UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Israel's 'Mistake' At Qana
04-08-2006 15:38
A Letter to the Editor I was compelled to write after watching the "news" last night.Majority of the UK Opposes Trident Replacement
04-08-2006 15:30

The Bankruptcy of the Hawks
04-08-2006 14:07
The pictures of victims among the civilian Lebanese population and the heoric fighting Mudschahedin play into the hands of the Jihad-rhetoric of Al-Qaida.. The war against terror can only be won when the ideas of Al-Qaida are discredited and a global norm against terror is created. A positive narrative that can counter Al-Qaida is necessary.Exporter agrees to stop live transport of cattle to Lebanon
04-08-2006 10:21
The Israeli blockade of sea access to Beirut has trapped untold numbersof cows aboard ship where many have already died of thirst while standing
in their waste.
Jews Against Zionism
04-08-2006 10:16

Brize Norton: A few facts, and how Brize and Prestwick are linked
04-08-2006 07:29
Almost inevitably, in an attempt to alert people to events at an early stage we may use second-hand or less-than-complete information. I/we will always try to clarify and correct as quickly as possible.In the case of the plane sightings at Brize Norton, it now seems extremely probable that there has so far only been one plane. One of the reasons for confusion is that we sometimes get information from several different sources. As regards Brize Norton, we received information from an eye witness, but also from people elsewhere in the UK who have been tracking planes via U.S. sources such as This website gives information about intended flight departure and arrival times etc but does not necessarily show the actual times if there are delays or re-routing. Hence discrepancies in our reports. Below is the text of an email I received yesterday from a UK tracker:
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Human Rights Watch Accuses Israel of War Crimes
03-08-2006 23:49

Pulling the Plug on Israel / Olmert Extremists' Aggression Unabated
03-08-2006 23:00
Those not supporting calls for an immediate cease-fire must be made to pay a political price, to serve as a warning to those who come after the Zionist Extremists are stripped of power.Coaches to Lebanon Gaza Demo London
03-08-2006 22:10
Unconditional Ceasefire Now
Sheffield Hands off Lebanon Protest Photos
03-08-2006 19:15

Appello per una mobilitazione antirazzista a Lampedusa il 9 e 10 sette
03-08-2006 18:56
La Sicilia è diventata negli ultimi anni la frontiera Sud dell’Europa e Lampedusa è il suo avamposto. Il tentativo di mascherare l’inarrestabile fenomeno politico-sociale delle migrazioni come un problema di ordine pubblico da contrastare, con la crescente militarizzazione delle frontiere e provvedimenti di polizia, ha prodotto soltanto l’istituzione di nuove forme di apartheid.Transport from Swindon to Lebanon demo, London, this Saturday
03-08-2006 18:51

Two Arrested for Publicising Britain’s Terror Weapons
03-08-2006 17:27

Israel's True Goal
03-08-2006 11:57
Less than three months after its formation, the Olmert-Peretz government succeeded in hurling Israel into a two-front war whose goals are unrealistic and whose results are unforeseeable.. When the weapons speak, the muses fall silent. When the cannons roar, the brain stops functioning.NYC: Pro-Lebanon Protest
03-08-2006 08:05

9/11 Airplane Impact Time Discrepancies: Smoking Gun - US Gov't Complicity
03-08-2006 07:19
author: Craig T. Furlong e-mail:e-mail:
Farc and the Uribe Administration: Or different strategies to not talking
03-08-2006 06:09
Issues and difficulties about the possibilites of peace between the FARC gerrilla and the Colombian govrenmentThe Decider and its Poodle
03-08-2006 04:57
"We've -- you know, we've made it clear that we care about wanton destruction." -George W. Bush Friday, July 29, 2006Victims and Perpetrators of Oil Imperialism
03-08-2006 04:50
The victims are subject to change. But the Perpetrators have been at it for a century. Something MUST be done about the U.S.-UK Oil Cartel (Exxon-Mobil-Chevron---BP & Shell) for the sake of peace, social and political justice, and to deal with doomsday Global Warming. Grassroots Public information Campaigning to educate & politically activate the GENERAL PUBLIC -- university/college students in particular -- is the ONLY WAY to overcome the Corporation-Government-corporate Mass Media axis.Palestine, Lebanon: Zionism-Assassin, Imperialism- Accomplice!
03-08-2006 01:48
The Israeli attack in progress in Lebanon received, according to the expression even of the international press, the "green light" of the United States and the "tacit agreement" of the other great imperialists States, beginning with France (in spite of the declarations of "amity" with Lebanon!).