Stop The War - Disrupt the Army @ Colchester 15-07-2006
Peace Is Possible Action Group | 02.07.2006 20:20 | Anti-militarism
Calling all anti-war, anti-military, pro-peace, autonomous, green groups, and all others who wish to build a peaceful world. The British Army will be showing off its weapons of war on July 15th at the Colchester Military Festival and we plan to make a very loud pro-peace noise.
Call to Action - ARMY OPEN DAY 15/07/06
The British Army is having an open day in Colchester on July 15th during which they will be showing off the brutal instruments of war they use in the government's ongoing march of death. They will be showing off the weapons currently used in occupation and war zones from around the world in their attempt to glorify war and all it stands for.
We urge all groups to organise autonomous and surprise actions and protests during the event and to mass out the front of the venue in protest of this government's illegal immoral war-mongering policies.
Date: July 15th, 2006
Location: Abbey Field, Colchester, Essex
Cost of Entry: 5 quid
What they say: "Re-enactments - army displays - aircraft - helicopters - huge number of military vehicles and static displays"
This will be "probably the most spectacular" display of the instruments of death in the UK.
We suggest autonomous groups enter the grounds with tickets and non-violently and noisily disrupt from within.
We also hope for a mass showing of protest at Abbey Field trying to discourage people from supporting the event.
We also call on the larger anti-war and pro-peace groups to mobilise and shout their messages of peace on this day. This is a family day. Let's engage with the public!
Remember, large numbers of British and US troops are against this war. Wouldn't it be great if the women and men of the British occupation force were brought home safely. Together we can stop this government's ongoing deceitful war. The troops need our support so they are more empowered to disobey their orders. Support the troops – bring them home!
Please forward to as many action groups as possible. See you all there!
Peace Is Possible Action Group
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