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Protesters Stop Nuclear Weapons Convoy in Stirling and Balloch

Trident Ploughshares | 10.05.2004 16:42 | Anti-militarism

There were six arrests sunday afternoon as anti-Trident protesters twice stopped a nuclear weapons convoy traveling from Burghfield in England to the warhead storage depot at Coulport on Loch Long, Scotland.

Sam on top of a UK nuclear warhead carrier
Sam on top of a UK nuclear warhead carrier

The first interruption took place just beneath the Stirling castle. One activist waved the leading truck to a standstill and then climbed on top of its cab while others went in front to block its advance. It was 20 minutes before the trucks could set off again. There were four arrests: Jane and Sam from Helensburgh, Roz from Edinburgh and Morag from Faslane Peace Camp. They were taken to Stirling police station and are expected to be released this evening.

When the convoy reached Balloch on Loch Lomondside there was a heavy police presence but in spite of this the convoy was again halted. Two people were arrested.

The convoys are a regular feature on the roads of Central Scotland. Their task is to take Trident warheads to and from the Burghfield assembly plant to the Coulport store to be checked and maintained. Each warhead is believed to have the destructive power of 8 times the bomb which was
dropped on Hiroshima.

The protesters were from Trident Ploughshares, Stirling CND and Faslane Peace Camp.
David, a Stirling CND member from Tillicoultry, said: "We were delighted that the convoy was held up in Stirling. We were able to explain to large numbers of passing motorists that they were close to Britain's very own weapons of mass destruction."

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Display the following 6 comments

  1. You fell for it again ?????? — Proeg
  2. Evidence Please? — Pilgrim
  3. nice one!! — :-)
  5. These are the REAL bomb convoys — Phill Jones
  6. Right or Wrong Lorries — Anon