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Menwith Hill getting a make-over?

Freedom To Protest | 20.04.2004 12:11 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Repression

After years of near denial of the existence of Menwith Hill by the Government and the majority of the press, it is starting to leak into the mainstream news. Only now it is being deliberately leaked by the authorities as part of their propaganda war to reclaim the hearts and minds of the UK public.

A good example is the story of the moment, the alleged treats by Al-Qaeda against Manchester football clubs. Though police and clubs are denying the threat, press has started reporting that information leading to the claims of the threat may have come monitoring from Menwith Hill.

So after years of protests and a continuing strong anti-war movement it seems that the government has now realised that it cannot keep Menwith Hill hidden from public scrutiny and is attempting to make-over it's now negative image by making out that it is an important tool in the "war on terror". Watch out for more stories appearing over the next few weeks which attempt to paint this US run spy centre in a 'positive light'.

This is an indication that the pressure applied to the site and the attention it has generated among the public is being felt in the corridors of power and they are concerned enough to start fighting back. A sure sign the protest are being effective.

Freedom To Protest
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  1. good post — - -