Stop The War - Disrupt the Army @ Colchester 15-07-2006
Peace Is Possible Action Group | 02.07.2006 20:20 | Anti-militarism
Calling all anti-war, anti-military, pro-peace, autonomous, green groups, and all others who wish to build a peaceful world. The British Army will be showing off its weapons of war on July 15th at the Colchester Military Festival and we plan to make a very loud pro-peace noise.
Call to Action - ARMY OPEN DAY 15/07/06
The British Army is having an open day in Colchester on July 15th during which they will be showing off the brutal instruments of war they use in the government's ongoing march of death. They will be showing off the weapons currently used in occupation and war zones from around the world in their attempt to glorify war and all it stands for.
We urge all groups to organise autonomous and surprise actions and protests during the event and to mass out the front of the venue in protest of this government's illegal immoral war-mongering policies.
Date: July 15th, 2006
Location: Abbey Field, Colchester, Essex
Cost of Entry: 5 quid
What they say: "Re-enactments - army displays - aircraft - helicopters - huge number of military vehicles and static displays"
This will be "probably the most spectacular" display of the instruments of death in the UK.
We suggest autonomous groups enter the grounds with tickets and non-violently and noisily disrupt from within.
We also hope for a mass showing of protest at Abbey Field trying to discourage people from supporting the event.
We also call on the larger anti-war and pro-peace groups to mobilise and shout their messages of peace on this day. This is a family day. Let's engage with the public!
Remember, large numbers of British and US troops are against this war. Wouldn't it be great if the women and men of the British occupation force were brought home safely. Together we can stop this government's ongoing deceitful war. The troops need our support so they are more empowered to disobey their orders. Support the troops – bring them home!
Please forward to as many action groups as possible. See you all there!
Peace Is Possible Action Group
Hide the following 38 comments
Is a demonstration going to really work?
10.07.2006 13:44
The weapons of war are also devices to protect our soldiers and in the case of a re-emerging Taliban, devices for protecting a fledgling freed country from the grip of an fanatical oppressive force that is targeting children, women and men alike. The tattoo is not a show of weapons and killing, it is a time honoured traditional family day out where the demonstrations of soldiering skills are only a very small part of the show as a whole. Money raised for charity is also a part of it. Perhaps your demonstrations would be more effective if you aimed at the manufacturers of the weapons systems, the government and MOD.
Good luck in voicing your anti-war protests (that could be interpretted, not intentionally, as anti-British Army, in one of the largest garrison towns in the UK !!)
You must be joking!
10.07.2006 14:34
a. Serving soldiers.
b. Family of serving soldiers (most of whom will have husbands in Afghanistan)
c. Ex-serving soldiers.
All you will achieve is to piss all these people off for spoiling what is in essence a family day out. These people have absolutely NO say over UK foreign policy. You are going to be in the wrong place frankly. Where you should be is outside No 10 in London or at an International Arms Fair - but hey your choice - see you there!
Wrong place Wrong time..
10.07.2006 15:34
An Army wife
Strike, Sieze and Grasp
10.07.2006 16:39
Flipper T Rox
Thing of the wifes and partners left behind
10.07.2006 18:00
Stupid Stupid Stupid
10.07.2006 18:21
C. Sense
pro-militarists aplenty
10.07.2006 18:33
Maybe they're hoping for lots of sign-ups :D
arrse indeed
10.07.2006 19:55
Amazingly naive
10.07.2006 20:50
It will be interesting to see just how successful Custers Last stand looks incomparison to this ill-concieved action now EVERYBODY knows at least one bunch of doomed incompetents plan to try to disrupt a major event full of extremely unsympathetic families and staged by professionals. Idiots. Wrong target, wrong strategy.
And would Mr Anthony Blair and his (rather arrogant) chums take any notice...erm, no! Most people have the brains to realise this, so demonstrators will look like total fools - at best - as just about everybody but them will probably understand this simple truth.
To those sincere but niave activists thinking of going, I'd echo the above suggestions to demonstrate in the right place - outside No.10 (where ploicy is made), outside arms manufacturers (where weapons are made), or at international arms fairs (where they are sold), rather than an entertainment-based day out for history enthusiasts and the families of servicemen who don't actually have any choice as to where they are sent.
Alas, not for one minute do I believe that rational thought comes into any of this for those involved.
