UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
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SmashEDO besiege Brighton bomb factory
13-10-2010 20:25
Today the Smash EDO ITT's Hammertime demonstration saw 300 protesters surrounding Brighton's bomb factory and demonstrating against EDO/ITT for six hours.The demo was named for the 2009 Decommissioning, when a group of activists broke in to the EDO/ITT factory, decommissioning it with hammers to stop the production of weapons components being used by the Israeli military in the Gaza war. The Decommissioners were victorious in court, when they were unanimously acquitted of conspiracy to commit criminal damage in June.
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Smash EDO's ITT Hammertime Time Line
13-10-2010 09:07

17.00 - Police claim "more than 20" were arrested to prevent a breach of the peace. A photographer who was held in a kettle for 20 minutes, claims that he saw at least 35 arrested from the kettle.
14.10 - People kettled on Lewes Road. A number of arrests have taken place. Police claim arrests are to "prevent a breach of the peace in a Residential Area". Argus claims that those who refuse to identify themselves are being arrested.
12.40 - A protestor says police horses were used to force marchers off the Lewes Road. A group of about 30 protestors has been kettled near Moulescombe Station and is being marched away, possibly towards the 'designated' area. Another group of around 35 is said to be marching towards the City Centre.
Convergence Space for ITT's Hammertime
12-10-2010 18:06 support at ITT's Hammertime
12-10-2010 16:01
see threat to attack Iran with nukes is “criminal”
12-10-2010 14:49
The U.S. today is threatening to attack Iran “under the completely bogus pretext” that it might have a nuclear weapon, a distinguished American international legal authority says.When Obama administration officials, like those of the Bush regime before it, say “all options are on the table,” they are threatening nuclear war and that is prohibited by international law, says Francis Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois at Champaign.
Not only has the International Atomic Energy Commission said this charge against Iran “is simply not true,” Boyle pointed out, but threatening Iran with nuclear war in itself constitutes an international crime.
Afghanistan: Global NATO’s first ground war in its tenth year
11-10-2010 18:42

Smash EDO's Hammertime: Final info
11-10-2010 14:46
Hammertime is now almost upon us! Just a quick reminder with useful information and advice:Smash EDO have announced that the 'ITT's Hammertime' mass demo will be meeting at 10am on October 13th at the Wild Park Cafe in Moulsecoomb, Brighton to besiege EDO/ITT.
2 Days to go until ITT's Hammertime
11-10-2010 13:08
The convergence space for HAMMERTIME has not been announced yet but if you are coming to Brighton for the demo please come to the Cowley Club (London Road) for a meeting at 7pm on TuesdayIf you are coming early and need accomodation call 07538093930
Elections in Brazil: US Covert Intelligence Operations in Support of "Democracy"
10-10-2010 15:18
"The CIA employs former Brazilian policeman fired from their posts for various reasons to do the field work like surveillance, apartment penetrations, computer data thefts, and blackmail. In the majority of cases, these are individuals with ultra-rightist leanings who regard Serra as their candidate. Brazil's ministries, intelligence community, and military-industrial complex are heavily infiltrated by US agents. The US Embassy and consulate staff in Brazil includes some 40 CIA, DEA, FBI, and army intelligence agents, and Washington plans to open 10 new consulates in Brazil's major cities such as Manaos in Amazonia."Don't think for a second that the empire has given up on Latain America. Progressives must organize now to defend the gains made there or they will be lost. The CIA has an unlimited bank account and no shame or "morals." Please spread widely.
Smash EDO visit Oxford
10-10-2010 11:50

Media disinformation: Washington's "Regime Change Hit List": Iran versus Hondura
10-10-2010 08:52

BBC: The Ministry of Information
09-10-2010 09:20

BBC reports Nato contractors 'attacking own vehicles' – What is War on Terror?
08-10-2010 03:01
Top Secret: There may be times when host country governments show passivity or indecision in the face of [Taliban/AlQaeeda] subversion ... US Army Intelligence must have the means of launching special operations which will convince host country governments and public opinion of the reality of the insurgent danger ... US Army Intelligence should seek to penetrate the insurgency by means of agents of special assignments, with the task of forming special action groups among the most radical elements of the insurgency.
U.S. and NATO to wage 15-year war in Afghanistan and Pakistan
07-10-2010 20:31

Criminality of nuclear deterrence - World at the precipice of another world war
07-10-2010 09:35

It is the government officials in the nuclear weapons states and their allied states that are disobeying international law. Every person around the world has a basic human right to be free from the criminal practice of nuclear deterrence/nuclear terrorism, and its specter of nuclear extinction. All human beings in our capacities as creatures of God possess the basic right under international law to engage in civil resistance for the purpose of preventing, impeding or terminating the ongoing commission of these international crimes.
Smash EDO Press Release - Anti Arms Protester Given ASBO by the Back Door
07-10-2010 09:00
For more info contact: Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh, Smash EDO campaignTel: 07526557436 E-mail:
Yemen: The covert apparatus of the American Empire
06-10-2010 20:42

Yemen is perhaps an excellent example of America being on the “wrong side of a world revolution,” as the secret war in Yemen being exacerbated in the name of “fighting al-Qaeda” is in actuality, about the expansion and supremacy of American power in the region. It is about the suppression of natural democratic, local, revolutionary elements throughout the country seeking self-autonomy in changing the nation from its current despotic, authoritarian rule sympathetic to American interests, into a nation of their own choosing. It is about repressing struggles for liberation.
War recruiters disrupted in Oxford
06-10-2010 16:39
This evening, the Officer Training Corp (OTC) stall at Oxford University Freshers' Fair developed a conscience, grew legs, and walked away(!), leaving the organisation severely lacking in propaganda with which to indoctrinate young minds..FBI Raids Activists' Homes in Sinister COINTELPRO Replay
05-10-2010 16:35
"With Friday's raids, the federal government under "change" huckster Barack Obama, has taken their repressive program to a whole new level, threatening activists with the specter of being charged with providing "material support of terrorism." A felony conviction under this draconian federal law (Title 18, Part I, Chapter 113B, § 2339B) carries a 15 year prison term."International flaw: With new Iran sanctions, POTUS calls Tehran's kettle black
04-10-2010 15:52

The double standards of the US government continue to betray its real intentions and motivations regarding the Middle East, namely the maintenance of military hegemony, allegiance to Zionist mythology, and the continued demonization and threatening of any country that dares question the moral superiority of the United States or opposes American and Israeli imperialism in the region.