UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Indymedia Radio London Newswire Show a special discussion from Palestine
17-05-2006 08:42

This debate was recorded especially for the Resonance FM Indymedia Radio London News Wire wednesday Slot and aims to present back ground of the current crisis in Palestine that is not generally explored in the Western Media.
Irish to Protest Howard Visit
16-05-2006 23:41

Shabby Treatment At Devonport Dockyard
16-05-2006 23:08
We arranged to deliver a letter to the Base Commander in preperation for the camp starting on 18/05/06 and found the arrangements altered at the last moment.Pentagon Flight 77 video - more questions than answers
16-05-2006 21:38
interesting that they feel a need to release this now...Monday afternoon with Brian Haw & Mark Thomas in Parliament square.
16-05-2006 20:00

Iran says nuclear right 'irreversible', rejects EU plan
16-05-2006 18:19
What the nuclear-rich Europeans have to understand, like the Russians and Chinese, is that this is not a "nuclear issue/crisis", but merely an effort by the Extremist Regime in the US to feign a justification for a war they've had planned for years now.It's a matter of Aggression, period. Nothing in the world can legitimize an invasion and subsequent occupation they see as "inevitable".
It should be pointed out that every relevant, credible body affirms that Iran is well within its rights under the NPT. The EU needs to stop playing the US/PNAC game, and start dealing with reality.
Today in Palestine, The Daily News for the 16th May 2006
16-05-2006 16:43

The Israeli Army orders a school in Jenin to remove the Palestinian flag, Army detains Palestinian Press photographer in Bethlehem, Israeli soldiers invade Al-Khader village, beat two children, Israeli Army invades the West Bank city of Nablus, Right-wing Jewish extremists try to set fire to a mosque in Hifa, Army invades Tammon village and the Army arrests resident from Al Hashmia village
LONDON: MEET PRESIDENT CHAVEZ - He calls Bush 'Hitler' and Blair 'the pawn'.
16-05-2006 12:36
The US 'PNAC pack' versus Venezuela: ''But the sanctions may not make much difference. Last year, on Chavez's orders, Venezuela's military began shifting arms-purchasing to non-US sources, including Brazil, China, Russia, and Spain.''Failure of the Affluent State
16-05-2006 05:28
When the State fails and criminals steal the reigns of power corruption filters through State institutions. The agencies and the regulatory ‘authorities’ usually ‘toe the line’ and therefore cannot be trusted to serve the interests of the people. When the government becomes a den of thieves, liars and murderers it is the people who must restore sanity and legitimate government.Iraqi children suffering alarming malnutrition - UNICEF
16-05-2006 04:34

Appealing to the United States is not very appealing
16-05-2006 04:05

North America: Big Brother said it: "It's the Moment of Truth!"
15-05-2006 22:07

15,500 on the run in E. Burma from Murder, Burnings, Mines, Rape, Torture
15-05-2006 19:30

Block the Builders target contractors again
15-05-2006 14:12

Inside Iraq: A women's story
15-05-2006 13:45
Film Showing and discussion, 1st June, 7.30pm in the International Community Centre, Mansfield Road. Organised by Nottingham Iraq/Iran Union Solidarity.Cross-party briefing on the Armed Forces Bill 17 May 2006, 6.30-8pm
15-05-2006 12:37
Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House (above Westminster tube, entrance on Victoria Embankment, wheelchair accessible)The Armed Forces Bill 2006, a major redrafting of military law, will be in the Commons on 22 May. Yet it has gone through committee stage with hardly a whisper in the media and a deafening silence even from politicians who opposed the Iraq war.
Liverpool Peace Tax Protest - 23 May
15-05-2006 12:03
Join protestors who have withheld 10% of their taxes as a protest against the military spending of our government. There will be a mock drain with a placard reading "Taxes for War - Money Down the Drain".Reed-Elsevier and the Arms Trade
15-05-2006 08:49
The following is an open email to all academics regarding the participation of the publishing house Reed-Elsevier in the arms trade. An academic boycott is being started; for more information and to sign up to the boycott go to: