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US Missile Defence: Towards a new Cold War? a CND conference

BF | 28.08.2007 16:46 | Anti-militarism | Terror War

CND's "US Missile Defence: Towards a new Cold War?" conference at SOAS this Saturday, will now also be addressed by Jan Neoral, the Mayor of Trokavec, the Czech town where the US plans to locate its early-warning radar.

Speakers include Bruce Gagnon US anti-nuclear campaigner, Ivona Novomestská ‘No Bases’, Czech Republic, Alex Sólyom Hungary, Hans-Peter Richter German Peace Council, Speaker from Poland, Jon Trickett MP, Caroline Lucas MEP, Kate Hudson Chair, CND, Andrew Murray Chair, Stop the War Coalition, Helen John Menwith Hill Women’s Peace Camp, Gemma Tumelty President, National Union of Students, Dr Elaheh Rostami Povey SOAS Lecturer, Professor Dave Webb Yorkshire CND, Ian Davis British American Security Information Council.

More details of the conference available at
All welcome.

Saturday, 1st September, 10am-5pm, Khalili Theatre, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Thornhaugh Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1

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  1. And don't forget Bruce Gagnon! — Fan
  2. Oops — Fan