Oxfordshire Faslane 365: Training & Blockade dates
Nigel Day/Margaret Downs (published by eileen) | 17.01.2007 12:49 | Anti-militarism | Oxford
Please note that although the Blockade is not until late March, dates for non-violent training courses (NVDA) are much earlier, and places on them need to be BOOKED.
Training is essential for all. Choose either Sunday 21st January or Saturday 3rd March 2007 in Oxford to attend 10.00am - 4.00pm. Please contact:
(01865) 248357.
Training is essential for all. Choose either Sunday 21st January or Saturday 3rd March 2007 in Oxford to attend 10.00am - 4.00pm. Please contact:

(01865) 248357.
Nigel Day/Margaret Downs (published by eileen)