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'The Ant': twice attacked by Tony's police 'brutality' state in 2 days

Steve Jago and Charity Sweet | 31.03.2007 19:48 | Anti-militarism | Terror War | London

Recieved a news update from Jago in the form of an email... thought I'd share.

Apparently Babs and Brian went to court on Friday to ask a few questions of DJ Purdy anregarding requesting the return of Brian's illegally seized display of evidence of genocide and torture that was stolen without the benefit of a warrant. Oops!

Apparently this is what started the payback of that naughty DJ Evans issuing all those summonses to incorrect addresses and the fiasco that was was Monday morning kangaroo court, which escalated into Thursday afternoon contempt trials.

Bullies always need to pick on someone to make themselves fel big... how pathetic.

"Continuing on from the appalling decision on Thursday relating to Barbara and Brian's 'Contempt of court' (as you will see from Rikki's indymedia report) - It seems that the police at Charing Cross (CX), who were hoping for an imprisonment, have decided to take out their frustrations on 'The Ant'. Yesterday, three van's full of police, apparently on their way to their annual 'cottaging' party in the public toilets by Parliament Square, poured into the toilets following Ant.

Barbara, on seeing the numbers of police piling down went to see what was happening, at aprox. 1350Hrs she called me to explain what was happening - Ant had been arrested in the toilets for possesing an offensive weapon (his spikey armbands, I assume?), he was eventually taken to CX where hours later had still been denied legal representation, some point hours later he was released (though not sure if on police bail or what at this point).

Just a few moments ago, I received a telephone call from Barbara again, saying that earlier while Ant was going through Trafalgar Square to get some food (Barbara went with him as she was concerned), he and Barbara were approached by, none other than, the same police officer from the previous day, Barbara had been violently pushed against a wall and, again, Ant was arrested for a public order offence (the usual list of 'make it up as you go along' charges would lead me to believe that it would be a section 5, Public Order Act) and returned to CX.

Barbara and Ant tried to use their phones to call for help, but it seems both their phones were 'blocked'! (clearly at the time of writing, they have been unblocked) - Ant is now in CX, I would urge anyone who feels this harassment to be unjustified to call SuperIntendent Peter Terry and air your concerns about this. Terry 'the tosser', can be contacted directly on 020-7321 7501, please feel free to let him know that you got this number from Steve Jago (me), as he is very happy for me to have this number and I'm sure for all of us to chat with him (for the uninitiated - on an earlier date at CX whilst Barbara was being held in the cells, I spoke to him by phone, he went down immediately to the custody suite... to 'thank' whoever it was that gave me his number, unfortunately in the elated moment his English became a bit confused, what with his joy, and so he instead said "Who gave Jago my fu*!"ing telephone number!"). Alternatively, you can also contact CX Custody Suite on 020-7321 7739/8 to ask whether 'The Ant' has had legal representation THIS TIME!.

**interim update: Brian is currently at CX trying to find out more, so far it seems the officer, CX228, from both occassions hadn't actually decided which offence to charge, the custody sergeant is also not sure whether it should be 'affray' or another - I suppose they also haven't decided whether it was Ant OR the officers that are to be charged with the offence(s)! But they are now considering the question of mental health, hmmm, again - Ant OR the officers' ?**

Steve Jago, Serious Organised Criminal (alleged)."

You want a quote, how's John F. Kennedy's for you:
"Those who make peaceful resolution impossible,
shall make violent revolution inevitable."

And continuing on again...

They are keeping Ant in Charing Cross cells until Monday morning. There seems to be a question regarding whether Ant's cast has been forcibly removed by the police.

He was kept in in cells at Charing Cross police station (CX) on Friday for 13 hours and released on, most probably, police bail.

Today he was kidnapped while attending the loo whereas yesterday he was kidnapped while walking to go get lunch; these must obviously both be very serious crimes.

While he could have been seen in court today, someone has delayed it as long as possible and are depriving him of his liberty until Monday.

I was with Ant when he entered Westminster Mag's Court, on Thursday, past security, with his wonderful cast which I consider to be an artwork. Court security had no problem with him. He explained, with his lovely smile, that he was a Buddhist and was completely non-violent.

Charing cross is asserting that he is carrying a dangerous weapon.

Mind you, considereing the way I saw an awful excuse for an officer specifically grab Ant by his damaged arm and drag him on "Say no to Trident day", in the near recent past, is it any wonder he adourned his cast in such a way? Makes it a little morte difficult for the police to assault you injured arm when it is inaccessible for them to grab.

His cast is covered with dulled spikes such as what the punk rockers or heavy metal folks wear. Barbara Tucker would describe his cast as jewellry.

When, oh when, will the good coppers and good judges stand up and arrest the real bad guys - the war criminals, not to peace protesters?

N.B. Just a few days ago, when Ant was at Abbingdon Police Station, he was deemed unfit to be held in custody due to the severity of the injuries to his arm which is/was/is(?) in cast. Now, he is apparently fit as fiddle for Charing Cross to abduct.

What is the state like when you can't have a crap or get some grub without the CX police assaulting and kidnapping you?

Charity Sweet XXX

Steve Jago and Charity Sweet


Display the following 4 comments

  1. Does anyone help you — Not in London
  2. Watch it! — cottaging class warrior
  3. Press charges — sarah
  4. CCTV — Krop