Measured View
Media Disaster
10.07.2006 21:38
Flipper T Rox
Again Wrong place wrong time
11.07.2006 05:57
Army wife
A Left-Wing Re-enactor Replies
11.07.2006 09:28
Well, as a committed peace activist and active socialist of long standing, I must say I have to concur with the majority of the posts above condemning the proposed form of action.
Some of us have an interest in things military that does not necessarily translate into glorifying war. I am an English Civil War re-enactor myself, and I see no conflict (no pun intended) between my chosen hobby, and the manner in which I carry it out, and my political and peace campaigning activity. I spent my childhood yomping around various military museums and airshows, etc. with my father, and it hardly turned me into a raging imperialist (quite the opposite, in fact).
If you are really concerned that this event is a glorification of war, a small delegation OUTSIDE of the festival in the area execrcising our democratic right of protest by peacefully and politely leafleting/stallholding from an anti-war perspective would be a far more effective "intervention" - but then maybe that wouldn't be as exciting as physically disrupting an event, would it?
I'm also afraid that, speaking from experience, I have little faith in this purported "non-violent" methods being UNIVERSALLY adhered to. No doubt many people intending to take part in the infiltration will refuse to act violently, but equally I would anticipate that a significant number will go ahead and see it as an opportunity for a good scrap (and several non-politicals will come along specifically for that reason. I've seen that happen far too many times for my liking).
I have done, and continue to do, my fair share of peaceful disruption in my time, and am an advocate of non-violent direct action - but always directed at appropriate targets and in an appropriate manner. This proposal smacks of the similar tactic I have witnessed of certain peace activists berating ground-level employees of animal labs, Aldermaston or British Nuclear Fuels. "Never mind that it's an economically depressed area and the only employment you can find - leave your bloody job on principle, 'cause if you remain in it you're nothing but a bloody-handed agent of the murdering state!" Yes, I'm anti-nuclear/-vivisection; yes, I want those institutions closed down; yes, I will civilly discuss my views with these employees and put my case. No, I will not welly in and one-sidedly berate them in this manner - it's hitting at the soft target, and incidentally the wrong one, and puts them entirely on the defensive.
What's more likely to push some of the children attending into, ultimately, a defensive pro-war attitude? A load of tanks and planes and some soldiers and re-enactors displaying marching, etc., with a peace stall somewhere outside the event - or a gang of professed "peace activists" shouting, shoving and spreading disruption in the middle of all this?
Yes, events like this will attract their share of the public who are jingoistic or glorify the military, but equally a sizeable number of those attending will be opposed to, or ambivalent about, the current wars we're engaged in, and will be attending purely from interest in the military. [Incidentally, even looking at this from a purely self-interested point of view, you are probably going to annoy and upset a great many veterans of the anti-fascist conflicts].
If you truly want to go for the "hearts and minds", rather than p*ssing a load of people off, might I suggest that a better tactic would be to set up a pro-peace, anti-war stall in the nearby area. I know that might be less fun, but it would be a damn sight more efficient. Think about it - there'll be a great many people around that day with military on the mind as attendees of the festival, a sizeable proportion of whom will be opposed to the wars and invasions which Britain is currently engaged in, who would be more likely to be open to debate with you than if this planned infiltration goes ahead.
For those of a left-wing political bent who believe in class solidarity, the Services and police, etc. are ultimately part of this approach too. You start talking to a serving soldier whilst you're on that stall about the shortcomings of the British Army as an institution, how recruitment is targeted at economically depressed areas, etc. and you're far more likely to make some progress (this isn't wishful thinking, I've done it several times) than if you're yelling at them inside the Military Festival whilst they're showing a group of kids camouflage netting.
Personally, I wouldn't have any time for re-enactors, of whatever period, who would attempt to glorify war by doing what they do. (There's certainly none in my regiment). There may be some like this, re-enactors or otherwise, at the event, and should I attend I would personally (civilly) argue and debate with them, backing up my points as needed; that's the trouble with aggressive disruption, you never get to put the damned point across when you might have a chance of swinging people round to your view.
A different approach than the planned infiltration is required; otherwise, I'm afraid that it will simply come across as loutish attention-seeking, which results in a ton of bad P.R. for the rest of us who actually try to protest appropriately and effectively. There's a time and a place, and I feel that this is not the place.
