UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Perfect Contradiction and Double Standards
20-01-2007 09:19
The People's Republic of China has successfully destroyed one of its own satellites with a ground to space ballistic missile – the message was not lost on some superpowers! America has expressed outrage and has marshalled western nations to voice their condemnation and “demand” a full explanation from the Chinese Government. The new USA certainly is a huge departure from the old, it seems that creating a living hell in the Middle East with hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths to its credit, is acceptable behaviour but China shooting down a piece of its own space junk is an offensive, outrageous act requiring a full explanation!US War Crimes Caught on Video taken from an F-16 Fighter Jet
20-01-2007 02:29
Pilot: 'Ive got numerous individuals on the road. You want me to take them out?'Voiec: 'Take them out'
Israel-Palestine Peace Overture: More of the Same as Shock and Awe of Iran looms
20-01-2007 02:12
Of course, the “establishment of a Palestinian state” is not on the agenda, or at least not the sort of state envisioned by the Palestinians. Instead, the Palestinians will receive more of the same terminating in a series of isolated Bantustans surrounded by Israeli checkpoints and military garrisons.18/01/07: Video , photos and report on Kalyx - “Making everyday a better day.”
20-01-2007 00:36

the doomsday clock
19-01-2007 23:32
with the minute hand of the doomsday clock having been moved forward again, romero hesq examines what this means for us.Vote Brian Haw
19-01-2007 11:03
Channel4's political awards this year see Brian Haw up against Tony Blair amongst others for MOST INSPIRING POLITICAL FIGURE. You don't need to pay to vote for him, just email send an email to
Convenient Coincidences
19-01-2007 05:07
Analysts are trained to give special attention to what appears to be coincidence. A good example of this today would be the current hysteria in the UK over the racial vilification of an Indian actress on some inane TV show and ‘coincidentally’, in Australia, the mysterious ‘surfacing’ of an extremist DVD allegedly produced by an Australian Wahhabist Muslim. The mass media of both these nations is saturated by these attention-stealing ‘stories’. The attention of the respective populations has been conveniently diverted away from coalition forces quietly preparing for a nuclear attack on Iran. It could also be argued that the racist card is being utilised to soften western populations to the use of nuclear weapons – after all, unwashed Arabs and Persians are expendable, aren’t they?Democrat Agenda Omissions
19-01-2007 00:52
It gets even worse, as it always does, as not a word is heard from Democrats that the Bush administration through lies and deceit committed what the Nuremberg Tribunal called the "supreme international crime" of illegal aggression against a country posing no threat to us or its neighbors. The new Congress also said nothing about what former UN head of Iraqi humanitarian relief called an act of genocide against the Iraqi people when he resigned from his post in anger and disgust in 1998.11-01-07: Photos from Catholic Workers Guantanamo protest, US Embassy
18-01-2007 21:55

Video: Guantanamo Vogue and Disco Dance outside Lockheed-Martin
18-01-2007 21:47

(Video) Nablus: IOF-operation in the old city
18-01-2007 19:54
Today, 18th of January 2006, Nablus experienced another military operation by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF).Australian PM outlines indefinite military agenda in South Pacific
18-01-2007 09:43

Iran: Pieces in Place for Escalation, by Colonel Sam Gardiner
18-01-2007 01:22
The following text by Colonel Sam Gardiner (USAF, Retired) confirms our worst fears. The US is in an advanced state of readiness to wage war on Iran.Service members join war protest
18-01-2007 01:08
Several dozen service members joined peace activists today to call for an end to the war in Iraq, part of a nationwide effort that links a growing group of active-duty protesters to the peace movement.London buses recruitment ads
17-01-2007 23:56
Something must be done about the part recruitment ads on our buses play in the war effortVigil For Somalia
17-01-2007 22:20
DEMONSTRATION: Saturday 20th January
1pm-3pm Churchill Square, Brighton
Make Capitalism History
17-01-2007 13:22
The iron fist of McDonald Douglas protects the soft fist of McDonalds. Militarism represents the dark side of capitalism. We must resist normalization of war and militarization of foreign policy. Culture shock, critical thinking andlove for life and the future can change priorities and free us from fatalism, resignation, helpless-ness and the warrior cult, the bitter fruit of "failed states" (Noam Chomsky).Oxfordshire Faslane 365: Training & Blockade dates
17-01-2007 12:49

Training is essential for all. Choose either Sunday 21st January or Saturday 3rd March 2007 in Oxford to attend 10.00am - 4.00pm. Please contact:

(01865) 248357.
Bush’s Iraq plan is a desperate gamble
17-01-2007 11:31
Bush’s Iraq plan is a desperate gambleOxford CND Benefit Concert, Friday 26 January
17-01-2007 10:50

At this critical time when decisions are soon to be taken about Trident's successor, it is vitally important to get as many people as possible involved in CND's campaign, especially students and young people.
For more details, telephone David or Irene Gill on 01865 242919