Open Letter to Wrexham Council about Armed Forces Day
wpjf | 09.06.2014 18:57 | Afghanistan | Anti-militarism | Iraq | Terror War | Wales
North Wales Armed Forces Day is this year being held in Wrexham. We are being asked to 'celebrate' and 'thank' our Armed Forces without any critical analysis of the recent conflicts they have been involved in. The event will be used by the military as a recruitment exercise, and much of this will be aimed at children.
Over 100 people have signed an open letter to Wrexham County Borough Council protesting its promotion, sponsorship and funding of this event and the use of a picture of a toddler in military gear to advertise it. The council has yet to respond.
We note that Wrexham Council is sponsoring and promoting North Wales Armed Forces Day 2014 on Saturday 21 June, and are horrified that a picture of a toddler dressed in military uniform is being used to advertise the event.
We question the use of public funds on such an event at any time, but especially when important public services such as rural public transport, leisure centres and community centres in Wrexham are being cut.
We strongly object to the targeting of children by the military. In 2007, members of Wrexham Peace & Justice Forum and many others protested against a military display in Queens square that included a war machine designed to fire multiple rockets and cluster bombs. The local children who were invited by soldiers to play on this war machine were clearly not being told about their less fortunate peers in other countries who have been killed and horribly maimed by its weapons. We appreciated the council's response at that time, which was to refuse the army permission to hold similar events involving war machines on Queens Square and to deny the army its request to lead a parade through town with a tank. It is therefore disappointing to find WCBC now sponsoring, funding and promoting Armed Forces Day as a 'military themed event for the whole family' describing it as 'family fun' and using a young child on its poster.
We would urge families to think long and hard before attending this event. Shamefully, Britain is the only EU country that still recruits children into its armed forces.[1] 'Family' events like this one are used by military recruiters to try to encourage more children aged 16 and 17 to enlist and younger children to join the cadets. The harsh reality of life in the military is very far from the rosy picture painted by Wrexham veteran James Wharton in the promotional video for the day in which he encourages children not yet old enough to vote to sign up.[2] Our long involvement in the futile war in Afghanistan and the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq has left millions of civilians killed, injured, traumatised and displaced. The brutal reality of life in the military has also taken its toll on the soldiers sent to take part in this folly. We learned last month that from 2012 to 2013 there was a 57% increase in the number of British veterans of the Afghan war seeking mental health treatment[3] while in 2012 more serving British soldiers and veterans committed suicide than were killed in Afghanistan[4]. Also, the families of four young recruits who died at Deepcut barracks, including Cheryl James of Froncysyllte, are many years later still trying to uncover the truth about their untimely deaths.[5 & 6]
We contend that it is irresponsible and unacceptable for Wrexham Council to be presenting the military and warfare in the context of family entertainment.[7 & 8]
Gwelwn fod Cyngor Wrecsam yn noddi ac yn hyrwyddo Diwrnod Lluoedd Arfog Gogledd Cymru 2014 Ddydd Sadwrn 21 Mehefin, ac yn arswydo fod llun o blentyn bach wedi’i wisgo mewn iwnifform milwrol yn cael ei ddefnyddio i hysbysebu’r digwyddiad.
Rydym yn cwestiynu’r defnydd o gyllid cyhoeddus ar gyfer digwyddiad o’r fath ar unrhyw adeg, ond yn enwedig pan fo gwasanaethau cyhoeddus pwysig megis cludiant cyhoeddus gwledig, canolfannau hamdden a chanolfannau cymunedol yn Wrecsam yn cael eu torri.
Rydym yn gwrthwynebu’n gryf i blant gael eu targedu gan y fyddin. Yn 2007, protestiodd aelodau o Fforwm Heddwch a Chyfiawnder Wrecsam a llawer o bobl eraill yn erbyn arddangosiad milwrol yn Sgwâr y Frenhines oedd yn cynnwys peiriant rhyfel a gynlluniwyd i danio amryfal rocedi a bomiau clwstwr. Yn amlwg, nid oedd y plant lleol a wahoddwyd gan y milwyr i chwarae ar y peiriant rhyfel yma yn cael gwybod am eu cyfoedion llai ffodus mewn gwledydd eraill sydd wedi cael eu lladd a’u clwyfo ofnadwy gan yr arfau hyn. Roeddem yn gwerthfawrogi ymateb y cyngor bryd hynny, sef gwrthod rhoi caniatâd i’r fyddin gynnal digwyddiadau cyffelyb yn ymwneud â pheiriannau rhyfel yn Sgwâr y Frenhines, a gwrthod cais y fyddin i arwain gorymdaith trwy’r dref gyda thanc. Gan hynny mae’n siomedig fod CBSW yn awr yn noddi, ariannu a hyrwyddo Diwrnod Lluoedd Arfog fel ‘digwyddiad â thema filwrol ar gyfer y teulu cyfan’ gan ei ddisgrifio fel ‘hwyl teuluol’ ac yn defnyddio plentyn ifanc ar y poster.
