UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Report on Iran May Scupper Future Sanctions
13-12-2007 00:06
Note that the Warmongers count the British Government as one of their 'allies'.December 11th 2007 - International Day of Truth Action - Photos
12-12-2007 23:33

A selection of photos from 9/11 truth protests from around the world, held on 11th December 2007.
Gaza Vigil - Saturday 15th December - Free Gaza!
12-12-2007 20:36

The international Campaign to end the siege on Gaza
There are 1.5 million people, including women and children, in the Gaza Strip suffering the consequences of an oppressive siege and threatened with further measures of power cuts and cuts in foods and medicines allowed into the strip.
Please show your support by attending the candlelit vigil to call for an end to the siege which has so far caused 33 deaths and is causing untold misery to the residents of the Gaza Strip.
Saturday 15 December 2007
4pm to 6pm
Opposite Downing Street, London
Supported by: PSC, PFB, BMI, PRC, STWC
Putin Prepares For War
12-12-2007 20:19

China Wins Gold Medal for Human Rights Abuses'
12-12-2007 13:22

The war in Iraq and the assassination of Kennedy
12-12-2007 13:16

Africans United In Rejecting European Arrogance
12-12-2007 09:45
The recent summit between African heads of states and the EU has shown that some Europe has failed to move beyond their colonial-era past-times of economic and political bullying. The African delegates gave Europe an unmistakable cold shoulder on the two big issues of the conference: trade, especially the European proposed Economic Partnership Agreements, and European political interference in African affairs, centered on British arrogance towards Zimbabwe.DESO Scrapped and Replaced by DESO
12-12-2007 08:39
PM Gordon Brown took on the powerful military industrial complex when he scrapped DESO, but coincidentally suffered the consequences of numerous fabricated Govt scandals.As Predicted: Israeli Tanks Push Deep Into Gaza
12-12-2007 00:59
While the world's media was busy lauding the Americans and Israelis for their 'obvious desire for peace' (at the same time, ignoring Israel's illegal, deadly actions towards Gaza), the Israeli Government was plotting to attack Gaza.Israeli Extremists Brief Top U.S. Official on Iran
12-12-2007 00:56
The largest threat to the region doesn't come from Iran: it comes from Israel's success in having had the US "neutralize" countries which it believes to be an existential threat to it's existence.However, there's just one little problem with this approach concerning Iran.
Russia's diplomats have stated unequivocally that any attack against Iran will be perceived as an attack on Russia.
Well, that, and the fact that none but a small Fringe in America supports the Extremists in DC.
Philippines: Gloria Arroyo is a Human Rights Violator!
12-12-2007 00:54

Malacañang’s (Presidential Palace) cash gifts, for whatever fabricated excuses and delayed explanations, has exposed the governance of Ms. Gloria Arroyo as morally bankrupt.
Full report on DSEi arms fair 'trespass on DLR' trial
11-12-2007 18:12
This is a follow up to the following reports:

Dont let the Palestine-Israeli Peace Processes etc Drop Out Of The News
11-12-2007 16:29
A call for fresh thinking about peace processes.Dropping out of the news, palestine-israeli voices, amongst others, are too often quietened when the potential for unblocking the situation is greatest.
Caught in Lies
10-12-2007 23:38
With the NIE, President George W Bush was actually exposed as a liar. By fomenting war hysteria, he made use of misinformation as in the preparation of the Iraq war. When Bush threatened a `third world war," he tried to blackmail the world.The Cuban Five: Leonard Weinglass Interview
10-12-2007 21:47

Irish Allies of US Stoptorturenow Show: CIA Can't Keep A Secret
10-12-2007 18:19

Arbuthnot backs arms industry campaign
10-12-2007 00:04
James Arbuthnot is the Tory chairman of the all-party Commons defence committee. As a government minister he helped conceal the facts when there were allegations of major fraud on UK arms contracts. This week he's taken a vocal lead in the arms industry's campaign to get even more taxpayer's money. Meanwhile no one is even talking about the continuing problem of fraud on arms contracts.Lies Upon Lies: When Will Bush Come Clean?
09-12-2007 00:30
Check out this great video.Keith Olbermann's Special Comment - "You Sir, Have No Business Being President!"

Iran stops selling oil in U.S. dollars -report
09-12-2007 00:29
Can anyone say "Motive" ... ?