FX | 15.10.2006 03:06 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Repression | World
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Independent Media Transcript 15 October 2006
New study says US war has killed 655,000 Iraqis
by the editorial board via sam US IMC 13/10/06
According to a study published Wednesday in the British medical journal the Lancet, the US invasion and occupation of Iraq are responsible for the deaths of an estimated 655,000 Iraqis.
The survey of Iraqi casualties was conducted by a team of Iraqi physicians under the direction of epidemiologists at Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health in Maryland.
The estimate of the researchers is more than 12 times the figure of 44,000 to 49,000 civilian deaths given by the British group Iraq Body Count, and nearly 22 times the figure of 30,000, “more or less,” mentioned by President Bush in a December 2005 press conference.
The number of estimated deaths of Iraqis since the invasion corresponds to 2.5 percent of the population of Iraq. A matching percentage of the US population of 300 million would be 7.5 million—nearly the entire population of New York City.
The number of 655,000 represents the “excess” deaths caused by the American invasion and occupation. This is the difference between the number of people killed since March 2003 and the number of deaths that would be expected on the basis of pre-war death rates.
Of the total number of war-related deaths, an estimated 600,000 died as a result of violence, including gun shots, car bombs and other explosive devices, and air strikes. An estimated 31 percent of these, or 186,000, are attributed by the study directly to coalition forces—that is, these Iraqis were killed by the American military or its allies. According to the study, gunshot wounds caused 56 percent of violent deaths—an extraordinarily high figure that points again to the direct role of the US military.
An additional 24 percent of war-related deaths are attributed to other sources, including sectarian killings and suicide bombings, while 45 percent are classified as unknown.
These figures give a partial picture of the consequences of a war crime of vast dimensions. US imperialism has laid waste to an entire country and killed a significant proportion of the population in order to seize control of Iraq’s vast oil resources and establish a hegemonic position in the Middle East. The Lancet report stands as an indictment not only of the Bush administration, but of the entire US political establishment.
Death on such a scale was an entirely foreseeable result of the invasion of Iraq. The US attack has produced a social catastrophe of historical proportions.
The nightmare of death and destruction unleashed by the US gives the lie to all of the claims, beyond the phony allegations of weapons of mass destruction and Iraqi support for Al Qaeda, advanced to justify the war—that it was launched to liberate the Iraqi people, that it is a war for democracy and freedom, etc.
The report states that the US intervention has killed more than twice as many Iraqis in the space of three-and-a-half years than were killed by the regime of Saddam Hussein in the course of its 24-year reign, based on the estimate by Human Rights Watch of 250,000 to 290,000 killings under the deposed Baathist government.
The occupying forces are responsible not only for those they killed directly, but for all of the violence that has been unleashed by the invasion. The US policy of supporting different ethnic groups and pitting them against each other has led to the sharp increase in sectarian killings over the past year. The ultimate cause of all the deaths, as well as the uncounted injuries, lies in the decision to launch the war itself.
The 55,000 additional deaths from non-violent sources are attributed by the study to heart attacks, cancer, infant mortality and other illnesses. This increase is directly related to the destruction of Iraq’s social infrastructure, including electricity, sanitation, clean water and medical care.
The immediate response of the Bush administration to the Lancet report was a predictable mixture of contempt and indifference. In a press conference on Wednesday, Bush called the figure of 655,000 “not credible” and said the methodology used in the study had been “discredited.” He did not bother to explain the basis on which he dismissed the report.
For its part, the Pentagon responded by saying that it “regrets the loss of any innocent life in Iraq or anywhere else.” The pro-forma character of this statement betrays the complete indifference of the US military. The Pentagon went on to claim, “It would be difficult for the US to precisely determine the number of civilian deaths in Iraq as a result of insurgent activity.”
This statement, as with virtually all official US statements on Iraqi casualties, attributes the toll on Iraqi lives entirely to the resistance, not to US violence. This is yet another in the mountain of lies employed to justify the war.
