UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
PRESS RELEASE: President Bush declares war on bicycles.
15-05-2006 04:22
The following is a transcript of the President's address to the Nation.The Oil Wars
14-05-2006 18:13
There is a lot of noise coming from Washington these days about uranium enrichment in Iran. We know the script, we've seen it all before. It's another petro-dollars war and the people of Iran are about to feel the terror.Beep if U luv Brian
14-05-2006 16:23

Add the constant beeping of passing motorists, responding to the new "Beep for Brian" sign, and it's pretty clear that the level of support and the focus of publicity is making it difficult for police to enforce the judgement.
Leading US anti-war activist speaks in Cambridge June 15th
14-05-2006 14:51

14-05-2006 13:58

BREAKING: Chief Bush Advisor Indicted - Perjury!
13-05-2006 21:50
And Lying to Investigators!He's Going Down!
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Israeli Soldiers Shoot Two International Peace Activists In The Head at Bil’in
13-05-2006 14:45

“I saw blood gushing out of his head, and helped bandage it. As we were getting him into the ambulance an Israeli soldier grabbed his long hair and they all tried to stop him from leaving in the ambulance even though they knew he was injured”, said American eyewitness Zadie Susser who saw Phillip Reiss from Austraila sitting in shock immediately after he was hit.
IF U ENJOY FREEDOM 2 PROTEST, then support Brian Haw @ Parliament Sq tomorrow
13-05-2006 14:05
It is crucial that anyone who enjoys the freedom to protest in this country joins the solidarity gathering for Brian Haw tomorrow (Sunday) at Parliament Square, at 12pm, where Brian has been conducting his remarkable constant vigil for murdered children in Iraq 24/7 for the last five years, and who, upon learning of the High Court Appeal judgement against his protest is now at risk of being removed under from this place of protest - probably the most prominent location of protest that there could be in the context of the Iraq war.The US Government is taking us for suckers. Do the sums... I did.
13-05-2006 10:43

Main Bush Advisor Informs White House He Will Be Indicted
12-05-2006 23:41
HALLELLUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hundreds of Thousands in NY City March Against the War
12-05-2006 21:06
AGAIN, corporate media ignores a massive warprotest. Hundreds of thousands protested
immigration laws, and the corporate media had
helicoptors in several cities giving hourly updates
to these demonstrations.
But two days earlier on April 29 hundreds of
thousands of people in the streets of New York
City protesting the war in Iraq were given a ten
second soundbite of the podium where Cyndee
Sheehan and Rev. Jackson stood.
(video) Fallen Soldier Memorial (by Latuff)
12-05-2006 12:58

12-05-2006 12:44
SIROTA SHOWS HOS CORPORATE CASH CORRUPTS GOVERNMENT AT ALL LEVELS.Australian Wheat Board inquiry underscores real motivations behind Iraq war
12-05-2006 04:14

Mersey Councils Invest In Death
12-05-2006 00:28
Councils across Merseyside and Cheshire are pouring more than £28m into the world's largest arms companies - including Lockheed Martin and BAE Systems. As if that wasn't enough, they've also got a £3 million stake in Halliburton - Dick Cheney's favourite oil company!CALL TO ACTION: RE-INSTATE EU AND US AID TO PALESTINE
11-05-2006 23:29

Please copy, e-mail and distribute this as widely as possible.

Turkish, Iranian armies build up forces: Response to US Build-Ups & Covert Ops
11-05-2006 21:53
The "Iraq Treatment" proving useless against Iran, it appears that in sending Kurdish Colonial Auxiliaries and Covert Operatives into Iran - funded with money stolen from the Iraqi People - the Bush/PNAC Regime appears to be attempting to create a military crisis along Iraq's border.