UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Tajikistan: Strategic U.S. Victory, Tactical Setback
21-05-2004 17:48

The Silencing of America: Americans Are Afraid of Bush’s Violent Regime
21-05-2004 17:16

Arms company EDO MBM shut down for a day (Pics & Report)
21-05-2004 16:50

21-05-2004 16:05
Following a citizens weapons inspection at HMS Warrior (Northwood HQ) by Trident Ploughshares activists, a report has been produced by the group outlining their findings. (The report is based exactly on a report by Hans Blix of UNMOVIC)Getting Away With Murder - From the Bogside to Basra
21-05-2004 15:33

Israel fears growing terror threat by settlers
21-05-2004 15:28
Do Palestinians have any rights to defend their homes?Illegal Settlements: Israel Bulldozes ONLY Palestinian homes and towns in punishments and land stealing,thus creating more homeless refugees, killing women and children, re creating Ghettos, practicing racism against arab israelis and Bedouins..

Protest as Iraq C.P.A. media commisioner speaks at LSE
21-05-2004 15:23

What Israel Represents
20-05-2004 20:15
..a sworn army that routinely kills women and children .There is honor only in REFUSAL ; all else is hideous life long complicity.
Brighton activists blockade arms firm
20-05-2004 18:35
This morning activists blockaded the premises of arms firm EDO MBM, blocking traffic entering or leaving an industrial estate in Brighton for 4 hours. 5 people climbed onto the roof of EDO's building and dropped banners. At the time of writing this, one person is still on the roof.Cambridge Activists Scream Against War, Occupation, and Torture
20-05-2004 16:02

Farnborough International 2004
20-05-2004 11:18
The United Nations say that 90% of war-victims are civilians and at least half of these childern. Ironic then that Farnborough International 2004 should be using childern to foster acceptance of weapons systems at its 'air show' this year (Monday July 19 - Sunday July 25).Amnesty International Rafah Update and Plea to All Communities
20-05-2004 02:29
Israeli military demolishes homes and kills civilians.US Tax dollars is being spent creating more refugees, more violence.
Foreign Aid to Israel is Aid in Ethnic Cleansing.
Protests are taking place against the Israeli
19-05-2004 12:08
Protests are taking place against the Israeli atrocities taking placein
Gaza. Please spread the word and join us.
[GAZA] New Bloodshed In Rafah
19-05-2004 11:23
1/New bloodshed in Rafah_journal
2/Medical Rights Being Violated in Gaza Strip_PR from PHR
Scream against Occupation
19-05-2004 07:48
An informal group of Cambridge residents, sickened by the rising tide oftorture and human rights abuses committed by British and American troops in
the illegal occupation of Iraq, are taking their anger onto the streets of
Cambridge on Thursday in an unusual protest.
The occupation's Head of Media Development speaking at LSE on Friday
19-05-2004 00:27
Simon Haselock, the Head of Media Development for the Iraq occupation's Coalition Provisional Authority is coming to london's LSE to lecture students and the public on building democracy this Friday 21 Maymaybe someone ought to tell him to 'switch the channel'
Lynndie England comix (by Latuff)
19-05-2004 00:17

18-05-2004 14:11

Pix of The Wall Must Fall Rally, Sat 15 May 04 - Set 1 of 5
18-05-2004 12:33

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