UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
13-04-2004 14:08
Activists from Faslane Peace Camp have blocked the entrance to Faslane naval base this morning, for a second morning of direct actions in a row. Police refrained from arresting the campaigners, who are calling for the immediate disarmament of Trident.Youth March to Aldermaston - report and photos
13-04-2004 12:27

In Falluja - Jo Wilding Iraq diaries 11 April
13-04-2004 11:58
Jo wilding - journalist, lawyer and circus clown reports from the hospitals ofFalluja
Weapons of Mass Destruction being shipped into Iraq
13-04-2004 10:29
Various reports suggest that the missing weapons of mass destruction are likely to be 'found' in the near future as shipments arrive been unloaded in Iraq by US forces.Pix of Demo Against Repression and Killing in Iraq, Downing St, 11.4.04 Set 1/3
13-04-2004 10:06

In Falluja - Jo Wilding Iraq Diaries
13-04-2004 10:03
Jo Wilding, lawyer, jouranlist and circus clown reports from the hospitals of fulluja, giving an eye-witness account of the carnage.Pix of Demo Against Repression and Killing in Iraq, Downing St, 11.4.04 Set 2/3
13-04-2004 10:00

Ewa J. on living and working conditions in Iraq
13-04-2004 09:52

Pix of Demo Against Repression and Killing in Iraq, Downing St, 11.4.04 Set 3/3
13-04-2004 09:48

Ewa J. on repression in Iraq
13-04-2004 09:07

Here she talks about repression towards her and other activists in Iraq.
WMD programme found in Berkshire
12-04-2004 20:05

When U.S. Aided Insurgents, Did It Breed Future Terrorists?
12-04-2004 16:46
When U.S. Aided Insurgents, Did It Breed Future Terrorists?By HUGH EAKIN
April 10, 2004
In the varied explanations for the 9/11 attacks and the
rise in terrorism, two themes keep recurring.
Photos of Demo Against Repression and Killing in Iraq - Downing St 11/04
12-04-2004 16:18

Interviews with Ewa J. about the general situation in Iraq
12-04-2004 13:53

STOP THE WALL. Renewed Destruction in Biddu Village
12-04-2004 09:09
Anti-Apartheid Wall CampaignApril 11th, 2004
Sat April 17 demonstration called by Edinburgh Stop the War Coalition
12-04-2004 09:01
Edinburgh Stop the War Coalition expresses its disgust and horror at the latest massacres perpetrated by the US invaders of Iraq against the population of Falluja and elsewhere.We need to organise a protest against the Falluga massacre in manchester.
12-04-2004 00:28
A protest against the Falluga massacre in Manchester?Army At Breaking Point - Blair Vows Resolve
11-04-2004 15:12
Good. Here's your rifle, Tony. Couple bullets. Baggy green suit (we ran out of the tan ones), some water, sorry the body armor didn't get delivered, travel docs, and don't forget to take a deep breath of all that depleted uranium dust while you are over there.Intifada, Iraqi Style: Reports from Baghdad
11-04-2004 13:12

Full Report || Past reports: April 6 | March 19 | PDF Zine format
A wake-up call to all B52 liberals and M16 democrats
11-04-2004 08:25
This was published in yesterday's (10/4/4) Guardian. Adequate response to all those bedwetters and spooks out there who think good 'ol Uncle Sam is doing a fine job of bringing freedom and democracy to the folks down in eye-rak.