Festive Protest at Nuclear Bomb Makers, London Dec 12
Peter Marshall | 13.12.2008 15:52 | Anti-militarism
Handing out leaflets. The Lockheed Martin offices iin the background.
The building houses several companies; some coming out were intrested
Others seemed not to approve of the protest
Remembering the many who have died from the effects of nuclear weapons
Appropriately, their renditions of festive songs and carols with modified anti-nuclear lyrics were less than tuneful (one of those taking part was hear to say "I'm a Quaker, we don't sing" - who could contradict him.) They called for a stop to the illegal activities of these companies in making weapons.
First to be serenaded by the group were the offices of the US arms giant Lockheed Martin, makers of bunker buster and cluster bombs, the worlds largest exporter of weapons and leading member of the consortium set up to produce the nuclear warheads of the UK Trident replacement at Aldermaston.
After an hour or so of leafleting and displaying banners on Vauxhall Bridge Road just around the corner, the group moved to the front door of the building housing Lockheed Martin and several other companies in Carlisle Place for their half hour carol 'concert'. It was a site I knew from the 'Merchants of Death' tour by CAAT earlir in the year. A number of people came in an out of the building while this was going on and some took leaflets while others hurried past, often to waiting taxis.
Half way through the performance, a police car pulled up and dropped off two constables who came to talk to the protesters. They asked who was in charge (and nobody was) and for a mobile number they could use to contact the group, saying "it's standard practice for protests". Oh no it isn't. They were handed a leaflet with the details of Trident Ploughshares, but that wasn't what they had in mind.
The police were informed that the real criminals were in the Lockheed Martin offices, carrying out the vast expansion in UK nuclear arms, a breach of the UK's obligations under Article VI of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Eventually the officers went away, reminding the protesters that while the police supported the right to demonstrate, it was important to keep the pavement clear.
As they left, one member of the group stretched out "dead" on his back on that pavement as a symbol of the many victims of nuclear weapons, including those killed in nuclear strikes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and "bomb test veterans, and victims of leukaemias, lymphomas and cancers caused by exposure to radioactive discharges from AWE Aldermaston and AWE Burghfield in Berkshire, Sellafield in Cumbria, Rolls Royce Raynesway in Derby and other sites"
I left the group as it packed up and decided to take a short break before going on for a similar protest at the London offices of Jacobs Engineering and Fluor Corporation, two other US companies who are competing for the stake in the AWE bomb-making contract currently owned by the British Nuclear Group. The third player in the contract – the only remaining UK involvement - is SERCO.

Earlier demonstrations at Aldermaston this year included one celebrating 50 years of protest in March

Peter Marshall
Trident Ploughshares Press Release
13.12.2008 19:40
Trident Ploughshares Press Release - Saturday, 13 December 2008
TEN anti-nuclear activists from Trident Ploughshares affinity group the Muriel Lesters and supporters serenaded companies involved in nuclear weapons production outside their central London offices yesterday (Friday, 12 December), dressed in white overalls marked “weapons inspector”, festive hats and Christmas costumes. Demanding the suspension of work on the current and next generation of nuclear warheads at the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) sites in Berkshire, messages of peace and condemnation were humorously conveyed through the revamped verses of popular festive tunes.
In addition to the group’s usual target, US arms giant and nuclear bomb-maker Lockheed Martin, visits were made to the offices of two other US firms connected to the nuclear weapons industry: Fluor and Jacobs (in Victoria and Marble Arch respectively) [see notes 2 & 3].
In concert with the musical performances, banners and placards were displayed and information leaflets distributed to workers and passers-by. Christmas greetings were hand delivered to company representatives, reaffirming the group’s key demands: that the corporations cease any involvement in nuclear weapons production without delay. As the “alternative carol service” proceeded outside the doors of Manning House (22 Carlisle Place, Victoria) - the London home of Lockheed Martin - one of the group lay down “dead” on the pavement to symbolise the victims of nuclear weapons, including those of Hiroshima, Nagasaki and any future nuclear strikes, bomb test veterans, and victims of leukaemias, lymphomas and cancers caused by exposure to radioactive discharges from AWE Aldermaston and AWE Burghfield in Berkshire, Sellafield in Cumbria, Rolls Royce Raynesway in Derby and other sites. There was some interaction with police outside this first site, and then with building security outside the second, Portland House in Victoria - the home of Fluor - but otherwise the protesters were able to operate undisturbed.
Daniel Viesnik, 34, from northwest London said, “Christmas is a time of year when we would all do well to reflect on what we personally can do to bring about peace in the world in these increasingly troubled times. By ceasing the production and maintenance of nuclear weapons in Britain and worldwide, we may yet retain some hope for the future of the human species and life on planet Earth, despite the formidable challenges of climate change and the global proliferation of nuclear technology under the guise of the false solution of nuclear power.”
Myra Garrett, from east London added, “In these challenging economic times, when even the Ministry of Defence is admitting to such a big deficit that it has to put off paying for two aircraft carriers, people are finally waking up to the reality that wasting tens of billions of pounds on nuclear weapons and submarines is not the way to go. Now is the time to scrap Trident and thereby conserve limited resources for more useful things, like health and social care, education, the environment and affordable housing.”
Angela Broome from east London stated, “As the Government tries to offload its toxic assets, it’s time for Jacobs and Fluor to review whether they really want to buy into the illegal, immoral and undemocratic activities of the Atomic Weapons Establishment, especially during a time of such financial hardship; and whether they want to offer themselves as possible targets for future campaigns.”
1. Trident Ploughshares is a campaign to disarm the UK Trident nuclear weapons system in a nonviolent, open, peaceful and fully accountable manner.

