UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
US bracing for major leak of secret Iraq war files: Hoping you won't look.
22-10-2010 17:04
"Together, the two sets of disclosures would represent a massive breach of U.S. information security and raise questions about the viability of post-9/11 government policies that expanded the distribution of classified information as a means of improving coordination among intelligence and security agencies.Military officials believe the Iraq documents will emphasize the failings of the Iraqi government and military, including allegations of Iraqi mistreatment of detainees and ineptitude in combat. They also are likely to include some classified U.S. diplomatic cables, officials said." Note the sustained minimization.
"This article suggests that there is no need for you to investigate these doucments. As before they tell us there is nothing of interest in them? How quickly they read them? I think they are hoping many will not bother. So please get ready to head back to Wikileaks and spread widely."
2010 Peace and Disarmament Fair – Seoul, South Korea (War Profiteers' News)
22-10-2010 12:38
Work against war profiteering has emerged in South Korea in recent years. An important step in its development was the 2010 Peace and Disarmament Fair, which took place between the 2nd and 3rd of October, organised by the Peace and Disarmament Fair Preparatory Committee.Smash EDO: Hammertime arrestees! Get in touch
21-10-2010 22:25
Quite a few people who were pre emptively arrested at Smash EDO's Hammertime demo last week have told us that they are considering taking civil action against the police. This kind of action is best pursued collectively.An interview with a "Lebanese Christian" about Hezbollah-Christian relations
20-10-2010 13:41

BAE Systems protest at Guardian's London Graduate Fair
20-10-2010 13:12

The War On Terror
19-10-2010 17:43
"Pakistan warned Washington against future attacks. However, US military officials, under pressure from Obama to show progress in the endless Afghan war, responded to Pakistan’s warning by calling for expanding the Afghan war into Pakistan. On October 5 the Canadian journalist Eric Margolis wrote that “the US edges closer to invading Pakistan.”In his book, Obama’s Wars, Bob Woodward reports that America’s puppet president of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, believes that terrorist bombing attacks inside Pakistan for which the Taliban are blamed are in fact CIA operations designed to destabilize Pakistan and allow Washington to seize Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. "
Report: White House Demands Maliki Oust Sadr From Coalition
18-10-2010 17:41
"Moreover, if Maliki obeys the US and ousts Sadr, it isn’t clear that he will have a coalition at all anymore, or at the very least not one capable of forming a government. Maliki’s bloc finished second in the vote to rival Ayad Allawi’s Iraqiya bloc, and it was only through Sadr’s participation that he had any chance at a second term in office."Announcing the new J7: 7/7 Inquests Blog
18-10-2010 15:28

eye on 7/7 Inquests that are taking place at the Royal Courts of Justice
under the auspices of Lady Justice Hallett. The Inquests are expected to
last at least five months and will see the release of evidence that has
previously been kept from public scrutiny.
New War Rumors: U.S. Plans To Seize Pakistan’s Nuclear Arsenal
18-10-2010 02:01
“The free-wheeling access to US covert military and intelligence operatives, both officials and private contractors, is another destabilising factor that we seem to be unable or unwilling to check. And now there are the NATO incursions into our territory and targeting of even our military personnel, which shows how servile a state we are living in at present. [10]As the war in Afghanistan, the largest and longest in the world, proceeds with record casualties among civilians and combatants alike on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border, plans are afoot to further expand the war into Pakistan and to threaten Iran as well.
Comparisons to Washington’s war in Indochina have been mentioned. [11] But Pakistan with its 180 million people and nuclear weapons is not Cambodia and Iran with its population of over 70 million is not Laos."
End Military Commission Trial of Former Child Soldier-Guantanamo
17-10-2010 21:44
"Omar Khadr was picked up at age 15 and has now spent a third of his life at Guantanamo,The government's own witnesses confirmed some of this treatment when they testified that Khadr was interrogated while strapped down on a stretcher just 12 hours after sustaining his life-threatening injuries. They also testified that he was threatened with rape if he did not cooperate. In October 2002 Khadr was transferred to Guantanamo where the abuse continued. He told his lawyers that he was shackled in painful positions, told he would be sent to Egypt, Syria, or Jordan for torture, and used as a "human mop" after he urinated on the floor during one interrogation session. He was deprived of all access to legal counsel until November 2004, more than two years after he was first detained.
Cardiff Afghanistan Meeting
16-10-2010 22:18
AFGHANISTAN - THE CASE FOR WITHDRAWALThursday 28 October at 7pm, Shandon Lecture Theatre, Main Building, Cardiff University, Park Place (opp. Student Union)
New York Times defends US government's right "to assassinate anyone it pleases"
16-10-2010 17:52

The open reactionaries like the Wall Street Journal and Fox News display their bloodlust unashamedly. The “liberals” like the Times prefer a dose of hypocritical moralizing and legalistic quibbling. The consequences for humanity are the same.
Smash EDO twitter feeds
15-10-2010 23:28
Smash EDO have finally managed to start twittering!SMASH EDO: ITT's Hammertime Reportage
15-10-2010 23:04
On 13th October 2010 hundreds of antimilitarists converged in Brighton for a mass siege of EDO. ITT's Hammertime, named after the hammers used to smash EDO/ITT by the decommissioners, was aimed at closing EDO down for the day.If you were nicked at ITT's Hammertime and want support email

"Taking on EDO with Octogenarian Quaker John and the New Kids on the Black Bloc
15-10-2010 17:30
***Slideshow from "Hammertime" EDO/ITT Brighton
Evidence refutes the official 9/11 investigation: The scientific forensic facts
15-10-2010 08:33

The nightmare: The Iraq invasion's atrocities, unearthing the unthinkable
14-10-2010 17:48

As Pakistan, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, now seem to be in would be imperial sights, a precedent which will flag a up a warning sign to leaders of ill intent, is surely needed.
Smash EDO protest ends with mass arrests in Brighton
14-10-2010 13:10
The protest at EDO MBM/ITT, a top ten U.S. defence contractor, aimed to shut the factory down for the day. Hundreds of police ensured that no one got near the facility and ended the day with mass arrests. Brighton, United Kingdom, 13/10/2010.Pictures from the day;

Linda Norgrove - another perspective
14-10-2010 08:29
The official story makes no sense. Special forces chuck a grenade at the person they should rescue? Rescue of a Brit carried out by the US? There is more to this story.