TWO Battles of Baghdad
Captain Eric H. May | 24.08.2006 19:31 | Anti-militarism
A former Army officer describes the realities of Bush League unreality on the topic of the Battle of Baghdad, just admitted yesterday by Ambassador Khalilzad -- but having happened three years ago. Welcome to Orwell 101.
TWO Battles of Baghdad
one covered up & one uncovered
So yesterday the US Ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal (where I used to publish my own op-eds) admitting the obvious -- that there is an ongoing Battle of Baghdad. This is a confirmation of the article I published two weeks before the "stunning" admission of reality as Another Battle of Baghdad Cover Up -- It's Time for Truth! in the cyber-magazine, The Price of Liberty:
As anyone who compares the two will quickly find, the ambassador is doing what ambassadors do -- playing with truth -- while in my op-ed I state it bluntly. The most blunt fact of all is that the US media has hidden from the awful words "Battle of Baghdad" since the original Battle of Baghdad began -- over three years ago (covered up by the Jessica Lynch disinformation story).
Why on earth would any American citizen believe Khalilzad's current analysis and prognosis (both absurdly hopeful) in light of the fact that we were urged to believe that Private Lynch was the biggest story in Baghdad back in April, 2003. If the Bush League didn't want to level with the public about that Battle of Baghdad, why would they be prone to do it now?
Since two articles, written by Jeff Archer, have recently appeared internationally, based on his interviews with me, a former Army intelligence and public affairs officer who saw through the first scam -- and opposed it. I offer them to a public that is becoming more and more interested in the realities that underlie the Disney World War that we have been fed in place of real news. They represent my insights on this unreported event, derived from three years of research and discussion with parties who were there -- on all sides:
Baghdad and Info Wars (Part One)
Baghdad and Info Wars (Part Two)
Lest anyone think that what has happened in Iraq between the two Battle of Baghdad -- the covered up one of three years ago and the recently admitted one going on now -- I refer them to my report on the original Battle of Baghdad, along with the essays that formed my contribution to the strategic discourse we didn't have: The Published Essays at that site's Supporting Documents represent my predictions (going back to 1992) that an invasion of Iraq would turn into a quicksand war; the Unpublished Essays represent my predictions of what was to come as a result of our invasion -- and for that reason were silenced. I stand by all the essays, and all the predictions. Time has borne them out as rational thought by a reasonable Army-trained thinker and writer.
Captain May / Ghost Troop Commander
Captain May's Congressional Report on Ghost Troop's 2003 efforts to tell the story of the Battle of Baghdad Cover Up (BOBCUP) can be found at
one covered up & one uncovered
So yesterday the US Ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal (where I used to publish my own op-eds) admitting the obvious -- that there is an ongoing Battle of Baghdad. This is a confirmation of the article I published two weeks before the "stunning" admission of reality as Another Battle of Baghdad Cover Up -- It's Time for Truth! in the cyber-magazine, The Price of Liberty:

As anyone who compares the two will quickly find, the ambassador is doing what ambassadors do -- playing with truth -- while in my op-ed I state it bluntly. The most blunt fact of all is that the US media has hidden from the awful words "Battle of Baghdad" since the original Battle of Baghdad began -- over three years ago (covered up by the Jessica Lynch disinformation story).
Why on earth would any American citizen believe Khalilzad's current analysis and prognosis (both absurdly hopeful) in light of the fact that we were urged to believe that Private Lynch was the biggest story in Baghdad back in April, 2003. If the Bush League didn't want to level with the public about that Battle of Baghdad, why would they be prone to do it now?
Since two articles, written by Jeff Archer, have recently appeared internationally, based on his interviews with me, a former Army intelligence and public affairs officer who saw through the first scam -- and opposed it. I offer them to a public that is becoming more and more interested in the realities that underlie the Disney World War that we have been fed in place of real news. They represent my insights on this unreported event, derived from three years of research and discussion with parties who were there -- on all sides:
Baghdad and Info Wars (Part One)

Baghdad and Info Wars (Part Two)

Lest anyone think that what has happened in Iraq between the two Battle of Baghdad -- the covered up one of three years ago and the recently admitted one going on now -- I refer them to my report on the original Battle of Baghdad, along with the essays that formed my contribution to the strategic discourse we didn't have: The Published Essays at that site's Supporting Documents represent my predictions (going back to 1992) that an invasion of Iraq would turn into a quicksand war; the Unpublished Essays represent my predictions of what was to come as a result of our invasion -- and for that reason were silenced. I stand by all the essays, and all the predictions. Time has borne them out as rational thought by a reasonable Army-trained thinker and writer.
Captain May / Ghost Troop Commander
Captain May's Congressional Report on Ghost Troop's 2003 efforts to tell the story of the Battle of Baghdad Cover Up (BOBCUP) can be found at
Captain Eric H. May