MORE ON BASRA - Basra - SAS bungled operation - what is going on in our name??
Neil Williams | 20.09.2005 10:17 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | World
Basra - SAS bungled operation - what is going on in our name??
Statements from Guardian Unlimited
Statement one: "In a statement last night the defence secretary, John Reid, said: "I am pleased to be able to say that the British servicemen who were seen being injured in the graphic photographs are being treated for minor injuries only and are expected to return to duty shortly. We remain committed to helping the Iraqi government for as long as they judge that a coalition presence is necessary to provide security."
Statement two: "An official from the Iraqi interior ministry said half a dozen tanks had broken down the walls of the jail and troops had then stormed it to free the two British soldiers. The governor of Basra last night condemned the "barbaric aggression" of British forces in storming the jail."
Fact: "the two undercover soldiers - almost certainly special forces - were held by Iraqi security forces after clashes that reportedly left two people dead and threatened to escalate into a diplomatic incident between London and Baghdad.The soldiers, who were said to have been wearing Arab headdress, were accused of firing at Iraqi police when stopped at a road block."
So what is really going on in Iraq?? Are "special forces" - SAS trying sto start a civil war - whle blaming Al Qaeda? How long has this been going on ( the SAS and other special units learnt and used thes tactics in Northern Ireland over many years). If this is waht the Uk forces ae doing waht are the Emerican specials forces up to??
Funny Itought the "ELECTED" governemnt was supposed to run Iraq accordinto the UK and Amecain goverments butits ok to use 6 tanks to smash in he walls of Basra prsion to get back specials forces unedr arrest for murder! This really dos show who runs Iraq ans the sort of dirty tricks our forces in our name get up to.ther is nothing the UK and American governments will not do to hang onto the oil and trading routes for oil in Iraq including sending more trips to Iraq annnousced this week.
And who in the UK will ask questions about all this - certainly not Labour MP's who all seem to have lost their backbone some years ago ( you can hear the Labour Whips offce now - its "top secret", "in the national interests", "special force - hush hush, wink,wink", "MI6 - stay out of this or your trip to New York next month is off", "trust Tony!!" etc etc.)
So who does that leave to find the truth - us the "people" so lets start asking some difficult questions and dont lets stop until we are told what they the UK goverment and American government are really "doing in our name".
This maddness in the name of corporate capilalism ( a cancer in our mist) must end NOW.
Join the Stop the War Demo in London this Saturday 24th September.
Link: Stop The War Coalition (full details)
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Neil Williams
Statements from Guardian Unlimited
Statement one: "In a statement last night the defence secretary, John Reid, said: "I am pleased to be able to say that the British servicemen who were seen being injured in the graphic photographs are being treated for minor injuries only and are expected to return to duty shortly. We remain committed to helping the Iraqi government for as long as they judge that a coalition presence is necessary to provide security."
Statement two: "An official from the Iraqi interior ministry said half a dozen tanks had broken down the walls of the jail and troops had then stormed it to free the two British soldiers. The governor of Basra last night condemned the "barbaric aggression" of British forces in storming the jail."
Fact: "the two undercover soldiers - almost certainly special forces - were held by Iraqi security forces after clashes that reportedly left two people dead and threatened to escalate into a diplomatic incident between London and Baghdad.The soldiers, who were said to have been wearing Arab headdress, were accused of firing at Iraqi police when stopped at a road block."
So what is really going on in Iraq?? Are "special forces" - SAS trying sto start a civil war - whle blaming Al Qaeda? How long has this been going on ( the SAS and other special units learnt and used thes tactics in Northern Ireland over many years). If this is waht the Uk forces ae doing waht are the Emerican specials forces up to??
Funny Itought the "ELECTED" governemnt was supposed to run Iraq accordinto the UK and Amecain goverments butits ok to use 6 tanks to smash in he walls of Basra prsion to get back specials forces unedr arrest for murder! This really dos show who runs Iraq ans the sort of dirty tricks our forces in our name get up to.ther is nothing the UK and American governments will not do to hang onto the oil and trading routes for oil in Iraq including sending more trips to Iraq annnousced this week.
And who in the UK will ask questions about all this - certainly not Labour MP's who all seem to have lost their backbone some years ago ( you can hear the Labour Whips offce now - its "top secret", "in the national interests", "special force - hush hush, wink,wink", "MI6 - stay out of this or your trip to New York next month is off", "trust Tony!!" etc etc.)
So who does that leave to find the truth - us the "people" so lets start asking some difficult questions and dont lets stop until we are told what they the UK goverment and American government are really "doing in our name".
This maddness in the name of corporate capilalism ( a cancer in our mist) must end NOW.
Join the Stop the War Demo in London this Saturday 24th September.
Link: Stop The War Coalition (full details)

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Neil Williams
Neil Williams
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