UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Faslane Peace Camp : Call Out.
06-02-2006 18:30
Camp now in it's 24th Year, and in dire need of a breath of life.Germany: Massive Protests against the NATO "security conference"
06-02-2006 01:12

Massive protests each year against this conference...
Activist Calls to Bring United States to UN Security Council for Sanctions
05-02-2006 23:29
Anti-war activists accused the USA of planning first use of nuclear weapons against Iran, and of currently using uranium weapons in Iraq, and noted that the UN Security Council is responsible for dealing with such threats of war and acts of aggression.2 C-130 Hercules Lockheeds land Leeds Bradford
05-02-2006 15:50

(American milatary )
US: Secret strategy document orders to 'neutralize' all resistance.
05-02-2006 14:58
Endorsed by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, the strategy document orders to undertake a broad campaign to find, attack and 'neutralize' terrorist leaders - "termination objectives" - and their ability to move around the globe.Iran's Nuclear Industry and the threat of sanctions
04-02-2006 12:57
An Open Letter to the Anti War movementIran's Nuclear Industry and the threat of sanctions
East London remembers war dead.
03-02-2006 14:18

Peace Vigil to commemorate the fallen British soldiers and Iraqi civilians.
02-02-2006 23:57

Swansea vigil against the war
02-02-2006 19:48
02-02-2006 13:02
Bush jumpstarts the alternative energy movement with his own hot air demonstration ...Pics: Vigil at Carfax
02-02-2006 13:00

Sheffield 100th Military Death Vigil
02-02-2006 11:31

100 deaths protest in Nottingham
02-02-2006 00:34

Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
Naming the dead in Swindon
01-02-2006 21:44
Tuesday 30th January 2006 saw the death of the 100th British soldier in the war in Iraq. Peace campaigners in Swindon joined others in many towns around the country in a vigil the following day to mark this event. The names of two hundred victims of the war; the one hundred soldiers, and one hundred of the hundred-thousand plus Iraqis, were read out in front of the Cenotaph, followed by a two-minute silence.East Oxford Stop the War Coalition- DVD showing
01-02-2006 20:47
Start the Peace- A 15min DVD edit of the recent International peace conference in London- followed by discussion.Wednesday 8th Feb, 7.30 Asian Cultural Centre, Manzil Way (Off Cowley Road)
01-02-2006 16:30
Merseyside TUC is supporting the vigil to mourn the death of the 100thBritish soldier to be killed in Iraq. This will take place on WEDNESDAY 1st
FEBRUARY 2006 AT 6.p.m. on the steps of ST. GOERGES HALL LIVERPOOL This event is being organised by the Merseyside Stop the War Coalition.
List of Security Companies Doing Business in Iraq - Names, Addresses, Phone, etc
31-01-2006 22:48
List of Security Companies Doing Business in Iraq - Names, Addresses, Phone, etcVigil at Carfax for Iraqi casualties
31-01-2006 22:24
Today's attack on British troops in Umm Qasr and yesterday's attack in Amarah means that we have reached the 100 mark for British casualties in Iraq.