Next Anarchist Action Network Meeting in Bristol, 19/20 April
Anarchist Action Network | 13.04.2014 10:33 | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles
The Anarchist Action Network's monthly UK wide planning meeting. Come down to get involved in the anti NATO summit mobilisation and the Anarchist Travelling Circus.
Next weekend (19th/20th April) people from different parts of the UK will converge on Bristol for a meeting of AAN: the Anarchist Action Network.
AAN is organising against the NATO summit happening in Newport in early September, as well as preparing the ironically-named “Anarchist Travelling Circus”, a roaming anarcho-outreach festival. The first of these is called “Newport Rising” and will be 26th May-1st June in Newport:
Recent anti-NATO actions have included banner drops in Newport, a blockade of NATO’s summit-planning conference in Sussex (and leafletting of the nearby town), and street theatre in South Wales:
The first day (Sat) of the Bristol meeting is a chance to discuss and make decisions as a group; the second day (Sun) is focused on working groups
and practical preparations.
Both days will be 11am-5pm.
Day 1 is at ARC, 27 Broad St, BS1 2HG.
Day 2 is at Kebele, 14 Robertson Rd, BS5 6JY.
A mid-day meal will be provided both days.
Everyone welcome! (except cops and journalists)
It is fine to come for just one of the two days if you can’t make both.
If you need accommodation or childcare let us know ASAP by emailing
stopnatocymru at riseup dot net.
Finally, for anyone who will be in town on Friday night and wants a chance to socialise, you are welcome to come along to the regular informal open-mic/jam night at Kebele. In theory it starts at 7pm but in practice people tend not to arrive until 8-9pm…
…and for anyone who wants to stick around on Sunday there’s lovely food and company at the Kebele meal from 6:30pm Sunday evening.

AAN is organising against the NATO summit happening in Newport in early September, as well as preparing the ironically-named “Anarchist Travelling Circus”, a roaming anarcho-outreach festival. The first of these is called “Newport Rising” and will be 26th May-1st June in Newport:

Recent anti-NATO actions have included banner drops in Newport, a blockade of NATO’s summit-planning conference in Sussex (and leafletting of the nearby town), and street theatre in South Wales:

The first day (Sat) of the Bristol meeting is a chance to discuss and make decisions as a group; the second day (Sun) is focused on working groups
and practical preparations.
Both days will be 11am-5pm.
Day 1 is at ARC, 27 Broad St, BS1 2HG.
Day 2 is at Kebele, 14 Robertson Rd, BS5 6JY.
A mid-day meal will be provided both days.
Everyone welcome! (except cops and journalists)
It is fine to come for just one of the two days if you can’t make both.
If you need accommodation or childcare let us know ASAP by emailing
stopnatocymru at riseup dot net.
Finally, for anyone who will be in town on Friday night and wants a chance to socialise, you are welcome to come along to the regular informal open-mic/jam night at Kebele. In theory it starts at 7pm but in practice people tend not to arrive until 8-9pm…
…and for anyone who wants to stick around on Sunday there’s lovely food and company at the Kebele meal from 6:30pm Sunday evening.
Anarchist Action Network