I concur entirely with those who are advising you to take the protest to Downing Street or DESI. FAR more positive impact in the media (when they bother to cover it, admittedly), and targeting those who deserve it. The media give us short enough shrift as it is - for pity's sake, can we PLEASE stop playing into their hands like this.
[Apologies for the long-windedness and the use of capitals as emphasis!]
Yours comradely,
P.S. Army Wife - to be fair, I think the post above yours regarding the "crying child" was actually a dry comment on what BAD P.R. would result from going ahead with this plan of action, rather than advocating it.
(By the way, though I am completely opposed to this infiltration, the more acerbic of my comments are directed against those pseudo-anarchists who [in my opinion] don't organise or target their actions appropriately and think the end justifies any means necessary; rather than the sincere peace activists whose planned action here, rather than their views, I am arguing against).
No Student Discount Tickets = No Demonstration!
11.07.2006 12:52
Be safe, young idealists......
Our Forces are Overseas Fighting for Other People's Rights and Freedoms
11.07.2006 16:13
Perky Penguin
12.07.2006 07:50
This reminds me of the viatnam war when protesters shamfully spat on and beat up serving U.S soldiers who did nothing more than answer the call when asked to serve there country.
This is Barking
12.07.2006 08:53
Dave Burnell
12.07.2006 08:57
Fly Boy
whose doing the killing
12.07.2006 08:57
At the end of the day its the soldiers carrying the guns and doing the killing.
12.07.2006 15:07
soapdodging looneys
12.07.2006 17:49
Absolute rubbish, how inconveinient to your anti-army agenda that the killing is actually being carried out by sunni extremists with bombs left in busy market places killing 50 a time almost daily. whilst my mates out there are trying to keep as many people alive as possible.
Your average sqauddie wants to go home to see his wife and padbrats. not collect iraqi childrens ears on his webbing.
Would you take a moment and THINK.
12.07.2006 18:03
Furthermore, what ppl can't figure out is WHERE and WHEN you are choosing to protest - on a family day out. You guys will really want to be the cause of upsetting families? Why don't you take a leaf out of Brian Haw's protest? He's done so peacefully and right at the heart of the war makers, and has probably got the most rememorable UK publicity than any other demo for doing so.
C. Sense
The real objectives of this demo
12.07.2006 21:34
Reading the call to action carefully, "disruption" is obviously much more of a motive than "engaging the troops". Quite simply, you can't engage people by noisy demonstration or disruption, so its pretty obvious what the true objective behind this call for a demonstation is.
Likewise, if the idea is to engage servicemen and their families, then why call upon anti-military groups - who will not empathise with them - to participate? Nope, its not really about engagement,is it? Once one realises this, the situation becomes very clear - it's simply a call to cause as much trouble as possible. So I bet my last pound that hatred rather than peace is the true motive. As such, demonstrators will simply be the unwitting pawns of those harbouring other, darker motives.
There are of course many sincere people who question the policies of this government (including many in the military), and rightly so. What a pity then that this "peace" group seeks to represent them, for the result will only be negative. But perhaps that's what the latter want, as I suspect that in their world of inverted logic, they hope it might cause a public backlash against the demonstrators, which might in turn discredit the military and one day help pave the way for a glorious anti-capitalist revolution. If so, one can only pity them and their absurd fantasy world.
Let's hope sensible people will treat this call for action - ie to cause disruption - with the contempt it deserves. There are plenty of bona fide demos to go on, where the genuine cause of peace can be honestly promoted, instead of being hijacked.
If the person who called for this demonstration disagrees with the above, then let him or her show this by issuing a declaration removing the call for noisy disruption in favour of entirely peacefully engaging the event visitors, ie in a way that might actually work. You can bet this won't happen and assuming this, I rest my case, m'lud.
Military festival programme
13.07.2006 08:00
So much for "They will be showing off the weapons currently used in occupation and war zones from around the world in their attempt to glorify war and all it stands for".
Admitedly there's supposed to be a couple of modern helicopters, but so what?
Demonstrators, go find a proper target, not families on a day out.
Local lad
13.07.2006 08:25
Your average sqauddie wants to go home to see his wife and padbrats. not collect iraqi childrens ears on his webbing."
You're saying that none of 'our boys' have killed any Iraqi civilians?
You're clearly in some kind of delusional alternative existence.
Hope you get well soon.
I don't know why anyone is bothering to argue with these loosers!
