UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
British Mercenary Simon Mann's last Journey?
17-02-2007 10:59
A court in Zimbabwe is hearing the request of Equatorial Guinea to extradite the British mercenary and ex-SAS man Simon MannAfghanistan under occupation: An assessment-Part three
17-02-2007 04:04

Ulster on the Euphrates: The Anglo-American Dirty War in Iraq
16-02-2007 23:53

You can fool some of the people some of the time
16-02-2007 23:38
The dam of lies is finally breaking...Sheffield coach info for 24th Feb London demo
16-02-2007 22:02

• No Trident
• Troops out of Iraq
Assemble Hyde Park - March to Trafalgar Square
Tickets for Sheffield coaches are £20 / £15 / £10 and are available by calling 07761-471-441.
And also from Jack's Records, Division Street. Credit Card bookings: 0114-276-7093 (subject to fee)
Obama Embraces Israel “Security” Mythology
16-02-2007 22:02

LIES GOT US INTO IRAQ : Pentagon report shows SMOKING GUN, +infowar smokescreen
16-02-2007 16:59
follow this set of keywords,Congress, 2007, pentagon, inspector,
then add the "extra" info that a certain amount of the "intel" that was "re-checked" by the ADDITION of info from industry lobby groups that picked (+ paid for) certain "iraqi exiles" that came up with "niger uranium", czech meetings, hidden WMD
Lost Directions
16-02-2007 05:30
The USA is that way! The most servile government in Australian history achieved a new ‘personal best’ in bootlicking today. Yesterday's parliament question time witnessed the Minister of Defence, Brendan (studs) Nelson and the Foreign Minister, Alexander (cream puff) Downer bending over forwards in preparation for Cheney’s visit. Astounding as it may seem to most Australians these two lackeys were attempting to score political points by extolling the virtues of neo-colonial subservience to the United States!Stop BBC2 9/11 whitewash on Sunday!
16-02-2007 01:10
Battle over Sunday's 9/11 documentary
Will this Sunday's BBC documentary whitewash 9/11?

Taking Aim: Brzezinski Breaks Rank Over The Pending Nuclear Attack On Iran
15-02-2007 23:15

Stop the execution of three Iraqi women who resist the occupation
15-02-2007 22:56
The executions of what they call " terrorists" and " criminals" in their dozens have been going on over a year now. A public execution took place in Mosul City, North of Iraq, two months ago. However, this is the first time we hear about sentencing women to death.And the Iranian Mortar Story Keeps Growing
15-02-2007 22:15
Why is it that apparently, the only arms of Iranian military contractors who don’t have a website in Arabic or Farsi are those whose products are the target of American accusation? Something is afoot, yet I know not what…Afghanistan under occupation: An assessment—Part 2
15-02-2007 21:24

The strange case of the Australian PM and the American Senator
15-02-2007 20:49

Afghanistan - Canadian Senate Report Excerpted
15-02-2007 18:07
Anyone expecting to see the emergence in Afghanistan within the next several decades of a recognizable modern democracy ... is dreaming in Technicolor.Chris Alexander (former Ambassador to Afghanistan) said it would take 5 generations of effort to make a difference in Afghanistan.
Czechs protest outside Parliament against missile shield plans .
15-02-2007 18:04
Cold War Catalystbeirut, baghdad, zahedan: is there a connection between these bombing incidents?
15-02-2007 09:23
It is curious that the blast in Zahedan follows two separate bombing incidents.Fool Us Twice? From Iraq to Iran
15-02-2007 01:10
It's déja vu. This time the Bush gang wants war with Iran . Following a carefully orchestrated strategy, they have ratcheted up the "threat" from Iran , designed to mislead us into a new war four years after they misled us into Iraq .Three women sentenced to death for carrying out Resistance attacks
15-02-2007 00:47
In a dispatch posted at 3:33pm Makkah time Saturday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam (Islammemo) reported that the puppet "Iraqi Supreme Criminal Court" has ordered the execution of three Iraqi women on charges of involvement in Resistance attacks in Baghdad. The puppet "court" called such Resistance activity "terrorism."