Since the invasion, the US government has refused to release figures on the deaths it has caused. The US-backed Iraqi government has systematically underestimated the death toll, and has stepped up its policy of concealment in tandem with the increasing carnage from US military attacks, mass killings by death squads, and suicide bombings. Beginning in September, the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki barred the Baghdad morgue and the Health Ministry from releasing their own reports on deaths.
The Lancet study is the most credible estimate of deaths available, and is based on an entirely sound methodology. The figure of 655,000 is much higher than numbers reported by other surveys, including Iraq Body Count, because these other estimates rely on passive surveys of deaths reported in the press. This method is known to vastly underestimate actual deaths, since most killings go unreported. Iraq Body Count also includes only civilian casualties, while the Lancet report includes all deaths.
In an article on Wednesday, the Washington Post cited several researchers who backed the survey’s findings, including Ronald Waldman, an epidemiologist at Columbia University, who said the survey methods were “tried and true” and that the results were “the best estimate of mortality we have” from Iraq. Sarah Leah Whitson, from Human Rights Watch, said that there was “no reason” to question the report’s findings.
The Post noted, “Both this and the earlier [Johns Hopkins] study are the only ones to estimate mortality in Iraq using scientific methods. The technique, called ‘cluster sampling,’ is used to estimate mortality in famines and after natural disasters.”
To arrive at their estimate, the researchers selected a random population sample across different regions of Iraq and then calculated the number of deaths since the invasion of March 2003 in that sample. In total, 1,849 households were visited, and a member of the household was asked to report on deaths in the family from the period beginning 14 months before the invasion of Iraq through to the present.
To verify the reported deaths, the interviewers requested death certificates 87 percent of the time. Of those asked, 92 percent were able to give certificates.
After calculating the number of post-invasion deaths among the households sampled, the resulting figure was used to estimate the number of deaths for the population as a whole. Based on pre-invasion death rates, the researchers calculated the expected deaths during the same period. The difference between these two figures yielded the “excess” deaths produced by the invasion and occupation. The 655,000 number is a middle figure. The researchers reported that they were 95 percent confident that the actual number of deaths was between 393,000 and 943,000.
John Howard dismisses Lancet report of 655,000 Iraqi war deaths
by Elliot K - Perth IMC 12/10/06
October 12/10/06 - PM refuses to believe Iraq deaths figure
US researchers have found that around one in 40 Iraqi population, have died as a result of the 2003 invasion of their country - according to a study by the British journal The Lancet. The study says: "Our estimate of the post-invasion crude mortality rate represents a doubling of the baseline mortality rate," which they say "constitutes a humanitarian emergency..."
The Prime Minister dismissed as "implausible", the university research which suggests more than 650,000 Iraqis have died since Australia and the US-led forces invaded Iraq in 2003...
No Bravery
Long term detainees finally walk free
by Vera Melbourne IMC 12/10/06
On Friday three detainees walked free from immigration detention. All came out of psychiatric hospitals after years in detention. The longest was 6 years. According to Pamela Curr of the Melbourne Asylum Seekers Resource Centre, "Six long hard years of soul destroying, spirit breaking detention for no moral reason. One permanent protection visa and two temporary visas in the Vanstone lottery."
As Refugee Week approaches the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre are doing an audit of long termers still in detention to increase the pressure for their release. Even after 6 and 7 years there are people hidden away in the hellholes of immigration detention, too scared to speak out. The Centre welcomes information on long term detainees.
While the Ombudsmans office is notified of people locked up for more than 2 years and this information gets tabled in Parliament , it does not necessarily mean that any action is taken. The Ombudsman can only make recommendations with no power to release detainees under any circumstances.
Although children and many long termers have been released, the legislation allowing indefinite long term detention still exists. The Centre keeps constant vigilance on detention with information from friends inside always required to keep a watch on persons who are rotting away in detention without representation or action.
There are also people out in Community detention, Alternative detention, Bridging Visas, Return Pending Visas and sundry other incarceration methods - some after 6 and 7 years.