2. British Trident nuclear warheads are manufactured at AWE Aldermaston in Berkshire on behalf of the Ministry of Defence by AWE ML, a private consortium comprised of US firm Lockheed Martin (22 Carlisle Place, Victoria), British firm Serco and the British Nuclear Group (BNG). BNG’s one-third stake is soon to be sold off to another US firm, either Jacobs Engineering (16 Connaught Place, Marble Arch) or Fluor Corporation (Portland House, Bressenden Place, Victoria ). This means that AWE ML will soon be under two-thirds’ American ownership. Jacobs Engineering is already a major contractor for AWE. In addition, the Trident II D5 submarine-launched ballistic missiles themselves are leased from and maintained by the US , and the guidance systems software and certain critical components of the warheads are also sourced from the US . Hence, it is argued that Britain ’s nuclear weapons system, commonly referred to by the Government as being “independent”, is actually highly dependent on the transatlantic “special relationship”.
3. Since 2005, a multi-billion pound expansion of the warhead manufacturing facilities at AWE Aldermaston - on the scale of Heathrow Terminal 5 according to AWE itself - has been in progress. At the same time, hundreds of scientists and other staff have been recruited, including warhead designers. Campaigners are opposed to the new developments because of the current economic downturn; and, more importantly, on moral, legal, international security and democratic grounds. They argue that the developments breach the UK ’s disarmament obligations under Article VI of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; and that they have a destabilising effect by setting a bad example and encouraging other countries to develop their own nuclear arsenals. Furthermore, it is argued that the developments are undemocratic since there has never been a nationwide public consultation, nor has Parliament ever been consulted on the plans.
4. During UN Disarmament Week in October, 33 people were arrested as several hundred members and supporters of Trident Ploughshares and CND nonviolently blockaded AWE Aldermaston for several hours, managing to cause major disruption to the site.

5. On Easter Monday in March, around 5000 people flocked to AWE Aldermaston to commemorate the 50th anniversary of CND’s first historic peace march to the base from London.
dv2012 [at] yahoo.co.uk
More photos from the action
13.12.2008 20:07
Near Lockheed Martin's office in Victoria
Near Lockheed Martin's office in Victoria
Near Lockheed Martin's office in Victoria
Police show an interest in "alternative carol service" outside Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin employees serenaded outside their office
Outside Lockheed Martin's London HQ at 22 Carlisle Place, Victoria
Outside Portland House in Victoria - Fluor Corp's London base
Outside Portland House in Victoria - Fluor Corp's London base
Outside Portland House in Victoria - Fluor Corp's London base
Near Jacob Engineering's office at 16 Connaught Place, Marble Arch
See all the news and pictures from October's Big Blockade of Aldermaston on our blog:

dv2012 [at] yahoo.co.uk