Rydym yn annog teuluoedd i feddwl yn hir a dwys cyn mynychu’r digwyddiad hwn. Mae’n warth mai Prydain yw’r unig wlad yn yr UE sy’n dal i recriwtio plant i’w lluoedd arfog. [1] Mae digwyddiadau 'teuluol' fel hyn yn cael eu defnyddio gan recriwtwyr milwrol er mwyn ceisio annog plant 16 ac 17 oed i ymuno, a phlant iau i ymuno â’r cadetiaid.
Mae realiti llym bywyd yn y fyddin yn wahanol iawn i’r darlun rhosliw a ddarlunir gan y cyn-filwr James Wharton o Wrecsam yn ei fideo hyrwyddol ar gyfer y diwrnod, ble mae’n annog plant nad ydynt eto’n ddigon hen i bleidleisio i ymrestru. [2] Yn sgil ein cysylltiad hir â’r rhyfel ofer yn Affganistan a’r goresgyniad a’r meddiant anghyfreithlon o Irac, mae miliynau o sifiliaid wedi cael eu lladd, eu hanafu, eu trawmateiddio a’u dadleoli. Mae realiti creulon bywyd yn y fyddin hefyd wedi gadael ei ôl ar y milwyr a anfonwyd i gymryd rhan yn yr ynfydrwydd yma. Cawsom wybod y mis diwethaf fod yna gynnydd o 57% yn y nifer o gyn-filwyr Prydeinig yn rhyfel Affganistan sy’n ceisio triniaeth iechyd meddwl o 2012 tan 2013 [3] tra yn 2012 roedd mwy o gyn-filwyr a milwyr Prydeinig ar wasanaeth wedi cyflawni hunanladdiad na’r nifer a gafodd eu lladd yn Affganistan [4]. Hefyd, mae teuluoedd pedwar adfilwr ifanc a fu farw ym maracs Deepcut, gan gynnwys Cheryl James o Froncysyllte, yn dal i geisio datgelu’r gwir am eu marwolaethau cynamserol flynyddoedd yn ddiweddarach.[5 a 6]
Yr ydym yn honni ei bod yn anghyfrifol ac yn annerbyniol i Gyngor Wrecsam fod yn cyflwyno’r fyddin a milwriaeth yng nghyd-destun adloniant teuluol.[7 a 8]
1. Forces Watch: What's the problem/issues?
2. YouTube link to promotional video for Armed Forces Day
3. Huffington Post article about Afghan Veterans and mental health
4. BBC Report on suicide rates among serving soldiers and veterans
5. Guardian article about Geoff Gray, a recruit who died at Deepcut barracks
6. Daily Mail article about Cheryl James, a recruit who died at Deepcut Barracks
7. Armed Forces Day event listing
8. Armed Forces Day event listing [2]
Karen Marie Andersen
Sue Andrew
Mabon Ap Gwynfor
Lester Bath, Cymdeithas y Cymod / Fellowship of Reconciliation in Wales
Nahida Bint Miah
Birkenhead CND
Heather Bolton
Genny Bove, WPJF, WISE Up Action
Brenda Burrell
Rosemary Burslem
Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases
Lucy Casson
Dean & Hannah Chadwick
Margaret Clarke
Rev'd. Melia Cope, Knighton Action for Peace & Justice
Nigel Day, Oxford Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Susan Dowell
Susan Dresner
Patrick Dymond
Angus Eickhoff
Anna Jane Evans, Cymdeithas y Cymod / Fellowship of Reconciliation in Wales
Judy Evans
Helen Fernee
Ian Fidler
Liz Folta
Forces Watch
Jane Gilmore
Jill Gough, National Secretary CND Cymru
Michael Green, Knighton Action for Peace & Justice
Ben Griffin, Iraq War Veteran
Bedwyr Griffiths
Eleri & Robin Gwyndaf
Alyna Harbinson
Jane Harries, Cymdeithas y Cymod / Fellowship of Reconciliation in Wales
Sigrid Haynes, Knighton Action for Peace & Justice
Alison Hill
Robat Idris, Cymdeithas y Cymod and People Against Wylfa B
Dafydd Iwan, past President, Plaid Cymru
Gabrielle Jacobsen
Sophie Jacobsen
Nick Jewitt
Brian & Jan Jones
Sue Jones-Davies
Hugh Jordan
Jess Kendrick
Bruce Kent
Ruth Laing
Celia & Graham Lang, Bro Emlyn for Peace and Justice
Janet Laycock
Oliver Campbell Leith
Beverley Lloyd, Knighton Action for Peace & Justice
Cheynie Lloyd
Philip Main
Brian Matthews
Jenny Maxwell, Secretary, Hereford Peace Council
Andrew McCoy
David McFarlane, WPJF
Sophie & Simon Meade
Joan Meredith, Trident Ploughshares
Merseyside Peace Network
Merseyside CND
George, Sue & Jessie Miller
Jen Miller, Food Not Bombs Leicester
Vicky Moller, Cilgwyn Community Group
