Update on Mayday! Mayday! Street Party and Antimilitarist Gathering
smashy | 23.04.2009 18:09 | Smash EDO | Anti-militarism | Iraq | Palestine | South Coast | World
preparations are going on apace for the Smash EDO Mayday! Mayday! Street Party
But first... Demo at Lewes Prison
In support of Robert Alford, on remand since January for deccommissiong EDO
from 3pm, Saturday 25th May Lewes Prison, more details at www.smashedo.org.uk
We're not releasing the meeting point til very shortly before the demo starts. Here's how to find out where to go:
Since the last update we have released an info number, 07506705509, to find out where the meeting place for the demo is - remember we will not be releasing the meeting place til very shortly before the demo so be in Brighton an hour or more before the 12 noon meeting time and keep on phoning the info number. If the police block this number we'll replace it with another so keep checking www.smashedo.org.uk/mayday-09.htm Also stay tuned in to Smash EDO Radio on 101.4 FM, we'll be broadcasting from 10.30ish on Monday morning and will be announcing updates on the meeting point.
If you've got a bike there's a critical mass starting at 11am from Brighton Station before the main meetup at 12 noon
Finally if you would like to receive a text message letting you know the meeting point text your number to 07983084019 or email it to
Antimilitarist map of Brighton - A handy map of businesses and places linked to militarism has been produced and is available at
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2009/04/427415.html. Why not have a look, print it out and bring it to the demo
May the Fourth be with you...
Mayday Update!
FOR UP TO THE MINUTE UPDATES ABOUT THE DEMO - call the Mayday! Mayday! infoline - Save this number in your phone as this will be one of the only ways to find out the meeting point for the demo - 07506705509
Smash EDO Radio
We will be broadcasting throughout the day giving you a soundtrack to the street party. Bring a radio so you can tune in. If you're bringing a sound system try and bring a tuner too so you can broadcast Smash EDO radio to help us communicate at the party.
Listen to Smash EDO Radio during the morning of the 4th to hear the latest info about the demo and to find out where the meeting place will be
Smash EDO Radio will be broadcasting on 101.4fm (and hopefully over the internet too)
Bring stereos and radios to the Mayday Street Party so we can make our own music...
Critical Mass
There will be a Critical Mass meeting at 11 am at Brighton Station before the main Street Party... BIKES NOT BOMBS, bring sound systems
Local Groups Coming to Mayday
These groups are arranging transport from around the country, contact them if you'd like to travel with someone from your local area:
Hereford -
Sheffield -
Bath -
Cardiff -
Callout for Bands and DJs
If you are in a band or can DJ contact
The Forward Intelligence Team will, we're sure, be at Mayday! To find out about FIT and how to sabotage their surveillance see
http://www.fitwatch.blogspot.com/ . Remember you're under no obligation to comply with their filming
Anti-Militarist Gathering
On May 2nd and 3rd the Anti Militarist Network are organising a gathering. This will be a chance for local anti arms trade/anti militarist groups to exchange ideas and to plan our response to the 2009 DSEI arms fair and the NATO summit in Edinburgh in November for more info see here or call 07983084019
Accomodation for Mayday
If you need accomodation for Mayday or for the Anti-Militarist Gathering email us at
smashedo@riseup.net or call 07706689722 (we only have limited accomodation)
Legal Support
If you or someone you know are arrested or assaulted by police and need legal support 07544024454. For emotional support call 07962406940
Press Enquiries
Tel 07754135290 or email
Anti Militarist Gathering
The Anti Miliatarist Network is holding a gathering at the Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton on Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd May
This gathering aims to:
1. Support the Smash EDO Mayday mobilisation on May the 4th in Brighton.
2. Plan for resistance to the NATO Parliamentary assembly in November in Edinburgh
3. Plan for resistance to the DSEI arms fair from 8 - 11th September
4. Continue in efforts to build an effective support network of anti-militarist direct action.
We declare our opposition to the global arms trade and all its supporting industries, as well as armed bodies which defend the power and privilege of the few at the expense of human well-being and environmental sustainability.
The anti-militarist network aims to cooperate on a non hierarchical basis. We make all decisions using consensus methods and will aim to make our conference a safe space free from sexism, racism, homophobia and all other forms of discrimination.
Food and crash-pad convergence will be provided on a donation basis. If you need somewhere to stay and for all other inquiries please contact:
For phone contact at the weekend for crash-space please call: 07706689722
The conference will begin at 10am on 2nd May. Below is a loose plan for the events of the weekend.
Time Main Room
10:00 Local action networking
11:00 BREAK
11:15 Small group discussion on UK networking and supporting each other
12:00 LUNCH
13:00 Planning for anti-NATO mobilisation in November
15:15 Planning for 2009 Disarm DSEi mobilisation
17:00 END
On saturday in the backbuilding there will be a Kids' Space and Prop making session all day.
Time In the Main Room
10:00 First Aid workshop
11:00 BREAK
11:15 Direct Action workshop
12:15 LUNCH
13:15 Direct Action workshop (conti.)
14:30 No Borders discussion
15:30 Round Up
16:00 END
Time In the Library
10:00 FitWatch workshop
11:00 BREAK
11:15 Discussion on Militarism and the Environment
12:15 LUNCH
13:15 Activist Trauma Support discussion
14:15 BREAK
14:30 Legal workshop
15:30 Round Up
16:00 END
Some of these events do run simultaneously. So attend what you want!
Please come and enjoy yourselves.
For any further information please contact the email address. Accomodation and food will be available.
But first... Demo at Lewes Prison
In support of Robert Alford, on remand since January for deccommissiong EDO
from 3pm, Saturday 25th May Lewes Prison, more details at www.smashedo.org.uk
We're not releasing the meeting point til very shortly before the demo starts. Here's how to find out where to go:
Since the last update we have released an info number, 07506705509, to find out where the meeting place for the demo is - remember we will not be releasing the meeting place til very shortly before the demo so be in Brighton an hour or more before the 12 noon meeting time and keep on phoning the info number. If the police block this number we'll replace it with another so keep checking www.smashedo.org.uk/mayday-09.htm Also stay tuned in to Smash EDO Radio on 101.4 FM, we'll be broadcasting from 10.30ish on Monday morning and will be announcing updates on the meeting point.
If you've got a bike there's a critical mass starting at 11am from Brighton Station before the main meetup at 12 noon
Finally if you would like to receive a text message letting you know the meeting point text your number to 07983084019 or email it to

