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U.S. War Materials passing through Brize Norton?

text by eileen | 02.08.2006 19:10 | Lebanon War 2006 | Anti-militarism | Oxford

Today I received information from a very reliable source about an Atlas cargo plane that arrived at Brize Norton on Monday and took off again just after midnight. People monitoring its flight path say that its destination was Tel Aviv. I am trying to get clarification as to whether this is the same plane as the previously reported one with Hebrew markings painted in red.

Whether it's the same plane or not, in view of recent events at Prestwick and possibly RAF Mildenhall (bombs passing through the UK for Israel to drop on Lebanon) it is obvious that we need to know more about what is going on. I would like to ask people to spare some time to come out to Brize Norton and monitor the situation, bringing binoculars, cameras etc. Some of you might want to bring banners as well.
Although you can get most of the way to Brize Norton by taking the bus to Carterton, it would be really useful if someone had a car. Please contact me at my email address above, or phone Oxford 770067 (leave a message)

text by eileen
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Display the following 4 comments

  1. Also raised with MP — Jock Coats
  2. dialling code — Matt
  3. My contact details - clarification — eileen
  4. — Joanna Clothier