Justin Morahan, Human Rights Activist, Dublin
Elin Llwyd Morgan
Elizabeth Morley
Michelle Murphy
Greg Ogden, WPJF
Cassie Ogden
Catherine Page
Lindis Percy
Bridie Przibram
Angharad Roberts, Cymdeithas y Cymod / Fellowship of Reconciliation in Wales
Harry Rogers, Drone Campaign Network Cymru / Rhwydwaith Ymgyrch Dronau Cymru
Alan Rossiter
Steve Ryan
Emma Sangster, Forces Watch
Camilla Saunders, Knighton Action for Peace & Justice
Donald Saunders, Chair, Conwy County Peace Group
Katie Saxby
Robbie Sinnott, Manning Truthfest
Olga Solabarrieta
Michael & Helen Still, WPJF
Veterans for Peace UK
Rita Walker, Merseyside CND, Merseyside Peace Network
Wallasey CND
Marie Walsh, No to NATO Newport
Lynne Wheeler
Janta & Merav Wheelhouse, Karuna Insight Design
Mary Whelan, WPJF
Carol & Derek Williams, Oswestry Coalition for Peace
Glyn Williams
Gwyn Williams
Heledd Williams
Averil Wood
Efa Wulle
Tony Young, CND Cymru
Angie Zelter, Knighton Action for Peace & Justice
People who have asked to sign the letter since it has been sent to WCBC
Annie Bellinger
Allison Challen
Anne Mary Davies, Knighton Action for Peace & Justice
Michael Freeman, Treasurer and Membership Secretary, CND Cymru
Janette Harper, Liverpool Pax Christi
Chris Jones, Vice-chair, Conwy County Peace Group
Roberta Korner, Knighton Action for Peace & Justice
Nia Rhosier, Hon. President, Cymdeithas y Cymod (Fellowship of Reconciliation in Wales)
Matt Rhys-Roberts, Growing Ruabon initiative
Linda Rogers, Bangor & Ynys Môn Peace & Justice
Phil Steele, Bangor & Ynys Môn Peace & Justice
Further letter to WCBC and Daily Post
11.06.2014 14:31
Dear Wrexham County Borough Council
You will be aware of a letter signed by over 100 people and organisations about North Wales Armed Forces Day.
I would like to make a further representation about this, particularly in light of how the matter has been portrayed in the media.
As far as I know Wrexham Council has yet to give an official response and I would be grateful if you would copy this to me once it is available.
My comments (see below) were triggered by the comments on the Daily Post article and I have therefore sent this to the Daily Post. However, I would also like the council to consider the same points:
I was one of over 100 signatories to the letter to Wrexham Council about their support for and promotion of Armed Forces Day which you [Daily Post] reported in this article yesterday

and this one today:

I am writing to clarify the nature of our objections, which have been widely misinterpreted as a criticism of the picture of itself or of children dressing up.
Our objection is not against the picture per se. It is about Wrexham Council's support for an event at which army recruiters will be targeting children, and Wrexham Council's use of this picture to advertise an event at which military recruiters will be targeting children.
How do we know that the event will be a military recruitment exercise aimed at children?
We know from advertising that the event is being billed as a family day out, that there will be a military village and climbing wall and many other activities aimed at children. An advert for last year's event that was held in Flintshire states clearly that this includes army recruitment stalls. North Wales Armed Forces Day Ambassador James Wharton has made a video with Wrexham Council in which he recommends that children aged 16 and 17 should sign up for the armed forces, and we know from the previous Head of Army Recruitment Strategy David Allfrey that the army targets children from the age of 7 and tries to build interest at events like this through a process he calls 'drip, drip, drip'.
What's wrong with the army targeting children?
