UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Court finds ITN journalist Terry Lloyd murdered by US forces
17-10-2006 09:52
An Oxfordshire coroner’s court ruled Friday, October 13 that the Independent Television News (ITN) journalist Terry Lloyd was unlawfully killed by US forces in southern Iraq in March 2003.Israel’s Plan for a Military Strike on Iran
17-10-2006 09:43
NAZARETH, 16 October 2006. The Middle East, and possibly the world, stands on the brink of a terrible conflagration as Israel and the United States prepare to deal with Iran’s alleged ambition to acquire nuclear weapons. Israel, it becomes clearer by the day, wants to use its air force to deliver a knock-out blow against Tehran. It is not known whether it will use conventional weapons or a nuclear warhead in such a strike.Nuclear Strike on Iran Is Still on the Agenda
17-10-2006 08:11
No nuclear country is likely to intervene when the U.S. uses nuclear weapons against Iran, so there is no military deterrent. The U.S. has now achieved vast nuclear superiority and is about to demonstrate to the world that its $5 trillion nuclear arsenal is not "unusable."
Black Op Mujahideen Shura Council Declares Islamic State in Iraq
16-10-2006 21:46
The precisely timed statement was devised, with western intelligence connivance, not only to “stir up hatred between the Sunnis and the Shiites,” but break the country into three pieces based on ethnic and religious affiliation, a plan formulated in Israel, adopted by the neocons, and approved by the bankster global elite.House Demolitions in Jordan Valley
16-10-2006 21:36
These posts are from a Brighton based activist spending part of October in occupied Palestine with the International Solidarity Movement, a network of international activists set up to support Palestinian non violent resistance agaisnst Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. In these posts I will be writing short accounts of aspects of the occupation and resistance…In October I will also be trying to foster grassroots links with grassroots organisations in the Jordan valley region, the most fertile area of the West Bank in danger of annexation by the Israeli state suffering from exploitation by Israeli and international corporations...
16-10-2006 19:22
Ignored Harmful Effects of DU Munitions From the Horses’ Mouths.By Elaine A. Hunter
Ignored US Government and Military data that DU munitions are harming the health of workers, both civilian and military,national and international, while they are in transit or just sitting around waiting to be used in battle.
Shut DESO Action Day, London 16 October, 2006
16-10-2006 19:12

Cuban Forum Analyzes Extra-territorial Nature of US Blockade
16-10-2006 15:08
Dresser Rand Group Inc, a New York-based company that manufactures turbines and compressors for the energy sector, announced that it will fight sanctions imposed by the US government against one of its subsidiaries as part of its economic blockade against Cuba.23 October (9.30-10.30am) "Parliament Square solo protests" for Fairford Coaches
16-10-2006 05:00

Hold your own "solo protest" in solidarity with Fairford Coaches case!
Guantanamo Protest at Starbucks next Saturday 21st October
15-10-2006 21:54

Starbucks on New Street in Birmingham City Centre next Saturday
starting at 1.00pm.
SOCPA - is superintendent terry mad?
15-10-2006 19:33

Online Petition: Stop the Legal Persecution of the Fairford Five
15-10-2006 15:17
We believe that after two hung juries – which are failures of the government to prove their case – that the it should end its persecution of the 5 Fairford protesters. Please sign up too!Schools to teach kids the arithemetic of war
15-10-2006 11:56
I reported a while back on the attempts by the government to indoctrinate children, including the Defense Schools Initiative. This involved selling kids on putative MoD values on such matters as "citizenship, humanitarian aid, ethnic diversity, human rights, veterans, conflict resolution and crisis situations".EXPERIMENTAL WEAPONS AGAINST PALESTINIANS
15-10-2006 09:34

Solomon Islands PM condemns Australian “re-colonisation”
15-10-2006 04:04

"Philippine President" Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is the Coddler of Criminals
15-10-2006 03:51

15-10-2006 03:06

confidence in Maliki government grows
14-10-2006 10:52
In the five months since Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki became Iraq's leader, the parliament and his ministries have formed hundreds of committees to address problems on everything from how to disarm militias to whether tainted meat caused a group of police officers to fall ill last week.Imperialism’s two failures - interview with Leila Khaled
14-10-2006 10:49
Following are excerpts from an interview conducted with Palestinian resistance leader Leila Khaled by Samia Halaby of the Defend Palestine Coalition, LeiLani Dowell of Workers World newspaper, and Sara Flounders of the International Action Center during a fact-finding delegation to Lebanon Sept. 11-17.