New Report: Deported to Danger II
The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
Watch Video:
By KosmikK Global IMC13/10/06
Full of strange inconsistencies this sounds like a Show Trial to me: is this man mentally fit enough to be tried?
Dhiren Barot has been accused of all manner of extravagant plots but they're all on paper, there are no known fellow 'conspirators', he has no funds to carry-out any of the alleged projects and there is no evidence that any atrocities were being physically prepared! ??Yet the man pleads guilty in a high-security court and judgement is to be made in circumstances of even higher security. ??Is this nothing more than another in a long line of disturbing political trials where a mentally vulnerable man is being victimised by the British state and its thought police? ?
Man admits terror plot to blow up Wall St amid 'dirty bomb' revelation
?DAILY MAIL, By BEN TAYLOR and COLIN FERNANDEZ ? ??The details of this trial, some of which I've
mentioned above, are very disturbing. Barot's behaviour suggests a mentally unstable person. I wonder if his mental state was ever considered before he was sent to trial? ??Is this man -a convert- looking to be martyred as a hero? ??How can anyone be declared guilty of a conspiracy to murder for just writing some stuff on paper and making some videos? It sounds like Barot was on a Walter Mitty-like fantasy trip. ?
If writing just a few notes about some crazy plans makes one guilty of conspiracy then Agatha Christie would be one of the world's greatest serial-killer terrorists never brought to justice! ??This is nonsense! ??Yet he is now under the threat of a life sentence! ??The British judiciary has deteriorated into nothing more than a corrupt, political tool. Both the judiciary and the police are repeating on the mainland all the injustices they committed in Ireland. ??It is surely the sign of a decayed Empire in its death throes. ?
Read Alex Jone's take on the story: Media Hypes Nutcase Scribblings as "Terror Plot Admission",
Related Graphics: Stop Political Terror
Tags: Iraq-War, 665,000-Deaths, Occupation, Asylum-Seekers, Refugees, Scapegoats, Show-Trials, Islamophobic-Political-Terror.
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Independent Media Transcript 15 October 2006
New study says US war has killed 655,000 Iraqis
by the editorial board via sam US IMC 13/10/06
According to a study published Wednesday in the British medical journal the Lancet, the US invasion and occupation of Iraq are responsible for the deaths of an estimated 655,000 Iraqis.
The survey of Iraqi casualties was conducted by a team of Iraqi physicians under the direction of epidemiologists at Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health in Maryland.
The estimate of the researchers is more than 12 times the figure of 44,000 to 49,000 civilian deaths given by the British group Iraq Body Count, and nearly 22 times the figure of 30,000, “more or less,” mentioned by President Bush in a December 2005 press conference.
The number of estimated deaths of Iraqis since the invasion corresponds to 2.5 percent of the population of Iraq. A matching percentage of the US population of 300 million would be 7.5 million—nearly the entire population of New York City.
The number of 655,000 represents the “excess” deaths caused by the American invasion and occupation. This is the difference between the number of people killed since March 2003 and the number of deaths that would be expected on the basis of pre-war death rates.
Of the total number of war-related deaths, an estimated 600,000 died as a result of violence, including gun shots, car bombs and other explosive devices, and air strikes. An estimated 31 percent of these, or 186,000, are attributed by the study directly to coalition forces—that is, these Iraqis were killed by the American military or its allies. According to the study, gunshot wounds caused 56 percent of violent deaths—an extraordinarily high figure that points again to the direct role of the US military.
An additional 24 percent of war-related deaths are attributed to other sources, including sectarian killings and suicide bombings, while 45 percent are classified as unknown.
These figures give a partial picture of the consequences of a war crime of vast dimensions. US imperialism has laid waste to an entire country and killed a significant proportion of the population in order to seize control of Iraq’s vast oil resources and establish a hegemonic position in the Middle East. The Lancet report stands as an indictment not only of the Bush administration, but of the entire US political establishment.
Death on such a scale was an entirely foreseeable result of the invasion of Iraq. The US attack has produced a social catastrophe of historical proportions.
