UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Photos from Ramallah, West Bank and a short report.
23-01-2005 00:47

Protests and Counter-Inauguration at Bush Coronation
22-01-2005 19:58
Heard about the protests at Bush’s inauguration this week? No? Little attention has been paid to the protests, but some ten thousand people gathered in Washington DC to register their opposition to the Texan tea-leaf, and smaller demonstrations occurred all over the US.Labour war crimes poster
22-01-2005 14:43
Just got this from Progressive Webgroup Alliance mailing listRumsfeld cancels trip to Germany after war crimes accusations
22-01-2005 08:36
US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld cancelled a planned visit to Germany after a US human rights organisation asked German authorities to prosecute him for war crimes, Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) has learned.a planetary embrace
21-01-2005 18:37
We ourselves, the "weak" are actualy stronger than the "strong". In Washington the celebration of Bush election only have been reached after using so many military ressources that demonstrate that they, the "strong" are really, really affraid; and they will be more and more afraid until they discover that this were not the way.For us, the "weak", maybe the way begin calling them what they are.
DC IMC Bush Protests Precis - "Insurgents" Delay "Second Coming"
21-01-2005 06:38
short precis from Washington - dc imc - on the counter-inaugural protests 20th jan 05- see below
(+ funniest pic of the day award - Vice President Cheney's Limo hit by Snowball :-)

Pics from anti-bush vigil at US Embassy London
20-01-2005 21:00

There were one hundred candles - each representing one thousand Iraqi civilians killed since the invasion.
Dublin Catholic Worker Protests Bush Coronation
20-01-2005 17:58

Dublin Catholic Worker Protests Bush Coronation & Remembers the Names of the Dead
Palestine and the UN - Public Meeting - Brighton
20-01-2005 14:00
Public Meeting on Palestine and the UN with David Roberts from the Campign for UN RenewalTroops Out Public Meeting:Camberwell
20-01-2005 10:17
Troops Out-End the Occupation of Iraq-Public MeetingReview of Danny Schechter's new film `WMD - weapons of mass deception`
19-01-2005 05:41

Bush to Visit Brussells - Red Carpet & Flowers
18-01-2005 16:16
will the fomenter of war and chaos be greeted with cheers and flowers?Brighton ISM talk
18-01-2005 15:24
Monday 24th January, Cowley Club, London Road, Brighton 6-8ISMers recently in Palestine will be talking about their experiences and showing video footage.
Is Syria Next?
18-01-2005 15:12
Once again the disinformation is being spread, that Syria is where the terrorists are coming from, that Syria is harbouring terrorist training camps, that Syria is supporting insurgents in Iraq.Caterkiller cause the real criminal damage
18-01-2005 13:30
An activist was given a 12 month conditional discharge for criminal damage and ordered to pay £364 costs at Solihull magistrates yesterday for 'scuffing' a Caterkiller boss' comapny car. The activist was involved in a protest in June last year against Caterkiller's sale of D9, D10 and D11 armoured bulldozers to the Israeli military.Let's Move! An Appeal to the Global Conscience
17-01-2005 12:22
To those who consider the war in Iraq a mistake but still fear the consequences of military withdrawal, we ask these questions: when will enough be enough? If not now, when?Iraqi Insurgents Responsible for Fewer "Collateral" Casualties than American For
15-01-2005 15:45
In a much publicized article in The Atlantic Monthly, William Langewiesche wrote: "For the most part, . . . the insurgents' attacks are less nihilistic than they are logical and precisely focused, whether against the American coalition and its camp followers or their Iraqi agents and collaborators. The truth is that however vicious or even sadistic the insurgents may be, they are acutely aware of their popular base, and are responsible for fewer unintentional 'collateral' casualties than are the clumsy and overarmed American forces" ("Letter from Baghdad," January/February 2005).`Dear Mrs Blair` shows at the Scottish Parliament.
14-01-2005 14:12