UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
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Baghdad: Protester launched a couple of shoes at George W Bush
14-12-2008 21:15

Festive Protest at Nuclear Bomb Makers, London Dec 12
13-12-2008 15:52

Cholera Outbreak Outcome of West's War on Zimbabwe
13-12-2008 12:59

Thursday at the Greek embassy-photos
13-12-2008 00:27

US report claims Rumsfeld guilt for torture
12-12-2008 23:00
A report released on Thursday by the Senate Armed Services Committee in the US says Donald Rumsfeld authorized abusive interrogation methods at Guantanamo Bay on December 2nd 2002.Raytheon rooftop protest continues. day 3
12-12-2008 16:49
Call-out for Carnival against the Arms Trade This weekend in BristolCreating an "Arc of Crisis": Destabilization of the Middle East and Central Asia
11-12-2008 16:18

state-sponsored militant groups, represent the latest phase in a far more
complex and long-term "strategy of tension" in the region; being employed by
the Anglo-American-Israeli Axis to ultimately divide and conquer the Middle
East and Central Asia. The aim is destabilization of the region, subversion
and acquiescence of the region's countries, and control of its economies,
all in the name of preserving the West's hegemony over the "Arc of Crisis."
raytheon rooftop protest continues...
11-12-2008 15:53
Anti-war protesters have braved sub-zero temperatures in the night to continue their rooftop protest at the Raytheon office block in Frenchay near Bristol.They've spent so much time up there the council are rumoured to be sending them a council tax bill!
Μember of NAZI organisation Golden Dawn the Policeman killer of Alex in ATHENS!
11-12-2008 13:53
The Policeman, murderer of Alexis Grigoropoulos, named Korkoneas comes from Kalamata , from ultra right wing family tradition. As per Indymedia Athens, his family environment and family members members, were participating in the right wing ProNAZI gangs during the German occupation in Greece (WWII), collaborating with the NAZI. (Tagmatasfalites)."Robert Mugabe must go" - Comments by Brown, Sarkozy, Bush and the British press
11-12-2008 13:01

Campaign starts to end music torture
10-12-2008 19:25
A campaign involving a law group and several musicians has begun to stop music being used as a form of torture in Guantanamo and other US prisons3rd Raytheon Rooftop Protest Bristol
10-12-2008 18:16

We just Love on the roof tops in Bristol!
U.S.Corporate colonialism must be stopped! After Iraq-Iran next?
10-12-2008 16:40
Confirmation of what we've known all along-U.S. invasion/occupation of Iraq part of its global Pax-Americana campaign of corporate colonialism.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Proof of police using fascists in Greece
10-12-2008 14:06
Video where you can hear someone from the police side saying release the Golden Dawn peopleBristol solidarity with Greek anarchists
10-12-2008 11:54
Bristol police station attacked.Kid shot dead by Rio's police (by Latuff)
10-12-2008 04:59

International Amnesty about Greece
10-12-2008 00:34
Amnesty International Urges Greek Authorities to End Unlawful, Disproportionate Police Force Used Against Peaceful DemonstratorsGreek Politicians daughter scared of MAT riot police!Shows what some think of st
09-12-2008 23:01
Greece is a police state where the citizenry, immigrants, students, refugees and others fear the police! Toppling the government must not be our only goal. Disarming the 'rank and file' police force will be another important step.