Perfect Contradiction and Double Standards
dingo | 20.01.2007 09:19 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | World
The People's Republic of China has successfully destroyed one of its own satellites with a ground to space ballistic missile – the message was not lost on some superpowers! America has expressed outrage and has marshalled western nations to voice their condemnation and “demand” a full explanation from the Chinese Government. The new USA certainly is a huge departure from the old, it seems that creating a living hell in the Middle East with hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths to its credit, is acceptable behaviour but China shooting down a piece of its own space junk is an offensive, outrageous act requiring a full explanation!
Chinese culture avoids direct or confronting forms of communication; those familiar with Asian culture would be aware that the oblique approach is preferred over direct confrontation. However, as Americans are famous for their density and insular attitudes, I would be so bold as to offer an explanation that may penetrate the brutish American mind; Iraq is unacceptable but the planned attack on Iran and the wilful pursuit of world domination is anathema. In view of the screaming hypocrisy and double standards openly displayed by the USA, our response would be, ‘blow it out your arse’! Is that perfectly clear?
America today is led by a madman and a thoroughly criminal administration, AS IS PERFECTLY EVIDENT; not satisfied with the criminal invasion and plunder of Iraq, uncle sociopath now sets his maniacal sights on Iran. We would remind the lunatic neo-cons that all imperialistic aspirations end in ruination; history records these failures in great detail. However, what every nation and leader in history has failed to achieve will no doubt be easily realised by Bush and his neo-cons – Iraq is a perfect example of a modern American success story!
WHAT DOES IT TAKE for America to realise that it is creating mayhem, death, and destruction with its megalomaniacal pursuit of the Holy Grail of world domination or PNAC as it is known to the lunatics in Washington?
Our appeals to reason have been completely ignored in the halls of power and elsewhere. The people however, have promised to address the pressing issues of our time (nuclear war and climate change) just as soon as the latest episode of Big Brother is over! What would you?
With lunatics in the halls of power and the masses fixed on ‘reality’ TV, no other choice presented itself.
The flesh falling from your bones is yours!
Stay tuned for a friendly message from our sponsor.
America today is led by a madman and a thoroughly criminal administration, AS IS PERFECTLY EVIDENT; not satisfied with the criminal invasion and plunder of Iraq, uncle sociopath now sets his maniacal sights on Iran. We would remind the lunatic neo-cons that all imperialistic aspirations end in ruination; history records these failures in great detail. However, what every nation and leader in history has failed to achieve will no doubt be easily realised by Bush and his neo-cons – Iraq is a perfect example of a modern American success story!
WHAT DOES IT TAKE for America to realise that it is creating mayhem, death, and destruction with its megalomaniacal pursuit of the Holy Grail of world domination or PNAC as it is known to the lunatics in Washington?
Our appeals to reason have been completely ignored in the halls of power and elsewhere. The people however, have promised to address the pressing issues of our time (nuclear war and climate change) just as soon as the latest episode of Big Brother is over! What would you?
With lunatics in the halls of power and the masses fixed on ‘reality’ TV, no other choice presented itself.
The flesh falling from your bones is yours!
Stay tuned for a friendly message from our sponsor.