The nightmare of death and destruction unleashed by the US gives the lie to all of the claims, beyond the phony allegations of weapons of mass destruction and Iraqi support for Al Qaeda, advanced to justify the war—that it was launched to liberate the Iraqi people, that it is a war for democracy and freedom, etc.
The report states that the US intervention has killed more than twice as many Iraqis in the space of three-and-a-half years than were killed by the regime of Saddam Hussein in the course of its 24-year reign, based on the estimate by Human Rights Watch of 250,000 to 290,000 killings under the deposed Baathist government.
The occupying forces are responsible not only for those they killed directly, but for all of the violence that has been unleashed by the invasion. The US policy of supporting different ethnic groups and pitting them against each other has led to the sharp increase in sectarian killings over the past year. The ultimate cause of all the deaths, as well as the uncounted injuries, lies in the decision to launch the war itself.
The 55,000 additional deaths from non-violent sources are attributed by the study to heart attacks, cancer, infant mortality and other illnesses. This increase is directly related to the destruction of Iraq’s social infrastructure, including electricity, sanitation, clean water and medical care.
The immediate response of the Bush administration to the Lancet report was a predictable mixture of contempt and indifference. In a press conference on Wednesday, Bush called the figure of 655,000 “not credible” and said the methodology used in the study had been “discredited.” He did not bother to explain the basis on which he dismissed the report.
For its part, the Pentagon responded by saying that it “regrets the loss of any innocent life in Iraq or anywhere else.” The pro-forma character of this statement betrays the complete indifference of the US military. The Pentagon went on to claim, “It would be difficult for the US to precisely determine the number of civilian deaths in Iraq as a result of insurgent activity.”
This statement, as with virtually all official US statements on Iraqi casualties, attributes the toll on Iraqi lives entirely to the resistance, not to US violence. This is yet another in the mountain of lies employed to justify the war.
Since the invasion, the US government has refused to release figures on the deaths it has caused. The US-backed Iraqi government has systematically underestimated the death toll, and has stepped up its policy of concealment in tandem with the increasing carnage from US military attacks, mass killings by death squads, and suicide bombings. Beginning in September, the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki barred the Baghdad morgue and the Health Ministry from releasing their own reports on deaths.
The Lancet study is the most credible estimate of deaths available, and is based on an entirely sound methodology. The figure of 655,000 is much higher than numbers reported by other surveys, including Iraq Body Count, because these other estimates rely on passive surveys of deaths reported in the press. This method is known to vastly underestimate actual deaths, since most killings go unreported. Iraq Body Count also includes only civilian casualties, while the Lancet report includes all deaths.
In an article on Wednesday, the Washington Post cited several researchers who backed the survey’s findings, including Ronald Waldman, an epidemiologist at Columbia University, who said the survey methods were “tried and true” and that the results were “the best estimate of mortality we have” from Iraq. Sarah Leah Whitson, from Human Rights Watch, said that there was “no reason” to question the report’s findings.
The Post noted, “Both this and the earlier [Johns Hopkins] study are the only ones to estimate mortality in Iraq using scientific methods. The technique, called ‘cluster sampling,’ is used to estimate mortality in famines and after natural disasters.”
To arrive at their estimate, the researchers selected a random population sample across different regions of Iraq and then calculated the number of deaths since the invasion of March 2003 in that sample. In total, 1,849 households were visited, and a member of the household was asked to report on deaths in the family from the period beginning 14 months before the invasion of Iraq through to the present.
To verify the reported deaths, the interviewers requested death certificates 87 percent of the time. Of those asked, 92 percent were able to give certificates.
After calculating the number of post-invasion deaths among the households sampled, the resulting figure was used to estimate the number of deaths for the population as a whole. Based on pre-invasion death rates, the researchers calculated the expected deaths during the same period. The difference between these two figures yielded the “excess” deaths produced by the invasion and occupation. The 655,000 number is a middle figure. The researchers reported that they were 95 percent confident that the actual number of deaths was between 393,000 and 943,000.

