UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Bush, Eugenics and Population Control
04-07-2006 13:42
Eugenics (Greek for 'good birth') is the study of methods to improve the human race by controlled selective breeding - bolstered by its concomitant term 'population control'.US Independence Day protest occupation of top secret nuclear bunker in the UK
04-07-2006 10:07
Peace campaigners today carried out an audacious occupation at a top secret United States Navy nuclear command bunker to protest against the continuing occupation of Iraq on July 4th – US Independence Day.Genocidal or Great Britain?
04-07-2006 09:38
All God's children - small and great!Australian government escalates its military involvement in Iraq
04-07-2006 05:26

Palestine Today
03-07-2006 18:59

News from Gaza as the situation intensifies, Israeli Army invade Nablus and damages the fire station, dairy products factory headquarters, and local TV station, Army arrests three residents from Iskaka village, invades the West Bank cities of Jenin and Tulkarem
These stories and more coming up. Stay tuned
Liverpool School Students Against War hold Picnic
03-07-2006 15:13

PHILIPPINES: Citizens' impeachment complaint against President Gloria Arroyo
03-07-2006 12:05

US will retain overall command
03-07-2006 05:15

7/7 Bombings: "A Covenant of Security"
03-07-2006 03:46
...from The Independent:“The Afghan has war-fighting in his blood”
02-07-2006 21:08
Commander of UK forces in Afghanistan utters racist remark in radio interviewStop The War - Disrupt the Army @ Colchester 15-07-2006
02-07-2006 20:20

meaningful death not a wasted life of degradation and torment.
02-07-2006 16:33
I have decided that today i will start my hunger strike as i think death is preferable to serving the pyramidal power structure and the machine that devours the world and enslaves all.Gaza: the Transparency of Naked Aggression
02-07-2006 09:24

Here we explore the parallels with the endless war on Palestine.
Norman Finkelstein says... (by Latuff)
02-07-2006 02:14

Israel's right of defense (by Latuff)
01-07-2006 18:18

Another US atrocity in Iraq
01-07-2006 13:48
Soldiers under investigation for rape and murder1 July 2006
A top US Army commander in Iraq has ordered an investigation into allegations of yet another atrocity committed by US soldiers in Iraq. The case involves a particularly gruesome and sadistic episode, in which an Iraqi woman was allegedly stalked, raped and murdered. Three other members of her family were killed, and the corpse of the violated woman was burned.
Must the world stage mock explosions on day infants being burnt!
01-07-2006 07:20
The BBC's female news [cue] reader somberly read the lines saying that they had staged mock explosions to commemorate the 90 year old events at the battle of the Somme!pics from palestine solidarity demo at parliament square
01-07-2006 00:38

Is the West Experiencing its "Afghanistan"?
30-06-2006 21:55
Captive in its foreign policy loss of reality, the Soviet Union was provoked to invasion, suffered its "Vietnam," lost its respect in Islamic countries and endured a demoralization that led to the collapse of the Soviet Empire.Leeds Palestinian Film Nights 5th & 19th July
30-06-2006 14:10
Leeds PSC presents Arnas Children 7pm 5th July and Visit Palestine, 7pm 19th July at The Common Place, Wharf Street (off Kirkgate), Leeds City centre.