UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Israel in Gaza: Beyond Disproportionate
20-01-2009 00:12
Marching amid the 50,000 protesters in London bearing witness against the Israeli offensive on Gaza, I spotted a hand-made placard inscribed with the words of the radical Brazilian educator Paolo Freire: “Washing one’s hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral.”Israel's Next War: Today the Gaza Strip, Tomorrow Lebanon?
19-01-2009 22:11

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Three Remanded in EDO Decomissioners Bail Hearing
19-01-2009 20:00
Contact Chloe Marsh or Andrew Beckett 0775 4135290
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Protest at Arms to Israel from Staffordshire
19-01-2009 18:44

BAE protest at Warwick university
19-01-2009 18:01
Account of our disruptive protest against a BAE recruitment eventGaza Protest March Through Nottingham to Market Sq : Pix 2
19-01-2009 17:10

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Gaza Protest March Through Nottingham to Market Sq : Pix 1
19-01-2009 17:05

Nottingham Gaza Protest 'candle-lit' Vigil : Pix 2
19-01-2009 16:42

Nottingham Gaza Protest 'candle-lit' Vigil : Pix 1
19-01-2009 16:38

Gaza war crimes (by Latuff)
19-01-2009 14:10

Iraqi Women's British Speaking Tour
19-01-2009 12:14
A chance for people to learn about the role which women are taking against Iraqs occupation. Men and Women Welcome!Update: EDO Decommissioners: 7 Charged, 1 in Hospital, 1 on police bail
18-01-2009 22:08
police confirm chargesIsrael Press Freedom (by Latuff)
18-01-2009 18:18

HLS client execs, Israel Ambassador get home demos
18-01-2009 17:59

Swindon protest for Gaza 17 Jan 2009 – videos
18-01-2009 17:28
Between 250 and 300 people assembled in Wharf Green in the centre of Swindon yesterday for the largest anti-war protest seen in Swindon since the 2003 invasion of Iraq.Stop the Slaughter in Gaza - Lincoln Protest
18-01-2009 17:11
A review of the events leading up to and including the protest against the slaughter in Gaza that we organised in Lincoln. Also, some lessons for the future.Audio - Two Sides, One Story - Cageprisoners National Tour - LONDON
18-01-2009 16:01

Muslim & Jewish women protest outside the BBC - Monday 19 Jan, 5:30-7 pm
18-01-2009 14:50
Muslim & Jewish women: Vigil & Speakout against slaughter in GazaProtest the BBC's reporting of the Gaza crisis. All women welcome.
Monday 19 January 2009, 5.30-7pm
BBC Broadcasting House Portland Place, London W1A 1AA