We are signatories to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child which includes the duty to protect our children from harm. Britain is the only EU country that still signs children (aged 16 and 17) into the military. After years of pressure, the military has stopped sending under 18s into war zones but it still trains children in warfare and the unexplained deaths of four young recruits including local girl Cheryl James and two 17 year olds at Deepcut Barracks should give us all pause for thought. We also know from research undertaken by the organisation Forces Watch that it is the youngest soldiers - i.e. those who have signed up at 16 or 17 - who are most at risk of suffering mental health problems like post traumatic stress on their return from war zones, and that these risks are compounded if the young people come from disadvantaged homes. Against this background, we know from information obtained by AM Leanne Wood that military recruiters visit schools in the poorest areas of Wales 50% more than less deprived areas. In times when it's hard for young people to find civilian jobs, children are more likely to opt for military careers. We have an obligation to protect our children and to stop the military from putting them in harm's way. The best way to do that would be to stop the recruitment of child soldiers and to end all military recruitment activities aimed at children. In the meantime, we call on Wrexham Council not to support such events.
A 'family fun' day will not give children a realistic view of life in the military. How can we 'celebrate' our armed forces when we know that politicians (who don't go and fight themselves and whose children rarely sign up) have in recent years sent British troops into illegal and futile wars that have resulted in millions of other people's children being killed, maimed, traumatised and displaced? This is the reality of modern warfare, in which civilians make up around 90% of the casualties. War makes big money for the arms companies, but for humanity it is a disaster. As the late Harry Patch, WWI veteran said: "War is organised murder, and nothing else."
Genny Bove
Letter from Conwy County Peace Group
11.06.2014 14:33
Dear Sir,
The comments on Armed Forces Day in today’s “Post” were understandable . The true reason for such days being held is not understood - not the innocent ‘fun’ day, as presented, but a military-promoted recruit drive to attract young people into the forces.
Sadly only the glamorous side of military employment is presented; the dirty, dangerous and death-causing activities is rarely mentioned. The greater percentage of innocent deaths and injuries caused by all recent wars is not referred to. For under 18s this is often not understood.
The fact that Iraq and Afghanistan invasions have proved to be so wasteful of lives and resources, and failed in their objectives, is now being recognized by many more people.
The country needs leaders who strive to move away from militarism, instead of increasing it. Develop peace-making , negotiation and reconciliation processes to work towards a more peaceful world. Have courage to work for peace, not war. The world’s people are crying out for it.
Donald Saunders Chairman, Conwy County Peace Group
Chris Jones Vice Chair " " " "
Bargas Hatem
Carol Darbyshire
Wendy Morgan
David Mellor
The council keeps schtum
20.06.2014 07:11
8 June 2014
Thank you for your comment/complaint/compliment.
We will acknowledge your communication within 5 working days; tell you who is dealing with your complaint/comments/compliment and send you a full response within 20 working days (if the matter is complicated and will take longer than 20 days to resolve, you wil receive an interim reply within that period).
The Corporate Complaints Manager
Wrexham County Borough Council
Lord Street
LL11 1LG
16 June 2014
Dear Corporate Complaints Manager
Five working days have passed and you have not yet acknowledged the complaint about Armed Forces Day lodged by members of WPJF and around 100 other groups and individuals as per your email below.
Cllr. Mark Pritchard reportedly informed the BBC that a statement from the council would be issued last Monday 9th June, but this did not materialise or if it did it was not sent to us.
Has the council released a statement? If so, please will you forward a copy to us?
In any event, please will you advise on the progress of the complaint.
Many thanks
18 June 2014
I would like to sincerely apologise for the Corporate Complaints Team not sending you an acknowledgement within five working days. This was an oversight within the Corporate Complaints section and new procedures have been put into place to ensure this does not happen again.
In regards to your request for a response to your open letter received on 08 June 2014, I can advise that a response has been drafted by the Armed Forces Champion Cllr David Griffiths and it is currently being translated into Welsh as per our bilingual procedures and you will receive the response shortly.
Once again, I apologise for you not receiving an acknowledgement.
Yours sincerely
Ian Downward
Corporate and Customer Services
Corporate Complaints Investigator
Ymchwiliwr Cwynion Chorfforaethol
The council (or at least its 'Armed Forces Champion') finally speaks
20.06.2014 07:20
Thank you for your letter and for raising your concerns with Wrexham Council. I am responding as Armed Forces Champion and I trust other councillors will respond if they feel it appropriate to do so.
In April 2013 Wrexham Council, and 20 partner agencies, signed the Armed Forces Community Covenant. By signing the Covenant we, and our partners, undertook to encourage the recognition of Armed Forces through activities such as Freedom, Homecoming and Remembrance parades and support Armed Forces Day. The Covenant also recognises the moral obligation between the Nation, the UK and Welsh Governments and the Armed Forces at our local level.
