UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
A bad day among many in Nablus
31-08-2003 13:23

The Things That Keep Us Here
31-08-2003 13:07
A searing report on US Soldier war crimes from Caoimhe...Cost of life?
30-08-2003 12:46
OK this is the financial cost to the illgotten wealth of the US since the declaration of 'war against Iraq' since March 2003Anyone know of a counter of the human cost to innocent Iraqis since the CIA engineered Saddam to start the rape of Iraq in 1991 (or any attempt that amounts to this)?
Bristol-Stop-The-War News : 30th August 2003
30-08-2003 00:06
DON'T WAIT FOR HISTORY TO JUDGE BLAIR. See Section 10.Coach tickets to the 27th Sept National Demo are now available.
NEW CALL FOR WITNESSES. Please See Section 6.
Birmingham anti-war socialists purged by SWP
29-08-2003 18:31
What should the Left do about the growing democratic deficit in the movement? How do we challenge abuse of power? One of the healthiest anti-war groups in the country was recently wrecked by the Socialist Workers Party who packed out key Birmingham meetings with its party members and purged a raft of well-respected activists.They tell their story on their website.
Last call for Jeremy Hardy, Ted Curtis, Jason Pegler , Sunday, all for £3
29-08-2003 17:12

DSEi Organizers Phone Numbers
29-08-2003 15:45
Phone Numbers of Spearhead's DSEi Team MembersChild abuse activist George Farquar fitted up- put in Edinburgh Mental hospital
28-08-2003 18:37
George Farquar - scotish anti child abuse and electronic warfare activist committed to mental ward in Edinburgh hospitalDSEi business, risky radio
28-08-2003 02:44

28-08-2003 00:29
There will be a coach from Oxford on Saturday 6th September to join themarch against the arms fair organised by Campaign Against the Arms Trade.
It will leave from St. Giles at 9.30; tickets £7 or £5 (concessions) from
the Quaker Centre.
Please pass this message round your groups or networks.
Activist-George Farquar committed to mental ward in Royal Hospital Edinburgh
27-08-2003 21:44
George Farquar - scotish anti electronic warfare activist committed to mental ward in Edinburgh hospitalNB: No doctor was present at his "trial!"
Andrew Smith invited to speak at Amnesty meeting?
26-08-2003 19:46
Sleazy pro-war MP for East Oxford, Andrew Smith, isrumoured to be speaking at an Amnesty International
meeting this Friday.
ICRC/Guantanamo Bay
25-08-2003 21:46
New article on the ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross) website expresses concerns.WTRPF Issues New Appeal on Behalf of War Tax Resisters
25-08-2003 18:20
Press release from the War Tax Resisters Penalty Fund announcing new funding appeal for US war tax resisters.