UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Turkish Army Gathered on the Kurdistan’s Boarder Ready for Attack
17-01-2007 05:24
According to Kurdish sources, the Turkish army have gathered and intensified its forces on the Iraqi Kurdistan boarders ready for attack. Does it have anything to do with the American-Israeli plands to attck Iran and start a new war in the region?Bush administration provokes open war on Iran
16-01-2007 22:53
The neocons led by Bush-Cheney-Rice are hell-bent on forcing their original and only geostrategic plan, "finishing the job" of a conquest of the Middle East, Central Asia, the Persian Gulf, the Horn of Africa and a nuclear holocaust, during their remaining two years in power.Planned Attack on Iran: Bush Will Expand War Before Blair Resigns
16-01-2007 22:44
According to the un-named sources cited in the Arab Times, the US timetable is being driven by the retirement of George Bush’s major ally, Prime Minister Tony Blair.Pictures from Guantanimo action at US embassy.
16-01-2007 13:28

Criminal Empire
16-01-2007 12:36
Move over Mafia, Cocaine cartels, Russian, Balkan, Cuban groups, Triads and numerous other criminal organisations – the U.S. State is taking over! Today, the methodologies of the American State cannot be distinguished from the methods of organised crime. The latest executions of Saddam’s cronies and the newly signed deal to allow American Oil Companies unprecedented access and open slather exploitation of Iraqi Oil reserves leave little doubt regarding the real intentions of the illegal invasion. The Washington line of spreading ‘liberty’ and ‘democracy’ will go down in history as a feeble and transparent charade. Nevertheless, America has proven that caveman tactics of brute force and mindless violence (over 655,000 dead) succeed in satisfying immediate needs. It has also become apparent that the USA is unable to see the untenability of its actions in the long term – America has failed to assess the real costs of its morally bankrupt actions!Craig Murray: Torture and The "War on Terror"
16-01-2007 10:35

Former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan speaks of the shocking torture and the knowingly false intelligence produced in the so called "War on Terror".
Global Research Feature Article: The Harper Government and Canada's 'War-on-Terr
16-01-2007 00:01

SOCPA - brian haw's full display rises like a pheonix
15-01-2007 14:20

Another Irish airport could welcome U.S. military flights
15-01-2007 12:45

Bush's Iraq Plan: Goading Iran into War
15-01-2007 12:42
President George W. Bush's address on Iraq Wednesday night was lessabout Iraq than about its eastern neighbor, Iran. There was little new
about the US's strategy in Iraq, but on Iran, the President spelled
out a plan that appears to be aimed at goading Iran into war with the
"It's 1938"
15-01-2007 11:12
Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is making the rounds in the media with his "new" slogan designed to scare American Jews and Christians into supporting the bombing of Iran.About the OTHER Khan, Dame Eliza?
15-01-2007 04:58

“The 7 July bombers who killed 52 people in terrorist attacks in London in 2005 were once described by Britain's security service as 'clean skins'."
Are Iranians sleepwalking into a disaster?
15-01-2007 02:15
Never in the long history of Iran has a threat had such disastrouspotential as the current threat of US attack. In the past when the
Greeks, Arabs, Mongols, etc. raided, destroyed, divided the country, there
was always the potential for a strong leader to rise up in the future and
re-unify the land.
10/01/07: Downing Street Candle-lit vigil for Guantanamo Bay prisoners
15-01-2007 01:47

IsraHell plans nuclear strike (by Latuff)
14-01-2007 16:59

9/11 DVD distributed at Rosa Luxemburg conference in Berlin Germany
14-01-2007 15:54

Anti-Arms Trade Campaigners launch new Legal Attack against Factory’s Lawyer
14-01-2007 14:32
Anti arms trade campaigners have handed in seven official complaints to the law society regarding the conduct of Timothy Lawson-Cruttenden, the solicitor who represented EDO MBM in their failed attempt to gain a civil injunction against protesters at their Brighton factory.sunday times leaks info about new anti-war exhibition at tate britain
14-01-2007 12:35
a press release tomorrow will reveal the exact nature of marc wallinger's new installation at the duveen gallery, tate britain. meanwhile the organisers are angry at a leak to the sunday times which was published this morning under the title 'tate puts artistic bomb under blair.Bush Challenges Opposition -- A Response!
14-01-2007 06:18
In his daily radio address, George W Bush challenged those who oppose his insane route to oblivion, to ‘put up or shut up’. “To oppose everything while proposing nothing is irresponsible," he said, “offer an alternative”. In view of the fact that U.S. Democrats are unable to effectively deal with the situation, we formally and directly accept this challenge and remind Bush that we are aware that this response will be read by him and his neo-cons; indeed, we have been aware for some time that Bush is a regular reader of this site as indeed is Rice and others. There is no avoiding this response!