me if I am not tripping all over myself congratulating the “peace prize” winners!
Reports from the Brighton Tubas Solidarity Group - Update From Bil In
09-10-2009 21:28
A delegation from Brighton are in Palestine. They will be reporting on the numberous resistance projects in the Jordan Valley, where local Bedouins and other Palestinians are coming together to challenge the occupation by constructing schools, health clinics, homes, playgrounds, roads and water pipes in defiance of Israeli military restrictions Read their blog att to keep up to date with what is happening.Honduran coup leaders offer "dialogue"... (by Latuff)
09-10-2009 18:51

Not the Climate for Just Climate Justice Mobilisations in Colombia
08-10-2009 19:08
A blog post from Colombia where I work with The Network for Solidarity with Colombia. ( am between taking part in an event about Climate Justice and accompanying the Minga for Social and Community Resistance, which provoked some personal reflections on what organising against climate change means in Colombia, and what we can take from this in our climate change activism here in the UK.
Palestine Today 100809
08-10-2009 18:12

CAAT University Network Gathering 2009
07-10-2009 14:04
CAAT's Annual University Network Gathering will take place 1st November 2009 in central London.Citizen Weapons Inspectors visit Manchester Factory
07-10-2009 11:23
At 8am on Monday morning, several ‘citizen weapons inspectors’ from the Target Brimar campaign visited the Chadderton premises of arms manufacturer Brimar, seeking information on possible connections between Brimar’s products and human rights abuses committed in Gaza and the West Bank, Iraq, and Afghanistan.The Anglo-US Drive into Eurasia and the Demonization of Russia
05-10-2009 19:23
"In reality, the Cold War did not start because of Soviet aggression, but because of a long-standing historic impulse by Anglo-American elites to encircle and control Eurasia. The Soviet Union honoured its agreement with Britain and the U.S. not to intervene in Greece, which even came at the expense of Yugoslav-Soviet relations as Marshal Tito broke with Stalin over the issue. This, however, did not stop the U.S. and Britain from falsely accusing the Soviets of supporting the Greek Communists and declaring war on the Soviets through the Truman Doctrine. This move was a part of the Anglo-American bid to encircle the Soviet Union and to control Eurasia. Today this policy, which existed before the First World War and helped spark the Second World War, has not changed and Anglo-American elites, such as Zbigniew Brzezinski, still talk about partitioning Russia, the successor state of the Soviet Union."On abduction, and torture of the Filipino-American Melissa Roxas
05-10-2009 11:22