UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
NATO in disarray over military crisis in Afghanistan
12-09-2006 00:20

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More London 9/11 Truth Protest Photos
11-09-2006 23:37

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London 9/11 Truth Protest
11-09-2006 23:07

Latest news from the rampART
11-09-2006 23:01
This is an edited version of the latest newsletter from the rampART social centre in East London. You can join the mailing list yourself via
False Flag Operations: Declassified Military Documents Show How US Government Pl
11-09-2006 20:38
As reported by ABC News, stunning military documents codenamed "Operation Northwoods" were declassified in recent years and show how in 1962, the top US military leaders planned an operation to create terror attacks against its own cities and kill US citizens.Remember September 11 (Palestine and Iraq) by Latuff
11-09-2006 19:23

Canadian PM Harper becomes bagman for Bush, Rove & RNC
11-09-2006 16:54
President Bush and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper have now been fingered in the softwood lumber money laundry.Harper allowed a $500 Million dollar deal to go forward at the expense of all Canadian citizens.
This Wednesdays demo at EDO MBM needs to be a big one
11-09-2006 13:22
This Wednesdays demo at EDO MBM needs to be a big oneAustralia: Channel 10 may get Wakely-Award over 9/11 'truth' film
11-09-2006 08:44
Are there no standards we can expect from other channels? Have they no sense of shame for trying to cover up killers against the memory of those cruelly murdered five years ago by maniacs in the White House?Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
This Sat: London to Brighton for EDO March
10-09-2006 23:39
Londoners will be meeting at London Victoria ticket office at 10am on Sat 16th to head down to Brighton for the EDO march together.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Report/review of 9/11 Press for Truth
10-09-2006 22:29

9/11 Truth Demonstration - London - TOMORROW
10-09-2006 19:29

US Embassy
Grosvenor Square
London W1
11th September 2006
12.30pm - 2.30pm
MSNBC poll on government complicity in 9/11 - 59% say yes! PLACE YOUR VOTE!
10-09-2006 19:28
author: very interestingSchNEWS on 9/11
10-09-2006 19:20

Public meeting with Israeli Refusnik
10-09-2006 15:31
Shimri Zameret: Israeli army refuser and political activist will speak on the Palestinian/Israeli conflict and the anti-war and anti-globalisation movement in IsraelUPDATE to RED ALERT 9/11/06 (NASA, Ft. Monroe and Houston)
10-09-2006 14:45
With time running out on a Bush Administration that is itching for more war in the Middle East and more political control at home, a former Army intelligence and public affairs officer has a vital question for all Americans: Are this week's Al Qaeda news and secretive, suspicious government terror drills a set up for a new 9/11 5th anniversary attack, code-named 9/11-V?Losses in Gaza strip estimated at $46 million
10-09-2006 11:56
The following article has been published on the website Welcome to Baqa'a Refugee Camp.'9/11': Professor David Ray Griffin, on BBC TV's 'Heaven and Earth Show'
10-09-2006 11:03
There was a feature on BBC1 Heaven and Earth show here in the UK which hadProfessor David Ray Griffin, Theologian, talking to Ed Stourton, who travelled to Amsterdam to meet Professor David Ray Griffin who is at the vanguard of this controversial school of thought - and who says that it's every Christian's duty to uncover the truth of the "cover up" that he alleges is taking place about 'the-truth' ehat really happened on 9/11?
See Heaven and Earth Link:-

10-09-2006 07:27
Following revelations from the US that the neocons orchestrated the attacks for 911 as an excuse for its raft of invasions in the US. I also have lots of questions about 7/7. What has happened about a proper enquiry? Why were a group of Israeli's told not to come to a meeting in Liverpool St on the morning of the bombs as reported in the Evening Standard but not followed up? Why was the police getting its information from the media and working out its response accordingly? If Tony Blair is so closely allied to George Bush and thinks nothing of innocent people dying in Iraq and Lebanon, why not here? What were security people doing working out what to do if a bomb was on the tube only weeks earlier. For the US story, see the following: