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Liverpool Peace Tax Protest - 23 May

nfn | 15.05.2006 12:03 | Anti-militarism | Liverpool

Join protestors who have withheld 10% of their taxes as a protest against the military spending of our government. There will be a mock drain with a placard reading "Taxes for War - Money Down the Drain".

Come with your own placards / costumes/ symbols making a statement about where that money is going and where it would be better spent: for examplt health, education, environment, third world justice, restorative justice.

There was recently a similar protest in Swindon - see:

The organisers would also like to produce a visual display of life affirming 'things', real or modelled, that illustrate positive uses of money.

Afterwards protestors will head off to the tax office carrying the drain and symbolic cheques representing tax money spent on war, which will be ceremoniously put into the drain outside the tax office.

(If you can't make it on the day but can make placards or other creative contributions for the display, that would be wonderful)

12.30 to 1.30pm - Victoria Monument, Derby Square, Liverpool (by the law courts) - location map