John Howard dismisses Lancet report of 655,000 Iraqi war deaths
by Elliot K - Perth IMC 12/10/06
October 12/10/06 - PM refuses to believe Iraq deaths figure
US researchers have found that around one in 40 Iraqi population, have died as a result of the 2003 invasion of their country - according to a study by the British journal The Lancet. The study says: "Our estimate of the post-invasion crude mortality rate represents a doubling of the baseline mortality rate," which they say "constitutes a humanitarian emergency..."
The Prime Minister dismissed as "implausible", the university research which suggests more than 650,000 Iraqis have died since Australia and the US-led forces invaded Iraq in 2003...

No Bravery

Long term detainees finally walk free
by Vera Melbourne IMC 12/10/06
On Friday three detainees walked free from immigration detention. All came out of psychiatric hospitals after years in detention. The longest was 6 years. According to Pamela Curr of the Melbourne Asylum Seekers Resource Centre, "Six long hard years of soul destroying, spirit breaking detention for no moral reason. One permanent protection visa and two temporary visas in the Vanstone lottery."
As Refugee Week approaches the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre are doing an audit of long termers still in detention to increase the pressure for their release. Even after 6 and 7 years there are people hidden away in the hellholes of immigration detention, too scared to speak out. The Centre welcomes information on long term detainees.
While the Ombudsmans office is notified of people locked up for more than 2 years and this information gets tabled in Parliament , it does not necessarily mean that any action is taken. The Ombudsman can only make recommendations with no power to release detainees under any circumstances.
Although children and many long termers have been released, the legislation allowing indefinite long term detention still exists. The Centre keeps constant vigilance on detention with information from friends inside always required to keep a watch on persons who are rotting away in detention without representation or action.
There are also people out in Community detention, Alternative detention, Bridging Visas, Return Pending Visas and sundry other incarceration methods - some after 6 and 7 years.
New Report: Deported to Danger II

The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
Watch Video:

By KosmikK Global IMC13/10/06
Full of strange inconsistencies this sounds like a Show Trial to me: is this man mentally fit enough to be tried?
Dhiren Barot has been accused of all manner of extravagant plots but they're all on paper, there are no known fellow 'conspirators', he has no funds to carry-out any of the alleged projects and there is no evidence that any atrocities were being physically prepared! ??Yet the man pleads guilty in a high-security court and judgement is to be made in circumstances of even higher security. ??Is this nothing more than another in a long line of disturbing political trials where a mentally vulnerable man is being victimised by the British state and its thought police? ?
Man admits terror plot to blow up Wall St amid 'dirty bomb' revelation

mentioned above, are very disturbing. Barot's behaviour suggests a mentally unstable person. I wonder if his mental state was ever considered before he was sent to trial? ??Is this man -a convert- looking to be martyred as a hero? ??How can anyone be declared guilty of a conspiracy to murder for just writing some stuff on paper and making some videos? It sounds like Barot was on a Walter Mitty-like fantasy trip. ?
If writing just a few notes about some crazy plans makes one guilty of conspiracy then Agatha Christie would be one of the world's greatest serial-killer terrorists never brought to justice! ??This is nonsense! ??Yet he is now under the threat of a life sentence! ??The British judiciary has deteriorated into nothing more than a corrupt, political tool. Both the judiciary and the police are repeating on the mainland all the injustices they committed in Ireland. ??It is surely the sign of a decayed Empire in its death throes. ?
Read Alex Jone's take on the story: Media Hypes Nutcase Scribblings as "Terror Plot Admission",

Related Graphics: Stop Political Terror

Tags: Iraq-War, 665,000-Deaths, Occupation, Asylum-Seekers, Refugees, Scapegoats, Show-Trials, Islamophobic-Political-Terror.
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Tags: Nukiller, Maralinga, Visualizing-Dead, Iraq-War, Police -Taser-50,000-volt-Shock-Paralysis-Death.
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