13.07.2006 11:15
"It's funny how those most insistent that they listen to their point of view are least likely to listen to yours"
These totalitolerants are filled with blind hate. To them anyone who doesn't share their world POV is a twisted baby-murderer who gets off (probably sexually in their twisted world view) to an increasing body-count. Their definition of a bigot is anyone who beats them in a debate. And so they demon-bate. They twist any counter-argument to demonise their opnonent. It is the tactic of the intellectually, and morally bankrupt.
Sara, your arguments are eloquently put. Frankly though I could not hold greater contempt for your opinions if I tried. That's OK though, because although i hold your views in utter contpempt it isn't personal, I'm sure you are very nice, but it's a big world and I can tolerate the notion that you have every right to be wrong (as I am sure you belive me to be). The difference is between me and the Totalitolerants is that I can agree to disagree, they would like to see me wiped off the face of the earth, probably using the same means they are protesting against. It's ironic really.
The truth be told, to want to "peacefully protest", which we should interprit as "spew out as much venom and hate as possible against people we don't know, and if we get the chance perhaps even turn that venom into violence to impose our point of view" against families with no strategic political influence is just cowardice. It's no different to a sullen teenager smacking the little girl that lives next door because he doesn't like what his parents choose to buy with their money.
Am for a peaceful protest if there was going to be one
13.07.2006 11:54
how inconveinient to your anti-army agenda that the killing is actually being carried out by sunni extremists with bombs left in busy market places killing 50 a time almost daily You're saying that none of 'our boys' have killed any Iraqi civilians?
basicly this sums up your point am I right??? So what are you proposing??? A Brit kills a civilian 1 civilian it's not something he want's to do but if killing that 1 civilian to keep 50 alive it kind of makes sence. Now I don't know all the ins and outs of Army. I am not wanting there to be such thing and I wish there was peace in this world as does most people. I am married to someone in the army and he wishes that he didn't have to fight to protect us but someone has to do it for if nobody was fighting to keep us free and alive the world would certainly be a horrible place with Rape, Murder and everything else happening WAY more then it already does. Look at Iraq and places where war is going on it's horrible be glad it's not here and if it weren't for the army it probably would have.
Observer makes all 100% sence. Yes there is a timew and place and people who are against army and what there doing and those who want peace will hopefully not show up to this as it is not going to be the right way and is going to lead nowhere but to make them look bad. It does sound like an excuse for a bunch of people to get together and cause fights which is not going to get any point through. Please to the person who is organising this I know your reading these comments, I want you to justify if you can what your point is and why you plan to make a very loud pro-peace noise. not a sensible one where you might actually get notice for???
seeking the truth
13.07.2006 13:55
==You're saying that none of 'our boys' have killed any Iraqi civilians?
Complete non-sequitur. Learn to address the point made and you will gain credibility. Straight question for you - do you consider the deliberate strategic and tactical targetting of civilians in schools and marketplaces in order to foment an atmosphere and violence, as perpetrated by Sunni and Shia extremists, to be the moral equal of the British Army's mandate and policy of attempting to protect life which incidentally causes unavoidable casualties?
Don't even bother!
13.07.2006 20:00
Were you abused by the Military??
I take it that was a no as well!!
So what's wrong with you? You are campaigning against a war in a far off place, fine that’s your opinion, but as the last peace protester found out when he went to Iraq, the people we are fighting don't care what side of the fence you are on.
10,000+ Gassed Kurds obviously mean nothing to you. 3,000+ victims of 911 who were from every country in the world and of every religion mean nothing to you?? Both acts carried out before the wars you are against.
We are fighting the people who are responsible for creating the perpetrators of these acts.
Theatres, Schools, Subways, Trains all targeted by the people you support...YES you support them by your actions. This is what they want. Thank god people like you did not have a voice in WWII.
What did the victims of the above attacks have in common.....Innocent Civilians that’s what....they don't care who they kill....our troops DO!!
Any ways there's no point in knocking on wood when there's no one home.
At the moment if we pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan there will be a blood bath as the insurgents attempt to take over the countries. Thousands of innocents will die. Is that what you want...would you be able to sleep at night!!!!?
In any case I will be at the show and if you demonstrate near me; I will demonstrate my feelings towards you and you’re kind in a way that can be described as non-peaceful….
Why should you be allowed to ruin my weekend and as to it being the Biggest show…. just shows how small minded you are…go and demonstrate at the arms trade fair or is that out of your league??
So as the title says don’t even bother, you’ll just miss the omnibus edition of Coronation Street or Eastenders…I here those prison cells are un-comftable.
Osama Bin Hidding
Interesting Thread!
13.07.2006 23:11
This is certainly an interesting thread - I for one welcome people protesting war at this event, but agree with many of the above comments - you have to do it very carefully! Be sure you do engage with the public, be sure you are denouncing the government and not the military.
I come from a semi-military background myself and I can assure you that many serving would love to know there are people here in the UK campaigning for them to be brought home safely, swiftly and surely. Kendall Smith is a hero to many many people. There are many considering (all the time) following in his footsteps. If you can encourage one or 2 more to disobey their orders, maybe you can create a whole snowball effect. It's certainly worth attempting. But as most of the above commentors say, be sure your message is not lost.
I hear the government is bringing in plans to make soldiers who go AWOL serve LIFE SENTENCES in prison. Surely this is reason enough to disobey now.
In May ... " it was revealed that nearly 3,000 soldiers have deserted the British Army each year since the invasion of Iraq in March 2003. Of these, more than 1,000 are still reported to be missing. Official Ministry of Defence (MoD) figures record that 2,825 soldiers went “absent without leave” in 2003, rising to 3,050 in 2004 before falling slightly to 2,725 in 2005."
Whatever your view of this protest is, hopefully we can all agree that we hope the all come home safely and soon.
Best Regards,
Punishments for absence.
14.07.2006 06:50
LOL, life sentances for AWOL ? Where did you read that, the Beano ? I don't think that's very likely mate - not even with the shockingly short length of time that "life" means these days ! "28 days detention, soldier on" more like . . .
Reading your comment, it becomes apparent that you lot *really* do think you've got a hope of persuading half the British Army to have it away on its toes, don't you ? Poor deluded hippies . . .
More War Please
14.07.2006 08:32
I would like to thank the women and men of the British Armed Forces for the sacrifice they make. Without them going in to battle and taking over countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq, our supply of natural resources, and thus our profits would be diminished. Who cares that Blair had to lie to get them to go? Please don't think about this. It will only give you a headache. Please don't call the military people "pawns" - it is a sore spot for many of them and not completely true - they did willingly join up after all! Whilst the armed forces are under Blair's control and are willing to destabilise foreign nations and kill civilians - oops I mean "TERRORISTS", our supply of natural gas and oil remain strong.
Instead of urging the soldiers to refuse to fight, I urge you all to invest in BP - you'll be rich. I certainly am! The soldiers expect very little in return except a pat on the back. Well done soldier, well done. See, that's all they want to hear.
Now it should be clear that they are willing to do this, that they enjoy doing this, and that due to the training they have received, they will obey all orders without question. Well, with the exception of one or two, but those hippies and traitors like Kendall Smith you mention above are being dealt with.
With that in mind, I urge you to invest in BP. You can find all the information you require right here:
Oil Company Executive
protest failure
14.07.2006 13:12
You're welcome !
14.07.2006 14:58
You're very welcome.
"Without them going in to battle and taking over countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq . . ."
Has someone taken over Afghanistan and Iraq ? Good Lord, when did that happen ? Last time I looked there were democratically(1) elected governments in both countries. You can't turn your back for a second, can you !
"they did willingly join up after all! Whilst the armed forces are under Blair's control and are willing to destabilise foreign nations and kill civilians - oops I mean "TERRORISTS", our supply of natural gas and oil remain strong. "
Do you work for the BBC or the Grauniad ? They have an inexplicable aversion to calling a terrorist a terrorist too ! Yes, all servicemen in the British Armed Forces joined up willingly. You see, some people have a sense of duty to their country. These may seem like an alien concept to you, but you can sleep peacefully tonight because rough men stand ready to do violence on your behalf.(2) As I said before, you're very welcome.
"Now it should be clear that they are willing to do this, that they enjoy doing this, and that due to the training they have received, they will obey all orders without question. Well, with the exception of one or two, but those hippies and traitors like Kendall Smith you mention above are being dealt with. "
You know, when I swore my oath of allegience, I undertook to obey the orders of Her Majesty, her heirs and successors, and the generals and officers set over me. I'm *pretty* sure that there weren't any bits along the lines of "unless I don't happen to like those orders, or some bleeding heart liberal tells me not to".