Antimilitarist map of Brighton - A handy map of businesses and places linked to militarism has been produced and is available at

May the Fourth be with you...
Mayday Update!
FOR UP TO THE MINUTE UPDATES ABOUT THE DEMO - call the Mayday! Mayday! infoline - Save this number in your phone as this will be one of the only ways to find out the meeting point for the demo - 07506705509
Smash EDO Radio
We will be broadcasting throughout the day giving you a soundtrack to the street party. Bring a radio so you can tune in. If you're bringing a sound system try and bring a tuner too so you can broadcast Smash EDO radio to help us communicate at the party.
Listen to Smash EDO Radio during the morning of the 4th to hear the latest info about the demo and to find out where the meeting place will be
Smash EDO Radio will be broadcasting on 101.4fm (and hopefully over the internet too)
Bring stereos and radios to the Mayday Street Party so we can make our own music...
Critical Mass
There will be a Critical Mass meeting at 11 am at Brighton Station before the main Street Party... BIKES NOT BOMBS, bring sound systems
Local Groups Coming to Mayday
These groups are arranging transport from around the country, contact them if you'd like to travel with someone from your local area:
Hereford -

Sheffield -

Bath -

Cardiff -

Callout for Bands and DJs
If you are in a band or can DJ contact

The Forward Intelligence Team will, we're sure, be at Mayday! To find out about FIT and how to sabotage their surveillance see

Anti-Militarist Gathering
On May 2nd and 3rd the Anti Militarist Network are organising a gathering. This will be a chance for local anti arms trade/anti militarist groups to exchange ideas and to plan our response to the 2009 DSEI arms fair and the NATO summit in Edinburgh in November for more info see here or call 07983084019
Accomodation for Mayday
If you need accomodation for Mayday or for the Anti-Militarist Gathering email us at

Legal Support
If you or someone you know are arrested or assaulted by police and need legal support 07544024454. For emotional support call 07962406940
Press Enquiries
Tel 07754135290 or email

Anti Militarist Gathering
The Anti Miliatarist Network is holding a gathering at the Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton on Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd May
This gathering aims to:
1. Support the Smash EDO Mayday mobilisation on May the 4th in Brighton.
2. Plan for resistance to the NATO Parliamentary assembly in November in Edinburgh
3. Plan for resistance to the DSEI arms fair from 8 - 11th September
4. Continue in efforts to build an effective support network of anti-militarist direct action.
We declare our opposition to the global arms trade and all its supporting industries, as well as armed bodies which defend the power and privilege of the few at the expense of human well-being and environmental sustainability.
The anti-militarist network aims to cooperate on a non hierarchical basis. We make all decisions using consensus methods and will aim to make our conference a safe space free from sexism, racism, homophobia and all other forms of discrimination.
Food and crash-pad convergence will be provided on a donation basis. If you need somewhere to stay and for all other inquiries please contact:

For phone contact at the weekend for crash-space please call: 07706689722
The conference will begin at 10am on 2nd May. Below is a loose plan for the events of the weekend.
Time Main Room
10:00 Local action networking
11:00 BREAK
11:15 Small group discussion on UK networking and supporting each other
12:00 LUNCH
13:00 Planning for anti-NATO mobilisation in November
15:15 Planning for 2009 Disarm DSEi mobilisation
17:00 END
On saturday in the backbuilding there will be a Kids' Space and Prop making session all day.
Time In the Main Room
10:00 First Aid workshop
11:00 BREAK
11:15 Direct Action workshop
12:15 LUNCH
13:15 Direct Action workshop (conti.)
14:30 No Borders discussion
15:30 Round Up
16:00 END
Time In the Library
10:00 FitWatch workshop
11:00 BREAK
11:15 Discussion on Militarism and the Environment
12:15 LUNCH
13:15 Activist Trauma Support discussion
14:15 BREAK
14:30 Legal workshop
15:30 Round Up
16:00 END
Some of these events do run simultaneously. So attend what you want!
Please come and enjoy yourselves.
For any further information please contact the email address. Accomodation and food will be available.