UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Just criminals with medals (by Latuff)
25-05-2004 13:54

Roger Morris: A Call to Conscience
25-05-2004 13:03
Please circulate this article widely, to friends, family, lists, the papers (Guardian and Independent?) and American Embassies, MPs...Go To Hell Bush!!!
25-05-2004 02:24
European leaders are now under fire by the Bush to bail his ass out of Iraq. The Bush administration is seeking support for a UN resolution for a US led multination security force to uphold order in Iraq. Over sixty years ago the leaders of France and England confronted another madman in Munich. Instead of standing firm they agreed to sell out Czechoslovakia after Hitler assured them that he had no aims for further expansion. However, before the war was over Hitler had conquered all of Europe. Tyrants are never satisfied.Audio: US Marine Speaks Out on Iraq
24-05-2004 22:38
Ex-Marine Staff Sergeant Jimmy Massey talks about his time in Iraq where he admitted the U.S. treatment of Iraqi civilians is fueling the Iraqi resistance. In a recent interview he said "I felt like we were committing genocide in Iraq."Berg video filmed from inside AbuGhraib prison
24-05-2004 17:05

Abu Ghraib Abuse Scandal gets worse
24-05-2004 16:38
click on the links below-Paxman interviews Chomsky
24-05-2004 09:34
A short interview with Noam Chomsky, including transcript and video stream (Realplayer, low bandwidth). Jeremy Paxman, conducting the interview, is obviously trying to do what he can to hit Chomsky with the "tough questions", in notable contrast to his extremely subservient interview with Tony Blair before the war started...personally, I'd appreciate it if Mr. Paxman would secure another interview with Mr. Blair and ask some real questions this time.Holocaust revival (by Latuff)
24-05-2004 07:28

More On Torture Of Women In Iraq
23-05-2004 23:46
RE: Black Women's Rape Action Project; Women Against RapeMore photographs have come to light, which have been sent out recently with our statement to women legislators in US and UK about the rape of Iraqi women by the military. Please demand an answer from your MP, and send them our statement (, and send us their reply.
On that Iraqi wedding party and more
23-05-2004 15:28
Here are more reports on Iraq not highlighted in our corporate press. Please spread them around. Jamie-----
ZNet | Iraq
Wedding Party Massacre in Iraq
by Rory McCarthy; UK Guardian; May 21, 2004
Mahdi Nawaf shows photographs of his family members - father, wife and six children - killed in a US attack on what is claimed was a sleeping village Photograph: Anna Niedringhaus/AP
The wedding feast was finished and the women had just led the young bride and groom away to their marriage tent for the night when Haleema Shihab heard the first sounds of the fighter jets screeching through the sky above.
Northampton End the Occupation Demo
23-05-2004 12:28

Reports that USUK torturers and killers will grant themselves immunity
23-05-2004 05:16

Maybe they think they can move to Iraq.
How can they sleep at night? How can their spouses and families live with them?
How did they become so delusional, insecure and stupid?
Angry police shove peaceful protestors
23-05-2004 01:29

Nearly 3000 say "Stop the Torture"
22-05-2004 23:52

Once upon a time in Rafah (by Latuff)
21-05-2004 23:59

Rage against Sharon brings new life to Parliament Square
21-05-2004 23:24
After Brian Hawe's arrest, the square picks up again, this time with help from members of Palestine Solidarity Campaign and International Solidarity Movement. Numbers have varied from night to night, but Friday's was the lowest, with around 20 taking part.Petition to Stop US Military Aid to Israel (please sign)
21-05-2004 20:01
Please sign the petition below at: