UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
CID offer large sums of money for information on smashEDO
28-03-2009 19:05
Corrupt cops offer cash reward for snitches!FCO Finally Admits To Receiving Intelligence From Torture
28-03-2009 13:17
Following a substantial uphill battle, ex-ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray posts today in his blog an analysis of the unavoidable admission from the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office that the UK government have a policy of obtaining intelligence from torture. In Craig's view, this is the most important event in several years of his attempting to expose this fact, and he urges anyone who cares for human rights to disseminate this story/URL as far and wide as possible.
Ken Loach Speaking at Nottingham Stop the War Meeting
27-03-2009 02:13

Gaza Aid Trip Success - Driver Mohamed El Haddad reports back
27-03-2009 01:31

Jacqui Smith: The threat of a chemical or nuclear attack is now more real
26-03-2009 19:04

Transformative justice puts the inteventionists in Prison
26-03-2009 09:28
Interventionists imprisoned for calmly addressing need to respond to war planes manufacturingDid Iran reject Obama's overture?
25-03-2009 18:31

Public Meeting Solidarity with Gaza! End the War on Terror!
24-03-2009 19:24
Speakers:Ken Loach, Film Maker and Avtivist
Ishmael Patel, Friends of Al Aqsa
Alan Simpson MP
Chris Nineham, Stop the War
The global debacle is a profound structural energetic crisis
24-03-2009 18:47
This is not simply a financial or economic crisis, it is the energetic collapse of the capitalist mode of destruction.Smash EDO Press Release - Seven Campaigners Acquitted
24-03-2009 14:59
Smash EDO Press Release24th March 2009
For more Details call 07754135290

Stop the War Stall outside the Forces Careers Office [with police interaction]
23-03-2009 21:59

Parents of Activist, Critically Injured by Israeli Military: “We Want Justice
23-03-2009 20:28

“We are scared and really just in shock,” said Mrs. Anderson with tears in her eyes. “To shoot peaceful demonstrators is horrific to us. We ask that the Israeli government publically take full responsibility for shooting our son.” To date, the Anderson family has not been contacted by any representative of the Israeli government or military, a fact that attorney Michael Sfard, who also spoke at today’s press conference, described at “shameful.”
Prison Picket Ascends into Full Blown Street Party
23-03-2009 11:55

Campaign Demands End To Illegal Wars And Deaths
23-03-2009 11:17
On the 6th anniversary of the start of the Iraq war Make Wars History has issued a press release...For information in the Laws of War visit

Why the police riot? - part 9
22-03-2009 23:50

This is part 9 of a series, for parts 1-8 see:

Disarmers arrested at weapons factory in Linköping, Sweden
22-03-2009 23:27
Fifth plowshares or disarmament action in Sweden since June 2008May Day 2009 in Nottingham (Sat May 2nd, Brewhouse Yard)
22-03-2009 17:20

Why Do So Many Soldiers Kill Themselves in the US Military?
22-03-2009 11:34
underreported causes of sucideCSIS report: Turkey would be the optimum route for a possible Israeli attack on Iran
21-03-2009 11:53

Promoting this agenda will probably be the main purpose behind the US President Barack Obama's visit to Turkey in about two weeks time.