UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Cheap media gets cheap food - delivered as Gaza bombing is biased and under repo
15-07-2014 22:40

'Grasp The Nettle' Documentary Available for Download, Screenings, Sharing
09-07-2014 01:56

Stop NATO Cymru and Anarchist Action Network National Convergence
07-07-2014 11:12
National Convergence Weekend:Saturday 19th July 11am -5pm in Newport, South Wales at the Community Space Partnership, 128 Lower Dock Street, Newport, NP20 1EG.
Sunday 20th July 11am- 5pm in Cardiff, South Wales at the Owain Glyndwr Pub, (Tair Pluen function Room) Cardiff, 10 St John's Street, Cardiff, Wales, CF10 1G
All welcome except cops & journos.
'WAR against WAR' - shocking WW1 photos from the classic anti-war book
06-07-2014 14:14

A lone demonstrator kicks off 4th July at NSA Memwith Hill on stroke of midnight
05-07-2014 13:17

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4th July - Independence From America - NSA Menwith Hill
04-07-2014 23:08

Macropolitical Side-Effects of the Imperialist Occupation of the Philippines
04-07-2014 15:57
The announcement had been a typical expression of the distorted perception, improper appropriation and self-destructive intention of an overheated military-industrial complex: According to the institutions of the Washington regime, its military deployment was neither limited in time nor was an unlimited planning frame admitted. Instead the imperialist announced that military occupation of Manila and the islands was covering the foreseeable future, and thereby served a definition of transparency of time whose implications require a detailed look. According to the military empire itself, its future is unforeseeable as much as both numbered amounts of time and stability as a concept defined out of itself are concerned. More precisely, it is in fact devoid of any future and the contradictory concept of time transported in its ideology is a symptom of that lack. The empire is trying to say, other than by means of such occupation it cannot remain with the people of the world at all. This is the good news in the bad news: The Philippine occupation, despite the offence it is, is an empty speculation of the dying empire, an admission of its lack of perspective, and a desperate act of aggression aimed at stealing the future of the people not only on the archipelago but in the region and beyond without any purpose. That is in fact the most remarkable quality of the situation: The empire is not stealing for its own benefit, it is stealing to deprive others of their expectable benefits without any perspective of own benefit. Yet that is precisely the pattern of behaviour that historically precedes the downfall thereof.'Remembering the Real WW1' Demo at Imperial War Museum, Saturday 19 July, London
30-06-2014 13:37

Finnieston Crane, Glasgow, Occupied by Anti-Militarists on Armed Forces Day
28-06-2014 07:44

Birth of an Independent Hope – the Revolution in West Asia
26-06-2014 15:56
It is the best news since Rosa Luxemburg rejoiced over the collapse of the Kaiser´s „peace“ plan in WWI, only that this time it is not American capitalists running amok over collateral disruption of their lethal business, but indigenous people liberating themselves from the remainder of imperialist occupation who intervene into a dystopian scenario all painted with the mimicry of utopia. Yet the significance of the fresh uprising in the Land of the Two Rivers is not merely expressed in the reports of mercenaries burying their uniforms in the near death experience of their suicidal oaths, and the hectic and contradictory reactions of various imperialist factions to the unexpected surge which remind of these nearly a century ago, it is first of all coming to the fore in the observation that the creative chaos which is rapidly defeating the occupation is something entirely new which does not fit any of the descriptions the various reactionaries are attempting to attach to it. In fact, it is neither a nation nor a government nor a market, and although it is calling itself a state it does not at all resemble the capitalist state. It takes the place of the state but it is set to retreat from worldly matters once state pressure against the territory and the people declines. Nevertheless it is not merely a knee-jerk reaction to the external pressure of imperialism, it also is an early prototype for the permanent solution of the occupation issue bearing unique potential to end the world war without massive death of innocents.R.I.P. Gerry Conlon. Just released - video of Gerry speaking in Dublin at event for Chelsea Manning
23-06-2014 21:30

Gerard (Gerry) Conlon, framed for the Guildford pub bombings in 1974, illegally rendered from Ireland and tortured by the British state and who served nearly 15 years in English jails, died in his native Belfast at the weekend, aged 60.
"On the 29 November 2013, an event was held in Trinity College Dublin to mark the visit of the family of Chelsea Manning to Dublin. During the evening Gerard Conlon gave a speech that nobody who was there is ever likely to forget. It was Gerard Conlon at his best: fiery, courageous and compassionate. May he rest in peace." Dave Donnellan.
Watch Dave's video of the speech by following this link to full article or on Vimeo.
Peace News Summer Camp
23-06-2014 10:58
Never mind Glastonbury Festival..Here's to Peace News Summer Camp4 July: Annual Independence FROM America demo at NSA Menwith Hill
22-06-2014 21:29

More info: 01423 884076.
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Anti-war activists maintain a 'peace presence' at Armed Forces Day in Wrexham
22-06-2014 18:49

After a fortnight of fruitless communication with Wrexham County Borough Council over its support for and promotion of an event that we knew would be used by military recruiters to target young children, a small group gathered on Llwyn Isaf on Saturday with a 'Peace Presence' at Armed Forces Day.
Struggle for National Democracy
20-06-2014 13:45

Unthinkable Thoughts in the Debate About ISIS in Iraq
16-06-2014 02:01
"What unites marginalized Sunnis in Iraq and the hardcore ideologues within ISIS is their desperation to be rid of Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki, who has left them with no choice but to operate outside of the political system in order to better their lives."Class War: Thailand’s Military Coup
13-06-2014 09:17

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Drone Protesters enter Llanbedr Airfield
13-06-2014 06:53

NATO Summit 2014 Wales. Bristol & Birmingham Events
12-06-2014 12:15
60 World Leaders are meeting at Celtic Manor, Newport, South Wales in early September, there will be a week of action opening with a march through Newport on Saturday 30 August on the eve of the summit, a Counter-Summit the following day and a mass action on Thursday 4 September to "March on the Manor".More info on websites of No NATO Newport, Stop NATO Cymru, Stop the War, CND etc.Full article | 7 additions | 5 comments
Open Letter to Wrexham Council about Armed Forces Day
09-06-2014 18:57

North Wales Armed Forces Day is this year being held in Wrexham. We are being asked to 'celebrate' and 'thank' our Armed Forces without any critical analysis of the recent conflicts they have been involved in. The event will be used by the military as a recruitment exercise, and much of this will be aimed at children.
Over 100 people have signed an open letter to Wrexham County Borough Council protesting its promotion, sponsorship and funding of this event and the use of a picture of a toddler in military gear to advertise it. The council has yet to respond.