Armed Forces Day, as most people will be aware, is not a celebration of war but a celebration of our troops, past and present and recognises the sacrifices that they and their families make in their service to their country. It recognises the important contribution they make to our communities and ensures that they are not disadvantaged due to their service to their country when they leave the Armed Forces.
The photograph we have chosen to use in our branding, we feel, depicts that and it has been extremely well received by the majority of those who have seen it.
We have planned an event that has its core the obligations of the Armed Forces Covenant and the aims and objectives of the Armed Forces Day which are to raise awareness of and support for the armed forces community and highlight the outstanding contribution it makes to this country. To cement Armed forces Day in the public consciousness as the lead action orientated day to honour and celebrate the work of the UK Armed Forces. To raise awareness and enhance the reputation of all three services, reservists, veterans cadets and the wider armed forces including their families.
The invitation to the event is extended to all service personnel, past, present and future and their families and a schedule of events has been arranged that will accommodate all age groups.
In addition to military displays, marches and entertainment there are also numerous veterans associations present that can and indeed do help the needs of ex forces personnel and their families.
I do hope the above goes some way to explaining the situation the Council finds itself in today. I would also like to point out that the event is part funded by Wrexham Council with financial support from the Ministry of Defence and the Welsh Government.
Cllr David Griffiths, Armed Forces Champion
Ymateb i aelodau pryderus Fforwm Heddwch a Chyfiawnder Wrecsam a sawl un arall
Diolch i chi am eich llythyr ac am godi eich pryderon gyda Chyngor Wrecsam. Rwy’n ymateb fel Cefnogwr y Lluoedd Arfog a hyderaf y bydd cynghorwyr eraill yn ymateb os ydynt yn teimlo ei bod yn briodol i wneud hynny.
Ym mis Ebrill 2013, llofnododd Cyngor Wrecsam, a 20 o asiantaethau partner, Gyfamod Cymunedol y Lluoedd Arfog. Drwy lofnodi'r Cyfamod, rydym ni, a'n partneriaid, wedi ymrwymo i annog cydnabyddiaeth o’r Lluoedd Arfog drwy weithgareddau fel gorymdeithiau Rhyddid, Dychweliad a Chofio a chefnogi Diwrnod y Lluoedd Arfog. Mae’r Cyfamod hefyd yn cydnabod y rhwymedigaeth foesol rhwng y Genedl, y DU a Llywodraeth Cymru a'r Lluoedd Arfog ar ein lefel lleol.
Fel y bydd y rhan fwyaf o bobl yn gwybod, nid yw Diwrnod y Lluoedd Arfog yn ddathliad o ryfel, ond yn ddathliad o’n milwyr, yn y gorffennol a'r presennol, ac mae’n cydnabod yr aberthau y maen nhw a'u teuluoedd yn eu gwneud wrth wasanaethu eu gwlad. Mae'n cydnabod y cyfraniad pwysig y maent yn ei wneud i'n cymunedau ac yn sicrhau nad ydynt dan anfantais oherwydd eu gwasanaeth i'w gwlad pan fyddant yn gadael y Lluoedd Arfog.
Mae'r llun rydym wedi dewis ei ddefnyddio yn ein brandio, yn ein barn ni, yn dangos hynny, ac mae wedi cael derbyniad arbennig o dda gan y mwyafrif sydd wedi ei weld.
Rydym wedi cynllunio digwyddiad sydd â rhwymedigaethau Cyfamod y Lluoedd Arfog a nodau ac amcanion Diwrnod y Lluoedd Arfog yn ganolog iddo, sef codi ymwybyddiaeth, a chefnogaeth i'r gymuned lluoedd arfog a thynnu sylw at y cyfraniad rhagorol y maent yn ei wneud i'r wlad hon. Mae’n cadarnhau Diwrnod y Lluoedd Arfog yn ymwybyddiaeth y cyhoedd fel diwrnod sy'n canolbwyntio ar anrhydeddu a dathlu gwaith Lluoedd Arfog y DU. Ac mae’n codi ymwybyddiaeth a gwella enw da'r tri gwasanaeth, milwyr wrth gefn, cyn filwyr, cadlanciau a'r lluoedd arfog ehangach, gan gynnwys eu teuluoedd.
Mae'r gwahoddiad i'r digwyddiad yn cael ei ymestyn i holl bersonél y gwasanaeth, yn y gorffennol, y presennol a'r dyfodol, a'u teuluoedd, ac mae rhaglen o ddigwyddiadau wedi’i threfnu a fydd yn darparu ar gyfer pob grŵp oedran.
