UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
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The Law Faculty occupation continues...
25-01-2009 15:36

Energy War: NATO meddling in Sudan to block China
25-01-2009 09:32

Clearly, the NATO will be brought in to support the US in its 'conquest' mission and its global strategy of controlling the 'energy' reserves across the African continent.
14th day of hunger strike in parliament square
25-01-2009 00:27
maria gallestegui continues her hunger strike in parliament square for the people of gazasunday will be her 14th day without food
she is drinking liquids and taking basic mineral and vitamin supplements
mainstream media is still ignoring her protest even though gaza itself has quickly fallen from the headlines
Breaking Gaza ’s Will: Israel ’s Enduring Fantasy
24-01-2009 23:20

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Photos: Sheffield March Against Israel's Attack on Gaza
24-01-2009 22:39

Eyewitness Report From Gaza: 'Yesterday and Tomorrow'
24-01-2009 20:10
Yesterday and TomorrowSaturday 24th January by Ewa Jasiewicz
We're like trees, we have our roots and they allow us to grow, little by little, we grow up and then they cut us down. But, whatever they throw at us, whatever they do to us, we are still here and we will still be here – Om Bassim, Jabaliya Camp, January 2009
Solidarity Picket in town + more occupation pictures.
24-01-2009 16:36

Falmouth activist films night - On the Verge
24-01-2009 15:34
Falmouth People and Planet films and vegan cake night - Wednesday 4 February, 6-8pmSeminar Room I, Tremough Campus, Penryn, Cornwall, UK, TR10 9EZ
We will be showing 'On the Verge - the film they tried to ban'.
Free cake!
Guantanamo: "The iguanas have more protection than the human prisoners."
24-01-2009 15:17
The Cageprisoners Tour, which marks the seventh year since Guantanamo Bay was opened, arrived in Liverpool on 22nd January. Of the three speakers, Moazzam Begg and Omar Deghayes were prisoners there. The third, Chris Arendt, was a prison guard.The BBC's refusal to air a humanitarian appeal for Gaza
24-01-2009 14:10
The BBC has blocked the broadcast of an appeal by the Disasters Emergency Committee (an alliance of apolitical humanitarian charities) calling for donations to relieve the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza caused by Israeli air strikes and blockades.Peace Group Demands Shutdown of Israeli Embassy
24-01-2009 12:29

13 January 2008: Carrying a giant eviction order and a mock padlock, the broad anti-war group, Stop the War Coalition-Philippines, went to the Israeli embassy today to symbolically order its closure.
Why the police riot? - part 2
24-01-2009 11:10

This is part 2 of a series, for part 1 see:

Gaza – The Blood-Soaked U.S.-Israeli “Ceasefire”
24-01-2009 10:00

The Law Faculty Occupation - further developments.
24-01-2009 03:24

Sheffield Gaza Protest Photos and Saturday Demo Details
23-01-2009 22:21

Support the EDO decommissioners
23-01-2009 19:35
After one person was granted bail yesterday, two decommissioners remain on remand in Lewes prison. Any messages of support welcome.Full article | 1 addition | 5 comments
Top Three Gaza Myths Debunked
23-01-2009 16:23

Betraying the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King
23-01-2009 13:38

Obama stands silent as his country aids in the genocide of the Palestinians. He will forge peace by sending 30,000 American troops to Afghanistan to intensify the massacre that has left nearly 800,000 of his brothers and sisters dead. He stands silent on the more than 700,000 of his brothers and sisters who have been murdered in Iraq. He threatens War against Iran, Syria and already destroyed Lebanon. He remains silent on the murder of his brother Oscar Grant III by police officer Johannes Mehserle in California.
Call for Conscientious Objection
23-01-2009 13:11
"You have no enemies. People of another faith, another culture or another color are not your enemies. There is no reason to fight against them..."Israeli Embassy protest - January 17th 2009 (The Yellow Army)
23-01-2009 12:04
In protest of Israel's atrocities in Gaza and UK sales of arms to Israel, around 300-400 people assembled in front of the Israeli Embassy gates in Kensington, London. The police were far more than prepared for the demonstration in what became a sea of yellow jacketed officers. A diminished crowd of about 150 people were forcefully dispersed and escorted from Kensington by the MET and Transport Police.