UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
last year section 44 terrorism act stop and search increased by 36 percent
04-12-2009 22:02
source: home officeSmashing Smash EDO update
04-12-2009 20:59
Past, on-going and future Smash EDO update...With lots of ways to participate!More troops for Afghanistan (by Latuff)
04-12-2009 20:16

NATO's Secret Transatlantic Bond: Nuclear Weapons In Europe
04-12-2009 16:31

The basing of nuclear warheads on the territory of non-nuclear nations - and Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey are non-nuclear nations - is a gross violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Corporate Watch: Occupation Industries: The Israeli industrial zones
04-12-2009 14:14
In a climate in which the call for a consumer boycott of Israeli goods is finally gaining strength, one area of Israel’s economy is, as yet, surprisingly under-researched. Most of Israel’s industrial zones in the West Bank are connected to illegal residential settlements and provide an indispensable economic backbone to the local settler economy. Mishor Adumim is the second largest industrial zone in the Occupied Territories and the one through which the Palestinians have the most to lose.EDO Granted Israeli Patent For F-16 Weapons Release Component
04-12-2009 09:36
Press Release4th December 2009
March 11, 2004 in Madrid: Was it really an Islamist attack?
03-12-2009 22:42

Sign council petition to condemn EDO
03-12-2009 12:54
On 10th December 2009 a petition will be presented to Brighton and Hove City Council, demanding that the council table a motion condemning the activities of Brighton based arms manufacturer EDO MBM/ITT.The Peace Prize War
03-12-2009 10:08

It becomes increasingly clear that the United States is fooling no one but its own citizens, who are victimized by their ignorance. “Military prowess seems to be the only power the United States has left.”
Elijah Smith, anti-militarist prisoner, moved to Lewes Prison
02-12-2009 15:11
NPIOU Make an appearance at Decommissioners trial
01-12-2009 22:28
today was the first hearing in the decommissioners case (
22 Days of Waging Peace: Targeting Brimar, Targeting Bloodshed, Remembering Gaza
01-12-2009 21:46
On 27th December it will be one year since Operation Cast Lead, the brutal 22 day bombing of Gaza by Israeli forces. Target Brimar will be organising 22 days of protest to commemorate not only those killed in Gaza, but those killed by UK/US forces in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere around the world.Opposition to Obama, Browne and NATO War and Troop Increase Grow
01-12-2009 20:45
The Obama prosecution of the Afghan war benefits the Zionist agenda, the Chinese policy of exhausting their Muslim and American foes in fighting each other, petroplutocrats, CIA and ATF heroin distribution and war profiteers as it hemorrhages money to over 1000 imperialist bases around the world. American soldiers died in the last 3 months in FOUR war zones: Afghanistan, Iraq, the Philippines, and in aircrashes in the US.
Bogus Honduran Elections
01-12-2009 20:43

People's movements throughout the region to revolutionize corrupt, unequal systems that have isolated and excluded the vast majority in Latin American nations, are successfully taking power democratically and building new models of economic and social justice.
Plymouth climate refugees lock on Barclays
01-12-2009 12:48
On Nov 30th, Rising Tide-Plymouth 'Climate refugees' d-locked themselves to Barclay's bank building's entrance to highlight the investments this bank is doing on Coal, TarSands and Arms Trade in times of Climate emergency.
Two activists stayed locked on inside the building entrance for 2 1/2 hours chanting, singing, and informing Barclay's customers of Barclay's dodgy investments, before they were arrested. Barclays eventually closed their main entrance and members of the public were very supportive.
Iran: Time to Leave the NPT?
30-11-2009 23:49
Article IV of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) acknowledges the "inalienable right" of non-nuclear weapons states (NNWS) to research, develop, and use nuclear energy for non-weapons purposes.Iran, a NNWS has been denied its "inalienable rights" while support and the exchange of nuclear-related information has been withheld. This begs the question why Iran should continue to honor the NPT?
Tunbridge Wells picket against Barclays
30-11-2009 22:59
Activists in Tunbridge Wells Puckett Barclays in support of SnashEDO day of actionLeafletters Target Barclays in Hastings
30-11-2009 22:42
Hastings Against the War leafletted their local branch of Barclays this Saturday in support of the Target Barclays day of action.actions have, so far, taken place in:
Cambridge - /en/2009/11/442521.html
Brighton - /en/2009/11/442445.html
Wrexham - /en/2009/11/442394.html
Falmouth - /en/2009/11/442538.html
Leafletters Target Barclays in Falmouth
30-11-2009 10:58
Kernow Action Now (KAN) leafletted the Falmouth branch of Barclays this Saturday in support of the Target Barclays day of action.Several cops turned up (apparently a rare occurrence in Falmouth) and cops were also posted outside Barclays' Truro branch
Read KAN's statement on the Target Barclays campaign here -

actions have, so far, taken place in:
Cambridge -

Brighton -

Wrexham -

Honduras State Employees Forced to Attend Santos Campaign Rally
30-11-2009 07:55
"The National Front Against the Coup d'Etat has called on its participants to remain indoors in a "voluntary curfew" in noncooperation with the fraudulent vote. Should any incidents of violence occur today it won't be from the Resistance, but, rather, the result of the regime's own provocateurs. National presidential candidate Carlos H. Reyes withdrew from the ballot last month, as did many Congressional candidates and one major-party vice presidential candidate: Santos' own running mate on the Liberal Party line is among those who reject this fraudulent process as illegitimate."