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Iran's Nuclear Industry and the threat of sanctions

Etehadchap Kargari - Iran | 04.02.2006 12:57 | Anti-militarism | Workers' Movements

An Open Letter to the Anti War movement

Iran's Nuclear Industry and the threat of sanctions

An Open Letter to the Anti War movement

Iran's Nuclear Industry and the threat of sanctions

As the anti war movement contemplates the possibility of sanctions against Iran it is essential

to remember a number of points:

1-The attempts by the United States and the European Union to stop Iran's obtaining nuclear technology is unjust . The IAEA protocols to prevent nuclear proliferation are unacceptable from the point of view of either principle or legality. Countries which themselves possess sufficient nuclear weaponry to destroy the world several times over - and are continuing to add to their arsenal - are laying down the law to others - or some of them. The US and its EU allies have for decades turned a blind eye to Israel. To most Iranians it looks like some people have sovereignty while others do not.

2-Iran is still a long way from development and deployment of nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants and enriching Uranium are not the fastest way of obtaining nuclear weapons.

3-Iran's current strength in the region is a direct consequence of the US /UK invasion of Iraq and the coming to power of a Shia pro Iran government in Baghdad. The recent pronouncements by the governments of USA and UK regarding Iran's nuclear program are more to do with Iran's close relations with all factions of the occupation government in Iraq and the long term consequences of such influence.

4-Any support by the anti war movement for current Iran's rulers will lead to indirect support for the occupation government in Iraq and in confrontation with ordinary Iranians and Iraqis who are victims of the privatisation policies of super rich corrupt clerics or civilians in power in both countries..

5-Two wrongs don't make a right and just because the United States is opposed to Iran's nuclear policy, the left inside and outside Iran cannot take an opportunist position of defending nuclear proliferation in Iran while opposing it in the rest of the world.

a-Iran, a country with the second largest oil and gas reserves in the world doesn't need nuclear power .

b-In embarking on an unprecedented program of privatisation, accompanied by systematic non payment of workers wages including in the state sector , Iran's rulers have constantly blamed financial difficulties .Many in Iran are questioning the wisdom of spending astronomic sums on the purchase of nuclear technology in the 'black market' by a regime that claims to be short of funds

for paying wages to public sector employees.

6-Over the last few years every every day, and at times more than once a day, workers in Iranian cities and towns have protested against non payment of wages, unemployment, job insecurity, and low wages... For most Iranians, Shia Islam in power, has become synonymous with corruption, greed and clerics gathering huge fortunes. In Iran they call them 'Mercedes' driven mullahs, accumulating astronomic wealth, at the expense of the poverty of the masses.

7- The main victim of any sanctions will be ordinary people in Iran most of whom are opposed to the current regime and many of whom have been involved in social and political movements against this regime. The anti war movement should oppose sanctions against Iran emphasizing that it will make the rich clerics richer and the poor poorer.

8-The solidarity of the anti war movement should be directed primarily towards the Iranian people and in support of the daily struggles of Iranian workers for the right to survive .

In the week when news about Iran is dominated by decisions to be made by IAEA, it is worth reminding everyone outside Iran that inside the country the most important event of the week was the brutal attack of the security forces on the bus strike of 28th Jan 2006 and the subsequent arrest of 1200 workers who defended the right to set up independent unions.

Show your solidarity with Iran by supporting the majority of its population, Iran's workers and toilers against international capital, against war mongers but also against the pro capitalist Islamist in power in Iran. Join us in building a genuine solidarity campaign with the Iranian people.

هیات هماهنگی اتحاد چپ کارگری

Etehadchap Kargari Iran- (Workers Left Unity)

12 Bahman 1384 – 1 Feb 2006

Etehadchap Kargari - Iran
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