UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Why on my Land? - A Lebonese Perspective
03-08-2006 01:35
i was talking to my lebanese friends earlier on this evening and i havent stopped crying. its destroying me ...MOBILIZATION TO PREVENT 'TEMPLE MOUNT FAITHFUL' ATTACK ON AL AQSA
03-08-2006 01:08
Two MKs from the Islamic Movement, Sheikh Ibrahim Sarsur (Ra'am-Ta'al) and Sheikh Abbas Zkoor (Ra'am-Ta'al) sent an urgent letter to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, requesting that the government prevent members of the Temple Mount Faithful from reaching the area outside the Al Aqsa Mosque. "Extremist Jewish groups may damage the Al Aqsa Mosque. If this were to happen, heaven forbid, it would inflame the region," the MKs wrote.Despite LIES to the Contrary, Olmert Plans To Annex S. Lebanon
02-08-2006 19:50
Rumsfeld said in 2002 that the Neo-Fascists in Israel and the US Under PNAC wanted Lebanon as a staging-point for its planned Aggressions against Iran and Syria.Mossad killed Rafiq Hariri ...
U.S. War Materials passing through Brize Norton?
02-08-2006 19:10

Lebanon, Syria, Iran & The Coming Imperialist Re-Division of the World
02-08-2006 17:38
London, 1st August 2006The sheer brutality of the butchery of civilians by Israeli WMD –
bombs and fighter planes provided by the United States – on Lebanon
is firstly a warning to the rest of the world from the United
States: `accept US global domination, or else'; and secondly, it is
the beginning of a serious struggle for all-out control over Middle-
East, Caspian Basin and Central Asian oil and gas. It is not the
puppet Israel but the US itself who sets the tone of this
purposefully brutal war, a war which opens up a qualitative change
in US aggression and inter-imperialist conflict, a period that will
draw the whole world into intensifying horrors and suffering. At the
same time this new period opens a large window for the dramatic re-
appearance of world-wide mass class struggle bringing workers and
youth back into the centre-stage of global politics.
Israel invites you...
02-08-2006 12:27

Hands off Lebanon - Sheffield Protest - 5pm Thursday
02-08-2006 12:25
Hands off Lebanon, Freedom for PalestineUrgent Protest 5pm, Thursday 3rd August at Sheffield Town Hall
Oil Robbery by Law: The Economic Invasion of Iraq
02-08-2006 12:23
The US does not rob Iraq of its oil. The emphasis is on sharing. "Production Sharing Agreements" (PSAs) are long-term agreements between oil corporations and oil states. Richard Perle, a leading neocon hawk, once said solidarity means countries agreeing with the US. George Orwell warned us of this newspeak when dissent and criticism would be expunged from people's vocabularies.Liverpool vs Haifa
02-08-2006 06:16
Liverpool FC are drawn to play Maccaba Haifa in the UEFA cup and are refusing to play in Israel even though the match has been moved to Tel Aviv. The first leg is set for Anfield on August 8 or 9 with Haifas home leg due on either August 22 or 23.Black Hawk Down - an american psycho
02-08-2006 01:22
An american colonel is under investigation for ordering his men to slaughter innocent Iraqis, awarding prizes for the most murders. The investigation coincides with the trial of four of his soldiers charged with such murder. The colonel is an all american hero who has slaughtered foriegners before.End the Israeli attacks on Gaza and Lebanon! - Nottm Protest
01-08-2006 23:37
For more information call Tom on 07779328418
End the Israeli attacks on Gaza and Lebanon!
No to terrorist attacks by Hezbollah and Hamas, no to Israeli state terror!
For a free and independent Palestinian state alongside Israel!
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Direct action against the war: London, Thursday lunchtime
01-08-2006 23:21
Tonight's direct action planning meeting at the LSE attracted a wide cross-section of people, and was not without difficulties (as posted by someone at
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An Assembly of Well-Meaning People
01-08-2006 22:03
Tonight’s assembly in Central London for direct action against the invasion of Lebanon was not entirely unproductive. However the discussion often seemed to be going round in circles, with little progress being made towards the aim of ‘direct action’ and people feeling increasingly frustrated and drained. This scenario will have felt familiar to people who have attended similar meetings in the past. The problem, in a nutshell, is a fundamental flaw in the design of such meetings.'No Hezbollah Rockets Fired from Qana'
01-08-2006 21:21
QANA, Aug 1 (IPS) - Red Cross workers and residents of Qana, where Israeli bombing killed at least 60 civilians, have told IPS that no Hezbollah rockets were launched from the city before the Israeli air strike.The Israeli military has said it bombed the building in which several people had taken shelter, more than half of them children, because the Army had faced rocket fire from Qana. The Israeli military has said that Hezbollah was therefore responsible for the deaths.
"There were no Hezbollah rockets fired from here," 32-year-old Ali Abdel told IPS. "Anyone in this village will tell you this, because it is the truth."
Manchester Faslane 365 meeting tonight in the basement
01-08-2006 15:19
In response to Blair plans to waste billions more on britains illegal WMD Trident system, Faslane 365 is an ambitious plan to blockade the Faslane nuclear base in scotland for a whole year! The blockade will begin in October and Manchester has taken on the 7th and 8th of November. Tonight 7pm, The Basement, 24 Lever Street, Manchester, M1 1DWUS-ISRAELI UN RESOLUTION HYPOCRISY
01-08-2006 12:26
HOW THE US AND ISRAEL SUBVERT UN RESOLUTIONSWar Criminals of Israel, Lossing the War on Every Front
01-08-2006 11:07
At this stage in the war with Hezbollah, Israel cannot achieve anything except further international condemnation together with visceral hatred from Arabs and Muslims everywhere.TEPP SPEAKS OUT IN THE NAME OF THE CHILDREN
01-08-2006 10:12
TEPP is a network of English teachers, teacher trainers and materials-writers who have worked in Palestine, Lebanon or neighbouring countries. We wish as educators to express our outrage at the recent killing and destruction of infrastructure in Gaza and Lebanon.Operation Apocalypse
01-08-2006 10:08
A former US intelligence and public affairs officers asks a disturbing questions about "End Times" apocalyptic Christians in the US: Are they pre-programmed world warriors, and are they being turned on by the government/media operation that created them?