US: Secret strategy document orders to 'neutralize' all resistance.
Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars | 05.02.2006 14:58 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Repression
Endorsed by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, the strategy document orders to undertake a broad campaign to find, attack and 'neutralize' terrorist leaders - "termination objectives" - and their ability to move around the globe.
FPF - 05-02-2006 - Washington and the Pentagon's 'Hell Kitchen' publish today, via one of their biggest propaganda channels - The New York Times - the new US PNAC plans for a broader global killing spree: the resistance and/or opposition must be 'neutralized' - as the killing of opponents has been called in all American terror wars. "The classified version also includes goals, or "termination objectives."
The neocon's own propaganda outlet - The New York Times - phrases the gore they have been advocating for years like this: "Dated Feb. 1, signed by Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and endorsed by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, the strategy document orders the Defense Department to undertake a broad campaign to find and attack or neutralize terrorist leaders, their havens, financial networks, methods of communication and ability to move around the globe. It also orders the military to focus on terrorist information-gathering systems, personnel and ideology." [ ]
That, by the way, is the same General Peter Pace who - according to Rep. John Murtha said, when Pace called him to discuss the war: "Peter Pace told me this last night: They know militarily they can't win this."*
The complete strategy concerning this more detailed "global campaign plan for the war on terror" - as this murder for profit by the neocons and their global war propaganda machine will be called - shall be distributed across the military in coming days, Pentagon officials said.
There's only one conclusion possible: this genocidal gang has to be stopped, because again they are planning to further spread their American 'War OF terror' - their ''Global Terror by Secret US Death Squads"*
In the Quisling New York Times, the story* with it's deadly details is presented like this: "February 5, 2006 - "Pentagon Hones Its Strategy on Terrorism" - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has completed A NEW, CLASSIFIED COUNTERTERRORISM STRATEGY that for the first time orders the military to focus on nine areas identified as necessary for any terrorist network to operate, senior Pentagon officials say, and warns that ill-conceived military operations could add to terrorists ranks. - [FPF: terrorists = people fighting fascism]
DATED FEB. 1, SIGNED BY GEN. PETER PACE, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and endorsed by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, the strategy document orders the Defense Department to undertake a broad campaign to find and attack or neutralize terrorist leaders, their havens, financial networks, methods of communication and ability to move around the globe. It also orders the military to focus on terrorist information-gathering systems, personnel and ideology.
The document orders the military to defeat terrorists, specifying that doing so requires "continuous military operations to develop the situation and generate the intelligence that allows us to attack global terrorist organizations."
The complete strategy will be distributed across the military in coming days, Pentagon officials said. An unclassified version, from which a series of top-secret appendices detailing intelligence activities and military operations had been removed, was provided to The New York Times by a senior Pentagon official. Military officials would speak about the document only on condition of anonymity.
A military officer said that among the classified parts were the specific terrorist networks and leadership to be targets, and projected timelines for those missions. Success will be achieved, the document states, when "violent extremist ideology and terrorist attacks" are "eliminated as a threat to the way of life of free and open societies," and with the establishment of "a global environment that is inhospitable to violent extremism, wherein countries have the capacity to govern their own territories" and "have in place laws, information sharing and other arrangements that allow them to defeat terrorists as they emerge."
The new document takes the place of a classified counterterrorism strategy written two years ago by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff but never released for public review. It establishes a system for measuring the military's counterterrorism efforts, with a review of progress on the nine target areas every six months. The reviews are intended to determine whether more terrorists are being captured, killed or persuaded to give up their violent struggle than are being created.
One senior Pentagon official involved in writing the strategy said the Defense Department had identified more than 30 new terrorist organizations affiliated with Al Qaeda that had sprung to life since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
''HOW THE ENEMY USES THE U.S. MILITARY'S ACTIONS AGAINST US'' -[FPF: 'enemies' are people fighting against fascism].
The document's unusual admission of the negative impact military actions can have cited no examples, but said: "The way we conduct operations — choosing whether, when, where and how — can affect ideological support for terrorism. Knowledge of indigenous population's cultural and religious sensitivities and understanding of how the enemy uses the U.S. military's actions against us should inform the way the U.S. military operates."
That has been clear in the situations ranging from disgrace suffered by the United States after revelations of detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib to instances when Arab media emphasized pictures of crosses or rosaries hung from artillery tubes by American soldiers. Such photographs were used to argue that the counterterrorism effort was a war on Islam. Pentagon officials involved in writing the strategy point out that the American military's efforts to aid tsunami victims in southeast Asia and to assist victims of Pakistan's earthquake did more to counter terrorist ideology than any attack mission.
The senior Pentagon official said a major challenge the military faced was finding ways to fight terrorist networks operating in nations with which the United States was not at war. That job, the document states, requires the American military to help other nations improve their own counterterrorism abilities.
The document also orders the military to halt proliferation of unconventional weapons and to recover or eliminate uncontrolled chemical, biological or nuclear materials, which includes efforts to detect and monitor the acquisition and development of unconventional weapons.
A central piece of the plan, the document says, is the concept of "supporting mainstream efforts to reject violent extremism." The effort requires encouraging those segments of the Islamic world that support inclusion, moderation and tolerance.
It also calls on all members of the military "to be aware of the culture, customs, language and philosophy of affected populations and the enemy, to more effectively counter extremism, and encourage democracy, freedom and economic prosperity abroad." Among other classified parts of the plan are descriptions of current intelligence operations, as well as specific tasks and tactics. The classified version also includes goals, or "termination objectives."
The senior Pentagon official said the guidance was issued "to integrate a number of conflicting opinions and views about what the military strategy should be." The job of writing the specifics of the military's counterterrorism effort falls to the Special Operations Command, based in Tampa, Fla.
The more detailed "global campaign plan for the war on terror" is expected from Gen. Bryan D. Brown, the commander of the Special Operations Command, in coming weeks.
[andend] - Feb. 05 - 2006 - The New York Times - Url.:

* Amnesty International - Part of the US made 'War of Terror' are the 'American Gulag' concentration camps - Url.:

* Achtung! Are We the New Nazis?" - Soldiers, God and Empire - by Douglas Herman - Url.:

* Pace/Murtha - "They know militarily they can't win this." - Url.:

* The 9/11 and 'War on Terror' fake - Url.:

* Google search "Biggest threat to world peace" - Url.:

* MSNBC - Live Vote: Do you believe President Bush's actions justify impeachment? - Url.:

* "People do not forget. They do not forget the death of their fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers. They not only don't forget: they also strike back." - 2005 Nobel Literature Prize winner Harold Pinter - Url.:

* Reference guide to the Geneva Conventions - Url.:

* Who or What is this 'Al Qaeda'? – 'The Database' - Url.:

* WHICH WAR ON TERROR? - The 9/11 WTC drama was PNAC terror - Url.:

* Who's financing all this misery? - The 'Federal Reserve' and it's usurers is the absolute biggest crime against all humanity ever. - Url.:

* 'Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one' — A.J. Liebling - The merciless engine of propaganda has been turned on: The infamous US 'Lie Factory' - Url.:

*A FREE working press in Kansas - Pls. read the 'Fightin' Cock Flyer' - Url.:

* Help all the troops - of whatever nationality - to come back from abroad! - AND WITH ALL THEIR WEAPONS, WHICH WE WERE FORCED TO PAY FOR BY TAXES - [

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Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars

The Netherlands

Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars
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