Yn ogystal ag arddangosfeydd milwrol, gorymdeithiau ac adloniant bydd hefyd nifer o gymdeithasau cyn filwyr yn bresennol a all, ac sydd yn, helpu gydag anghenion cyn bersonél y lluoedd arfog a'u teuluoedd.
Rwy’n gobeithio y bydd yr uchod yn mynd rywfaint o'r ffordd tuag at egluro sefyllfa’r Cyngor heddiw. Hoffwn hefyd nodi bod y digwyddiad wedi’i ariannu yn rhannol gan Gyngor Wrecsam gyda chymorth ariannol oddi wrth y Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn a Llywodraeth Cymru.
Cyng David Griffiths, Cefnogwr y Lluoedd Arfog
Only one of the 'other councillors' has so far seen fit to respond to date. This is what he had to say:
Dear Sirs
Whilst I have my own views on the requirements of the defence of the Realm, I have equally strong views on 'trial by Internet'.
I shall therefore keep my thoughts to myself.
Cllr. Lloyd Kenyon
Overton Ward
Councillor Lloyd Kenyon
Overton Ward
Wrexham County Borough Council
Tel: 01948 830305

Responses to 'Armed Forces Champion' in Wrexham Council, Cllr. David Griffiths
20.06.2014 08:33
18 June 2014
“Armed Forces Day, as most people will be aware, is not a celebration of war but a celebration of our troops, past and present and recognises the sacrifices that they and their families make in their service to their country. It recognises the important contribution they make to our communities and ensures that they are not disadvantaged due to their service to their country when they leave the Armed Forces.”
Dear Cllr Griffiths,
I think what most people are now aware of is that our participation in the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq were wrong. Not only have hundreds of our service personnel been killed, injured or traumatised but hundreds of thousands of the peoples of those countries, men women and children innocent of any hostile act or intention towards us, have perished. And if the purpose of these missions was to establish freedom and democracy we can see from current events in Iraq how abysmally they have failed.
You cannot make a distinction between armed forces and the actions they engage in. I grew up hero-worshipping the men and women who fought a ruthless would-be superpower in WW2. Now we are supporting one: the exponents of “full-spectrum, dominance” Abu Ghraib, Fallujah, Diego Garcia, Bagram, Guantanamo, “extraordinary rendition”, drone warfare and the “double tap” etc. I do not blame today’s armed forces for this, especially as many are recruited at too young an age to see the kind of propaganda we are subjected to every day for what it is.
To restore the honour and respect due to our services we must dissociate them from these illegal and unjust forms of “asymmetric warfare” which approach genocide in the numberless victims they claim. The very fact that we need armed forces defenders, open days and covenants shows that “most people” are deeply disturbed about these developments. Indeed I find this is talking to people of all sorts – including military, and I understand there is now a group called Veterans for Peace which is also gaining members still in service. These are the ones we should be supporting.
Yours sincerely
George Miller
18 June 2014
Dear Councillor Griffiths
I note that you have now responded to the initial letter signed by over 100 people about Armed Forces Day in your capacity as 'Armed Forces Champion'. In your response, you have not addressed the serious concerns raised about the use of the event by armed forces recruiters to target children. I expanded on this subject in my own letter to the council of 10 June which you will have also received and to which I have not yet had any response. As designated 'Armed Forces Champion' I am not surprised that you are defending the event and the activities of the armed forces, but you are clearly not the best person to be dealing with this complaint. I am very dissatisfied with your response and suggest that you should hand the matter back to the corporate complaints department to ensure that it is treated with the seriousness it deserves. In particular, the Head of Child Protection in the council should be asked to consider the issues raised as the council has a duty towards all children and should not be promoting events at their expense (fun now, trauma later).
On the general purpose of Armed Forces Day, it is meaningless to have 'a celebration of our troops', even one that 'recognises the sacrifices that they and their families make' without any reference to the military interventions they have participated in, exactly what interests have been served and who has suffered as a result of the intervention. What is there to celebrate when troops are sent off to fight illegal and immoral wars at the expense of hundreds of thousands of civilian lives as well as their own mental and physical health and sometimes their own lives?
You say that Armed Forces Day 'ensures that they [troops] are not disadvantaged due to their service to their country when they leave the Armed Forces.' That's surely something the government should be ensuring but is manifestly failing to deliver on. Troops are disadvantaged in many and various ways when they leave the forces. The homeless, jobless, mental health and prison statistics, along with the suicide rate amongst military veterans make that abundantly clear. An Armed Forces Day isn't going to put that right and the best way to 'enhance the reputation' of the armed forces would be to take a stand against sending troops into wars of aggression fought on lies in the first place.