As for Mr. Kendall-Smith, maybe he should have thought a bit harder about what he was doing before he joined up. If he wanted to decide policy, he should have entered politics, not the forces. Having decided to implement policy, rather than make it, he should have done his duty. As it is he has let his service and his comrades down. Good riddance, in my opinion.
"Well done soldier, well done. See, that's all they want to hear."
It would be nice, once in a while. But you're not required to be grateful of course. Getting a bit of a clue about what you're talking about would be a nice gesture though.
(1) For a given value of democracy anyway, certainly markedly better than the pre existing conditon.
(2) With due acknowledgement to Orwell, or was it Kipling ?
14.07.2006 19:47
When did you last look? How hard did you look? It seems pretty obvious that the governments of both those countries are pretty much puppets. UK and US does very little to support democracy around the world. Look at how the treated the Palestinians after Hamas was democratically elected... or look at how Aristide, the democratically elected leader of Haiti was ousted by US Forces just a couple of years ago so their own puppet could be installed. It's outrageous!
"Do you work for the BBC or the Grauniad ? They have an inexplicable aversion to calling a terrorist a terrorist too ! "
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. When UK troops destroy a civilian Iraqi home, the UK troop is the terrorist. It's all about perception isn't it?
"Yes, all servicemen in the British Armed Forces joined up willingly. You see, some people have a sense of duty to their country. These may seem like an alien concept to you, but you can sleep peacefully tonight because rough men stand ready to do violence on your behalf."
That's exactly the reason I'm not sleeping peacefully! It's coz "rough men" aren't asking enough questions about what they're being told to do out there. Oh, I am so genuinely pleased there are people willing to serve our country, and defend this nation from attack. But is that what is happening? It looks like Blair and Bush have hoodwinked a huge number of dutiful people into doing their bidding. The soldier's goodwill and sense of duty is being completely abused here. You, my friend, have been duped.
"You know, when I swore my oath of allegience, I undertook to obey the orders of Her Majesty, her heirs and successors, and the generals and officers set over me."
That's really scary! I think that's how dictatorships start. "I will do my master's bidding regardless of what it is".... "I will obey without question" ... It's only a couple of steps away from "I will kill all Jews if you tell me to." At what point do you refuse?
" I'm *pretty* sure that there weren't any bits along the lines of "unless I don't happen to like those orders, or some bleeding heart liberal tells me not to"."
Where do you draw the line? If Her majesty or her officers tell you to jump off a cliff? To kill your own mum? To kill innocents? To invade a foreign defenceless country? Surely there is a line inside you that you would not cross no matter what Her Majesty (or her officers) told you to do. Where is that line? Do you torture innocents? Engage in ethnic cleansing? Topple democracies? Surely there will be a point in your future where You will question what you are being told to do. What is in the officer's/PM's best interest isn't necessarily what is in the country's best interest.
"As for Mr. Kendall-Smith, maybe he should have thought a bit harder about what he was doing before he joined up. If he wanted to decide policy, he should have entered politics, not the forces. "
I understand he joined up out of a sense of duty to his country; his desire to protect this great nation and ensure the freedoms that most British people take for granted. But he wasn't being ordered to defend this country, he was being ordered to engage in a war believed to be both immoral and illegal.
Thanks for reading!
Poster Boy
16.07.2006 15:45
Fascists at Colchester
16.07.2006 16:35
16.07.2006 17:23
16.07.2006 18:35
This is a wonderful thing to do, we must stop the imperialists,fascists from celebrating genocide. Peace is our task, if some Militaristic fascist wearing DPM gets justice, so be it. Put holes in the wings of the aircraft, so they may not fly again to kill innocent peoples. we must struggle if we want to rid ourselves of these filth.
I've noticed that it tends to be countries that have no history of living under fascism, who throw this phrase around like it's going out of fashion.A fascist seems to be someone who stands for something that you don't like.
Examples of fascist/totalitarian states are Nazi Germany, East Germany.Until you've suffered under such conditions, I suggest you think before you speak.
The fact that you're allowed to publicly demonstrate your opinions, whether it be via the internet, or in the form of peaceful protest, suggest to me that the picture you're attempting to paint of the UK is a little off. I also suspect that should your political creed get into power, you'd quickly stamp on the right to free speech, the right to protest etc.
Again, see Nazi Germany,East Germany,Soviet Union as examples.
With Love & Kisses,
What the hell happened
23.07.2006 04:11