UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Fluent anti-DSEi action in Sheffield
02-09-2003 19:50

Fluent Deals in Death - Anti-DSEi Protest
02-09-2003 16:46

Fluent Inc had their European HQ in Sheffield targeted by anti-war protestors because they are an exhibitor at the DSEi arms fair in London next week.
Protestors barricaded themselves in the main entrance revolving door, scaled the entrance canopy to drape a Fluent Deal in Death banner and two protestors locked themselves to the front door with d-locks.
Previous Sheffield DSEi actions include a protest in the city centre and public meeting.
Dublin: Benefit gig for the Pit Stop Ploughshares Five
02-09-2003 14:17

DSEi Media roundup mon 1st sept
01-09-2003 22:58
The action today (lockons and tripods obstructing arrival of tanks etc) got 2.5mins on ITN local london news. There have been a couple of articles, finaly triggered by MET police press work warning of possible violence and disruption (why oh why do the corporate media have to wait for the bloody police to warn of a protest like this before they print an article??) - see earlier bbc and independent articles. Also guardian on cluster bombs - but not even mentioning the protests!DSEi Arm-Tube Blockade at Excel Monday 1st Sept
01-09-2003 22:35

Police use violence to clear DSEi blockade
01-09-2003 13:31
After six hours blocking the main entrance to the ExCel centre, the police have now begun to remove activists from the road.STWC are at it again!!!!
01-09-2003 13:30
Confusion by the SWP front jumping on the band wagon again.German Air Force Base Closed for Weapons Inspection
01-09-2003 13:10

The real cost of LIFE!
01-09-2003 10:58
Could some free reported contact Dr.Mohammed Al-Obaidi for further clarifications?The figure of 37,137 (31/08/03) is of purely civilian casualties and consistent with the nature of the illegal and babaric invasion, level of violence and media censorship.
The most notable one for us is the governorate of Basra 2009 slaughtered. Contrary to recent patterns (eg: Bosnia) whereby the hero worship of the armed thuggery is splashed all over all we have is Alistair/Kelly/Hutton hoodwink. Even the pig Terry Lloyd case is not resolved!
DSEI information
01-09-2003 10:51

Update on DSEi blockade
01-09-2003 09:56
Blockade at Excel Centre is still going strong, preventing the exhibitors from entering the site and setting up.Norwich Anarchists Demo at County Hall.
01-09-2003 08:30
Demonstrators gatheringActivists halt preparations for DSEi
01-09-2003 07:29
Activists halt preparations for Europe's largest arms fairAt 8am this morning, 1st September, a group of 40 activists halted preparations for Europe's largest arms fair, DSEi (Defence Systems and Equipment International), by blocking vehicle access to the site. Both of the roads leading to the conference venue, the ExCel centre in London's Docklands, were blocked. One by two tripod structures and the other by activists linked together using metal arm tubes.
National Security Protection Sheme against State violation...
31-08-2003 19:51
This article reveals an untested security protection theory.Call for UK Government Regime Change
31-08-2003 19:15
A resolution passed by a local peace group in Ayrshire is expected to start a national avalanche of calls for Tony Blair’s resignation. Other organisations, large and small, are being encouraged to adopt and pass the resolution. Ayrshire North Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, meeting in Irvine on the 26th August 2003, called for the Prime Minister to stand down in recognition that his action caused and continues to cause unnecessary suffering against the will of the British people. Hindsight and the Hutton enquiry, they say, show his professed reasons for supporting the USA in an unpopular, illegal and immoral war were unfounded.Poster for We Interrupt This Empire screening
31-08-2003 16:54

Defund the WAR machine..
31-08-2003 14:25
Vote with your money if you want your vote to countDefund the war machine? Yes we can!