I look forward to a further response from the council that addresses the concerns raised in the original letter and those above and below.
Genny Bove
19 June 2014
Dear Gill Stevens and David Griffiths,
The caption ARMED Forces Day says it all. The only purpose arms are put to is killing men women and children. Two million people who marched against the war in Iraq in London in February 2003 were absolutely right.
Forcing all of us who pay taxes to subsidise the arms trade is wrong but seeking to persuade young children that arms have anything to do with entertainment and fun is despicable.
Joan Meredith
19 June 2014
Councillor Griffiths
Thank you for responding to the open letter concerning the 'Armed Forces Day' celebrations. However I do feel you've missed the point somewhat. You say that it is "a celebration of our troops" and that "as most people will be aware, is not a celebration of war". Do you really think you can separate the two? Governments and the military are responsible for war - the very people whose interests these days serve. Yes Veterans should be looked after - in a decent society all its citizens should be cared for especially when we actively put them in harm's way.
The UK is the only country in Europe that still recruits 16 year olds into its armed forces and 'family' events like this one are used in part as a recruitment drive. You may scoff at this idea and use terms like "as most people are aware", but this has been openly admitted that it acts as a drip feed exercise on younger people.
Your appraisal of the armed forces and your glorification of the military has a disconnect with reality. You can not ignore what they are sent to do and where they are sent to do it. You can not ignore the unnecessary deaths and carnage that this military mindset has produced for both well meaning soldiers and the civilians that they kill in far greater numbers. You only have to look at what is happening in Iraq today to see the damage this collective mindset has produced. The U.K. and the U.S. actions act as the biggest recruitment drive for 'terrorists', notwithstanding our own state sponsored terror in the forms of drone warfare and the like.
We don't need more camouflaged rhetoric - we need to take a step out of the framework that can look no further than armed force as a solution. What our children need is an impartial view of historic warfare and the causes and effects of war and our role in today's turmoil, which from Palestine to Iraq we are culpable.
Lastly I find it ironic that we can't find the funds to secure a much loved and well used leisure centre, that served the whole of the community, yet you as the person largely responsible for getting it shut down with the devastating consequences that is having on the community including the children is promoted as the 'champion of the armed forces'. I note that this event is being partly funded by Wrexham council, who cannot afford to cut the grass,run the buses or keep our leisure services open. We can't teach our kids to swim to stop them from drowning, but we can afford to feed them misinformation that one day might lead them to a similar deadly fate.
Statistics show that young recruits are more likely to suffer PTSD, alcohol problems and suicide than those who join as adults and post war mental health problems are most common in young soldiers from disadvantaged backgrounds (yet deprived areas shamefully see the biggest recruitment drives). Over the last 20 years the suicide rate has been 80% higher amongst male soldiers under 20 than amongst civilian men of the same age group.
It's a shame Wrexham council don't employ a 'Champion of the People' and put a stop to this nonsense. All this flag waving and 'support the troops' grandstanding does is feed the cycle of violence. We remember everything, but learn nothing.
Yours sincerely
19 June 2014
Dear Genny Gove
I would like to advise you that the issues you have highlighted in your emails do not fall under the remit of Wrexham Council's Corporate Complaints policy and as such, unfortunately we will not conduct any investigations into this matter.
Yours sincerely
Ian Downward
Corporate and Customer Services
Corporate Complaints Investigator
Ymchwiliwr Cwynion Chorfforaethol
19 June 2014
Dear Ian Downward
My name is not Gove.
I refer to this page on the WCBC website.

I cannot see a link to the Corporate Complaints Policy on this page and you have failed to provide me with a copy of the same. If you don't inform the public about the extent of your remit, how are we to know whether you are the appropriate department to approach or not? Your department also failed to provide any response to my (personal) communication of over a week ago until I wrote to you again last night.
Perhaps you can advise me of who in the council I should contact given that I am unhappy with:
(a) Cllr. Griffiths' response to the issues raised in the original letter and
(b) the lack of response to the further issues raised in my own communication.
Please will you now supply me with a copy of the Corporate Complaints policy and any other WCBC complaints policies, as well as detail about the measures you have put in place (as per your email to WPJF yesterday) to ensure that future communications to your department don't go unanswered?
Many thanks
Genny Bove
19 June 2014
Dear Genny Bove
Please accept my sincere apologies for misspelling your surname.
I must also apologise for the lack of any response to your (personal) communication of over a week ago. The circumstances of why this did not occur are being investigated.
In consideration of the several requests you have made in your previous email communication, I have consulted with my Line Manager and we have concurred that as I was not the original officer in our team involved in this matter, it would be prudent that the officer directly involved to respond to you directly concerning your requests.
