UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Anti Arms Trade Campaigners on Trial in Worthing Magistrate's Court
28-08-2008 08:24
Smash EDO Press ReleaseThursday August 28th
UK Film Premiere: "Yellow Gate Women"
27-08-2008 18:34
Margaretta D'Arcy returns to Greenham to celebrate the 19-year struggle of the women who put the US military and their nuclear missiles to flight.Bush's expansionism has hit a snag in Georgia (by Latuff)
27-08-2008 08:02

Bush's double standard on Georgia, Iraq and Palestine (by Latuff)
26-08-2008 20:08

Tensions Begin on Eve of DNC
25-08-2008 22:01

Two pink tanks blasting raucous music and masked protesters carrying signs such as “It’s the $y$tem, Stupid”, “No HOPE in Capitalism,” and “Riot for Peace” took over the downtown of the Mile High City on Sunday on the eve of the Democratic National Convention.
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Devonport submarine base blockaded by Trident Ploughshares, one arrest
25-08-2008 21:20

Palestine Today 082508
25-08-2008 15:27

PR Push for Iraq War Preceded Intelligence Findings
24-08-2008 14:00
The U.S. intelligence community buckled sooner in 2002 than previouslyreported to Bush administration pressure for data justifying an invasion of
Iraq, according to a documents posting on the Web today by National Security
Archive senior fellow John Prados.
The documents suggest that the public relations push for war came before the
intelligence analysis, which then conformed to public positions taken by
Pentagon and White House officials. For example, a July 2002 draft [1] of
the "White Paper" ultimately issued by the CIA in October 2002 [2] actually
pre-dated the National Intelligence Estimate that the paper purportedly
summarized, but which Congress did not insist on until September 2002.
A similar comparison between a declassified draft [3] and the final version
[4] of the British government's "White Paper" on Iraq weapons of mass
destruction adds to evidence that the two nations colluded in the effort to
build public support for the invasion of Iraq. Dr. Prados concludes that the
new evidence tends to support charges raised by former White House press
secretary Scott McClellan and by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
in its long-delayed June 2008 "Phase II" report on politicization of
Free Gaza Boats Break Siege of Gaza; International Support Crucial to Success
24-08-2008 10:16

Brian Haw - 7 years on, still going strong
24-08-2008 01:09

Brian's protest, against war and to highlight the ridiculous SOCPA laws, is now in its seventh year.
In the Name of Decency, Compassion & Higher Justice: Allow American War Resister
23-08-2008 14:01
I am beginning to feel like the Government of Canada isattempting to adopt an ideology as our national identity and I am very
disturbed by that. I feel that some of your policies are beginning to depart
from deeply held traditional Canadian values. And you are transforming the
face of Canada with the mandate of a minority Government. You also have a
majority in the House of Commons who voted, on behalf of Canadians, to
support the request made by American War resisters to remain in Canada.
Open Letter to the Canadian Prime Minister
23-08-2008 13:50
I feel that some of your policies are beginning to depart from deeply held traditional Canadian values. And you are transforming the face of Canada with the mandate of a minority Government. You also have a majority in the House of Commons who voted, on behalf of Canadians, to support the request made by American War resisters to remain in Canada.Rwanda: obscuring the truth about the genocide
23-08-2008 13:18

are designed to whitewash Western intervention more broadly.
Barrie Collins,, 13.08.2008
Blockades: Acts of War
23-08-2008 12:55
From July 21 - 31, Joint Task Force (mostly US, but also UK, France, Brazil and Italy) "Operation Brimstone" large scale war games were conducted off the US East coast in the North Atlantic. Its purpose may have been to prepare for a naval blockade of Iran. From what's known a naval deployment may be planned, and a blockade may ensue. The situation remains tense and worrisome.Armenia's Struggle for Independence
23-08-2008 12:29
Each country must find its own way, shaped by its immediate situation, and seen against the backdrop of its own specific cultural and political history. In the case of Armenia, it is evident that any perspective for real economic progress must be based on cooperation with its neighbors in the context of a regional development perspective. This means negotiating political solutions to the continuing conflicts with Azerbaijan and Turkey, in order to reestablish normal economic and trade relations. To achieve this, requires a capable leadership dedicated to the future of its nation and its people, as well as support from the international community. Armenians are seeking such leadership.Missile Defence: Washington and Poland just moved the World closer to War
23-08-2008 12:10

United States and Poland to deploy on Polish soil US `interceptor missiles'
is the most dangerous move towards nuclear war the world has seen since the
1962 Cuba Missile crisis.
Anti-Trident circus skills demo outside Rolls Royce in Derby
23-08-2008 11:17

Come and have fun and say no to Trident’s replacement!
Latest from the boats sailing to Gaza.
23-08-2008 09:35
Early yesterday morning the 43 people on 2 boats of the Free Gaza movement embarked from Cyprus, to sail to Gaza Port, a journey that would normally take 30 or so hours. They are all fine, have sent out footage of themselves from the boats, and it seems that they have not yet had any direct contact with the Israeli navy. However, at 10am today they spoke to their support team in Cyprus to issue this message:War against Iran ? Its not just about nuclear bombs.
23-08-2008 00:32
Even ther CIA says Iran has No nuke programme ,but the U$ and israel still do a song and dance about "enriched uranium."Why?It may not be the Bomb and enriched uranium that the US is worried about but the depleted uranium by-product.
Faslane Peace Camp-Benefit Gig.
22-08-2008 23:16