UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
CIA Flights They Gripe About? Here's Europe's AGREEMENT for them (follow link)
15-12-2005 04:52

Critical Media Literacy in Times of War
14-12-2005 22:41
This is a website to "test your critical thinking about media bias". The site presents corporate media representations about the US military invasions in Afghanistan, 2001 and Iraq, 1991, and juxtaposes them with background and reports about protests.Australian state government prepares savage attack on democratic rights
14-12-2005 20:56

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Earth First! Summer gathering 2006
14-12-2005 14:53
The Earth First! Summer Gathering 2006 will take place from Wed 16th to Sun 20th August 2006. The location will be at a new site in Wales.Alternative Carol Singing in support of Palestinians
14-12-2005 14:37
please come to singALTERNATIVE CAROLS
with Sea Green Singers and others
in support of Palestinians
at 5.15pm (for5.30-6.30pm)
in Cornmarket St.
(outside St. Michael in the Northgate Church),
Words provided - see you there!
Council questioned over arms investments
13-12-2005 23:42

Netherlands: No logging for AWACS
13-12-2005 20:26

Mass Graves from War Era Unearthed in Lebanon
13-12-2005 16:33

Too gutless to save one of our own
12-12-2005 22:09

Axis of Evil? How about Axis of Assholes?
12-12-2005 16:15

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Brighton police 'pleased' with EDO march
12-12-2005 12:23
Superintendent Kevin Moore and Churchill Square management are unable to justify their hysterical comments in the run up to Saturday's peaceful march through Brighton centre.Jack Straw lies on Radio Four (again)
12-12-2005 08:53
More lies on "extraordinary rendition"Paramilitaries murder 22 peasant farmers in Cesar, northern Colombia
12-12-2005 00:45
MINGA, the Association for the Promotion of Social Alternatives informs national and international public opinion, that paramilitaries currently engaged in so called “peace negotiations” with the Colombian government, detained, tortured and then executed 22 peasant farmers in the villages of La Mas Verde and Nuevo Horizonte, in the municipality of Curumani, Cesar.Thugs ruled the streets, and the mob sang Waltzing Matilda
11-12-2005 21:38

Brian meets Cindy - and the cops came too. (Windows video).
11-12-2005 19:34

11-12-2005 18:51
Vigil for Omar & all British residents illegally detained in GuantanamoSaturday 17th December, 3pm
Churchill Square, Brighton
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meeting between cindy sheehan and brian haw turns to spontaneous protest in defi
11-12-2005 18:05

EDO noise demo
11-12-2005 14:14
Following Saturday's 300+ march through Brighton Town Centre there will be a noise demo this Tuesday from 4 at EDO's Home Farm Rd bomb factory.Full article | 3 additions | 2 comments
Cindy Sheenan supporters threatened with arrest.
11-12-2005 13:03
Cindy Sheenan supporters and well wishers have gathered to meet her in Parliment Square, London, this morning while waiting for her to arrive to meet with Brian Haw they have been threatened with arrest.Thank a soldier week
11-12-2005 12:35
Did you know that Thank a Soldier Week starts on the 19th Dec?