The Complaints Investigator in question is out of the office currently but will be returning to work next Monday 23 June 2014.
In acknowledgment of the points you raise, I wish to re-assure you that your communication is important to us. Priority will be given to providing you with a complete response by the end of next Monday afternoon.
Yours sincerely
Ian Downward
Corporate and Customer Services
Corporate Complaints Investigator
Ymchwiliwr Cwynion Chorfforaethol
["Next Monday afternoon" is conveniently after Armed Forces Day in Wrexham, which takes place this Saturday, 21 June.]
Why the council won't deal with this as a complaint
24.06.2014 08:56
Dear Genny Bove
I email in relation to correspondence you sent to the Corporate Complaints Team and subsequent correspondence between officers.
I must sincerely apologise for an oversight which resulted in your not having an acknowledgement to your email on the 8 June 2014. Further training has now been provided to members of the Complaints Team to ensure this oversight is not repeated.
I wish to further apolgise that you were incorrectly sent a link to the Web page which did not assist your enquiry. The Policy for Corporate Complaints is currently not published on the Wrexham Council website as we await a Welsh translation of the document to be completed (to meet Welsh language policy requirements) before a final up-load in both languages is achieved.
[The policy attached to this email is dated 2012, so that's between 1.5 and 2.5 years with NO published complaints policy just because they haven't got round to translating it. We might be forgiven for thinking that the Welsh Language policy is being deliberately used to keep useful information from the people of Wrexham - having a complaints policy available to the public is pretty fundamental].
To assist you however, I have now attached a copy of the Wrexham Council Corporate Complaints Policy. As already advised to you at an earlier date, the issues raised in the email sent on 8 June 2014 cannot be investigated by the Corporate Complaints Team, as the nature of the concerns raised in the letter does not fall under this Team’s remit.
I am sorry you are unhappy with the response provided to you by Councillor Griffiths. I can advise you that any complaint made directly about a Local Authority Member should be referred to the Local Services Ombudsman for Wales. To assist your considerations I have attached for your reference a PDF of the Ombudsman published information booklet.
Once again, I sincerely apologise for any poor service you feel you have encountered from the Corporate Complaints Team and wish to assure you this is not a reflection of the normal service standards you should have expected.
Miss Frankie Morgan
Complaints Investigator/Ymchwiliwr Cwynion Chorfforaethol
Corporate and Customer Services/Gwasanaethau Cwsmeriaid a Chorfforaethol
Wrexham County Borough Council/Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Wrecsam
01978 292087
16 Lord Street, Wrexham, LL11 1LG
16 Stryt yr Arglwydd, Wrecsam, LL11 1LG
24 June 2014
Dear Frances
Thank you for your email and attachments.
It is scandalous that the council does not have its own complaints policy available on its website and is using the Welsh Language policy as an excuse. The policy is dated 2012 and it should be a council priority to ensure this is available to the people of Wrexham, in whatever languages are required to meet your policy. The fact that it is not merits a complaint in itself!
I have read the policy and I can see no reason why your department should not be treating the matter as a complaint, given that David Griffiths' response does not deal with our core concerns.
I would appreciate you explaining to me with specific reference to the policy you attached, exactly why you do not consider this comes within your remit.
Many thanks.
Genny Bove
more from the council's complaints department
02.07.2014 07:00
Dear Genny Bove
Thank you for your email.
The email received by Wrexham Council on 8 June 2014 questions the use of public funds to facilitate The North Wales Armed Forces Day, held on 21 June 2014. The question itself was adequately responded to by Cllr Griffiths, however the decision for the funding was made by Wrexham Council’s Executive board on 14 May 2013, therefore it is one which is outside the remit of the Corporate Complaints procedure.
The Corporate Complaints team investigates concerns about the service or issues of service failure by Wrexham Council. In this case the email open letter received on 8 June is primarily a comment on Wrexham Council’s support for The North Wales Armed Forces Day. It is not something that can be investigated and responded to by this team.
Once again I apologise that your initial email was not acknowledged by the Corporate Complaints team and, as you have been informed in my previous email, this has been addressed with the Team.
The lack of a welsh language version of the Corporate Complaints policy is being addressed by the Wrexham Council Communications Manager and Welsh Language Officer who will contact you directly on this matter.
Frankie Morgan
Complaints Investigator/Ymchwiliwr Cwynion Chorfforaethol
Corporate and Customer Services/Gwasanaethau Cwsmeriaid a Chorfforaethol
Wrexham County Borough Council/Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Wrecsam
01978 292087
16 Lord Street, Wrexham, LL11 1LG
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